
>I did nothing wrong!
>I waited longer!
>I suffered the most!

Remind me why people like Eriri again.

Other urls found in this thread:

Utaha a shit.

Eriri a shit.

Megumi is feces.


Fucking traitor.

The perfect girl indeed.

But Eriri didn't say that anywhere. It's like you didn't watch episode 6 at all.

Her looks will never overcome what a shit she is

>THK baiting: the thread
Here we go again.

S1 when she blames Aki for her own decision to ignore him for years

Clueless animefag. Eriri gave up on Tomoya already.

No one cares, kinpatsu twintail bishoujo is better than a boring main.

>doesn't even have the decency to tell a friend two months in advance that she's going to work on a year long project

That was probably the worst thing about it. She was never obligated to stay with him forever and could've just explained her wanting to grow as a creator. This shit never needed NTR-tier melodrama.

Michiru a best.

Read the LN.

I don't recall that anywhere in S1 either. Stop lying.

I know Megumi will eventually will by the time the story ends. But so what? My point stands.

For one, she is the cutest.

That scene is taken from the LN.

Read the latest LN. That's where Eriri said those lines. It goes something like 'I've been with him for 10 years and got nothing while Megumi's for just more than a year and she gets him.'

Flawed characters are interesting. That's what makes them more human, easier to relate, and desire to see them change for better or worse. That's basic 101.

But yeah, there's also being cute, flat-chest, twintails, ZR, blonde, tsundere, otaku, endearing, feisty, and all that to make her moe.

Seriously why should I care for any character in this show? Tomoya is an insufferable faggot, cousin and kouhai are literal whos, Utaha and Eiriri are deliberate walking tropes you could see in 5k other shows and Megumi is a possessive bitch.

>I did nothing wrong!
>I waited longer!
>I suffered the most!
She is right tho

Volume 13 isn't out yet? So what the hell?

git gud

Is Eriri the ultimate NTR heroine?

GS3 is out. That's where the lines are from.
I'm fine with her being a self-centered bitch who can't admit to her own faults from a character standpoint but I don't get Eririfags ignoring that and pretending she's perfect. Why would you deny the only interesting part of a character who's otherwise a bland archetype?

Megumi even told Utaha to "give back what's mine" when they were talking on the phone. This was when Tomoya was with Eriri and Utaha already. It's also mentioned that Megumi started liking Tomoya since volume 1 sleepover.

So is it Megumi's turn now to be hated and shat on by Maruto?

She's literally gonna win completely in the final volume. I don't understand how that equates to being hated and shat on by Maruto.

Okay. But Eriri doesn't appear to be in the summary yet.

Where does it show she blames him for her decision? I see Eriri criticized Tomoya for being arrogant in making enemies on his own accord, but not the other way around.

Nah. Most of this faggots are biased af and won't admit that Megumi is on the same level of selfishness as Eriri and Utaha. They complain about Eririshiters but they are the same piece of shit.

Yeah the summary's not finished. I read the LN tho.

reminder that egotistic lily spinoff manga got 2 volumes before it ended. meanwhile KM is still ongoing, and megumi is the main route heroine in the series proper (both main manga and actual LN). eriri a shit and btfo

Okay, how the fuck can Eriri even remotely expect herself to win? What twisted logic must a person have to think that you can treat a person like the way she treated Tomoya and think that they'll like you back. Especially sense Tomoya is a rageing autist who takes everything she does at face value.

I like Eriri as a character, but sometimes her inability to have any personal introspection infuriates me. I'm a peice of shit in my own way, but at least I recognise my flaws. Eriri is literally a dindu.

These last episodes have been boring as fuck fucking drama and circumstances are exagerated to hell and back

sounds just like a real woman desu

I hated more how they devoted a whole episode to justifying Eriri and Utaha's betrayal and trying to make them look sympathetic.


That's stupid. Megumi hasn't shown a single interest in Tomoya that early on. Nothing in the anime or even any summaries I've seen.

Translate the scene OP is talking about that isn't from episode 6/volume 6? Or give a detailed summary at least? Granted I have to talk what you say with a grain of salt since, well, I don't know you.

If everyone hates them though, they won't buy the merch!

This desu, Megumi thinks Tomoya is just a good friend thats all
Friendship end

>Autistic Utahafag is back sperging and baiting with unconfirmed spoilers based one phrase that completely contradicts GS2, GS1, and every volume after 6 from a biased and random user claiming to have "read" GS3
Cancerous shitposting at its finest.


She literally says, "I did nothing wrong" and cries because she was with him for ten years and got nothing, but Megumi was with him for a little more than a year and got him. Utaha tells her that Tomoya was always afraid that the closer he got to Eriri, the bigger he would be betrayed, and congratulates Eriri on reaching the same position Utaha is in, looked at only as a creator, not a girl.

>all those girls who fight for this average loser
truly a shit show for self-insert fags

>feeding people his fake and slanted spoilers with fucked up context
A sign of a serial troll.

UtahaxEriri hatesex will be glorious

He's not average. You couldn't call this level of faggotry average, user.

Jesus christ Eriri, the worst kind of person.

What are you doing in a harem thread you silly yurifag? Dont you have a madoka thread to post into

Trips speak the truth. I'm still disappointed the author thought it necessary to let Megumi turn into a crazy, possessive bitch, though. There goes the last thing I liked about this series

>good friend
Wasn't that the whole deal with Megumi's arc in episode 9/volume 7 anyhow? That's what she wanted to be treated as.

Eriri is very emotional and can tear up easily despite the tough and strong exterior she puts out and reinforced by boastful pride is normal. Sulking like about as a longtime childhood is also normal.

But where is this did nothing wrong bit coming from? That makes no sense admitted she has wronged him twice and realizes the hurt it would bring for abandoning his side for a second time.

Possessive yes. Idk about crazy tho.

sense since she*

>"But, why, why..."
>"As I thought, the reason you (furigana: me) didn't wind up like that with him is there."
>They give questions and answers filled with demonstratives and hidden keywords, hurting each other and sympathizing with one other all too painfully.
>"That's why I wanted to know."
>"And what are you saying will come from that?"
>"I've been saying this for a while now. I was thinking about how a comedy between a foolish boy and girl suddenly turns cold."
>"I, I...I haven't done a single thing wrong!"
>"That mentality is worth respect, and it's an essential element of being a creator. I want to treasure it, and personally I like that, but...

Screencap translation.

user, he's trolling. Just wait until Avalon completes the full summary.

The last time he completed a summary was V8. All the other times he just copy pasted from pastebin summaries on Sup Forums.

Ep 09 is released by Doki so.
Truly masterpiece direction, including animation direction. I'm still not sure why they agreed (especially Eriri, like WTF), but I guess it will be shown in next episode.
I hope the everything will be 大丈夫。

Well, that doesn't sound as bad. It still doesn't sense if she includes the time before Tomoya and she made up.

I'm talking that with a grain of salt for now.

Do we have confirmed spoilers or is still shitposting?

There's literally a screencap out there. If you read the last thread you'd get the basic gist of how Eriri gave up.

But the screencap doesn't have context and the last thread was a guy baiting.

>triggered Eriritards on full damage control again
Worst fans.

So can someone link me to a summery or give me the gist? Did Eriri completely give up already? Is she really such a shit person she doesn't think she's done anything wrong?

She seems like the kind of person to not give a shit about megumi's feelings and confess to Tomoya anyway in some last ditch effort. So I don't see her quietly surrendering.

She didn't quietly surrender. She bawled until she fell asleep with her head on Utaha's lap.

Maruto only hates Eriri.

I mean in the sense she's not going to pursue Tomoya anymore and never convey her feelings.

Glad to see her tears though, bitch deserves that.

We need yandere Megumi taking out the competition nice boat style.

Megumi has been ruthlessly shat on throughout V12 and GS3 to drag her out of her shell. She completely loses verbally to Iori and Utaha.

>Megumi leaves
>nothing wrong happens
>Eriri and Utaha leave
>the world ends
Please nerf main heroines

>I like flawed characters
>but I wont accept criticism for them and will excuse and apologize for their shit traits and actions

Fuck off.

>I want her to suffer and cry
Nice criticism.

Official ranking after GS3:

Utaha > Megumi > Michiru > Izumi > Eriri

She deserves it and based Maruto is delivering.

Eriri > Megumi > Michiru > Izumi >Eriri's babysitter


Reposting for more results


So is Eriri going to confess to Tomoya or not?

How would Tomoya react to such a confession.

And if they got married, how long would it take for Eriri to cheat on him with some faceless bald guy cause he can't make her cum anymore?

>So is Eriri going to confess to Tomoya or not?

No, she gave up. Megumi has him now, and everyone knows how crazy she is for him at this point.

I only want her to confess solely for a rejection seen. The Schadenfreude of Tomoya putter her in her place finally is something I need.

Would Megumi accept him everytime he leaves to save some girl but then come back saying he loves her?

If Megumi hasn't gotten tired of him at this point, then she's far too thirsty to leave him now.

>a shit or worst
>when she explains to Eriri in detail why she's such a shit that will lose the Tomoyabowl
>even makes a book out of Eriri's failure to ridicule her some more and expose her to the rest of the world

Utaha is top tier. Meanwhile Eriri has descended to a whole level of loser, I mean, holy shit, not even Yui from Yahari will get BTFO this badly.

>forcing shitstorm after what happened in the last thread
THK's autism needs to die and stay dead.

So do you think the losers are going to end up with anyone? Or are they all going to die alone?

>same assblasted Eririshitter

>anything but bottom barrel and joke heroine who is irrelevant and backwards character development who only has mediocre at best interactions with Eriri and terrible to non-existent interactions with everyone else
a shit.

No, THK. No

Any Eririfags and Utahafags in here? I want to kick your asses

How come MC's best friend never wins one? Iori in this case.

Utaha is fine. The only stain in her record is volume 10.

Iori should get one of the leftover girls

Are you that retarded and dense?
Utaha was generically teasing Eriri like she always does in a roundabout way that says she cares and admires Eriri. She even agrees with her and praise her here

Was this the show with everyone hooking up with one another?

>Utaha will focus on her career forever and never end up with anyone, becoming dead on the inside and living a hollow existence with no passion.

>Eriri will whore herself out to producers and fat old men in a vain attempt to cope with her crippling loneliness with pure lust, only leading to intense self loathing, often crying herself to sleep as she's covered in cum from a producer her promised her a role in some shitty JRPG.

>Michiru will meet some nice young man and have 2.5 kids, a golden retriever and a a white picket fence.

>Akane gets blown up by Kira and he wipes his ass with her hand.

>Are you [insert butthurt insult here]?

Christ, at least change your writing style up a bit, Eririfag. That doesn't change the fact Utaha is awesome for pointing out the hard truth in Eriri's fucking face.

Iori can have a fivesome with Icy Tail whenever he wants.