I wish Scum's Wish was scummier.
I wish Scum's Wish was scummier
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It was pretty tame considering the theme. Probably Ecchan fucked Hanabi because nips don't see lesbian sex as real sex and even Ecchan got cured by cousin
Hey Digibro what's up
>even Ecchan got cured by cousin
That's just a meme.
Meant for
It should've been 8 episodes and had more sex. Would've been better.
stop shilling your YT account here faggot
The intention was pretty obvious and Japan has a proud history of "curing" lesbians. Not including it fits with the theme of growing up
OP is Digibro
Fuck off. Also, if you want to claim you're not samefagging you better produce some screenshots.
>even Ecchan got cured by cousin
I still don't believe that for a second.
Geez bro calm the fuck down, I like yuri shit okay?
Wait for the epilogue. Always expect the worst, especially if it's yuri-related
I've already seen this post.
Anyway, speculations on the author's intentions and Japan's dumb tropes are not enough to claim Ecchan got "cured". The guy didn't even appear in the last chapters.
That's not what I meant by screenshots, retard.
Daily Reminder 2017 is the year of NTR.
Ecchan won. Deal with it.
Maybe I could get what I want. That being cuck sensei and Akane's releationship being destroyed. If Ecchan and Hanabi stays, then that's icing.
The author opened that interpretation by introducing cousin and not making clear if Ecchan was still into girls and cut her hair for becoming a turbodyke or she got over her crush on Hanabi and cut her hair as a symbolic act of her failed crush so she was ready to move on to a real relationship with a man. It's the author's fault and it was probably intentional considering the cultural context
The cousin is irrelevant, his purpose was to make Hanabi make a decision. Ecchan cut her hair to symbolize her moving on from Hanabi not from being gay and in the end she kinda fell in love again.
That's the joke you fuck
This manga ended in 2015. I doubt we'll ever get an anime adaptation any time soon.
Himegoto's getting an anime?
Man I wish that was true. The butthurt on here will be glorious.
Feeling EXPOSED huh Digicuck
Nah its not...
but who knows.
It would be an NTR shitfest for the ages.
You're from the previous thread right? I'm glad you liked my recommendation.
Yeah that's me.
Haven't finished it yet, but holy fuck its been so fucking incredible so far.
Also what the fuck its the same author as Hatsukoi Zombie.
>Also what the fuck its the same author as Hatsukoi Zombie.
You didn't know? That's funny. Himegoto is so underrated. This should have got an anime adaptation instead of Kuzu, which is a cheap show.
I mean im glad it got an adaptation none the less. But now when the inevitable Hatsukoi Zombie adaptation comes out im just going to be pissed.
What does Japan think of cousin anyway? I doubt they give a shit about anything besides their OTP Hanabi/Mugi but there must be some opinion. Just speculation but cousin must be more accepted among the normalfags thanks to the j-drama
My wife Sanae is adorable
Honeybee is more adorable
Your wife is a rapist.
How can it be rape if lesbian sex isn't real?
I agree, it was melodramatic bullshit.
I'll never understand how people can bitch about melodrama when watching a romance/drama. Do you understand you're watching an animated soap opera?
She must be an exceptional rapist, I suppose.
demolition d said the exact same thing
hidden for e-celeb nonsense
Are any of the author's other works worth reading?
I'll never understand how people can bitch about people wanting a romance/drama that isn't forced melodramatic bullshit, as if that's an impossible feat.
>people here actually watch e-celebs garbage
Sup Forums hide itself behind this elitism wall but beneath the wall its nothing but casual normalfags shitter.
No one give a fuck. Go donate money to him like the good little goyim that you are.
Ecchan went all the way, right?
Hanabi is a ``virgin''
It's called being a CONTENT CREATOR, user.
She's a virgin under nips standards because Ecchan doesn't have a cock
I feel like Sup Forums would implode on itself at himegoto. I love this series along with kuzu and the new NTR manga getting an anime adaption.
While kuzu is the most tame and dull of the 3 I loved the adaptation and story. I doubt himegoto will ever get an adaption because it's just a bit too much.
Hatsukoi zombie is alright but it is going to be pretty sad that it'll get adapted over the other one. We could always hope for both I guess.
Nice thread.