You idiots are so fucking gullible...

You idiots are so fucking gullible. Trump is leading the charge in enriching the upper class at the middle class's expense. And still, you continue to buy into the muh tax cut bonuses propaganda. Are you really that much of a cuck that you believe we should be thankful for getting scraps after these tax cuts?
Don't forget that the average Walmart "bonus" was $190 and not $1000. The entire tax-cut bonus announcement was coordinated to coverup the layoffs. So people "supporting the tax-cut" for less than $200 is a Republican myth.
In fact, Many companies have announced new bonuses or accelerated schedules on pre-announced perks since tax reforms passed. Butonly 2% of American adultssay they’ve gotten a raise, bonus or other benefits because of the new tax law, according to a recent study.
But none of this matters does it? Trump fags will gladly submit to our new oligarchs as long as they keep blaming brown people for America's problems.

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That's Walmart's problem, not Trump. Gov't doesn't directly control private enterprise.

How about the bonus check I get from paying less taxes?

Hi Share Blue!!!!!

>Walmart is run by the greediest people on Earth
>Grumpf is at fault

fake news kike article

Walmart + Sams Club are closing stores that dont hit their profit metrics. Just like many mass-chain/restaurants do.

>leftists really believe you should lose money, intentionally.

while by the way, opening up far more than they close into new markets.

wow, were you born stupid or were you dropped on your head...

This happened when Reagan did his enormous tax cut (larger than Trumps) and when Bush did his as well.

When corporations get their taxes cut, they can freely drop their biggest expenses (human capital) and still make more money than they did before.

We had massive unemployment when Reagan did it...we had massive unemployment when Bush did it...and we'll have massive unemployment again.

Maybe this has something to do with the fact that the staff at WalMart is abysmal, and they're streamlining the shopping experience with in-store item pickups being rolled out across the country.

>Like the dirt cheap walmart prices, but don't like walking around a 100,000 square foot warehouse filled with the lowest trash of the human genome? Just place your order online, walk in, pick up your box of groceries, and leave.

My town is like, in a triangle of walmarts. It's something like 12 minutes from one walmart to the next, with all three encapsulating the town in a walmart triforce. I can never take anyone serious if they try to say walmart is losing money.