Guys, I REALLY love Lain!
Guys, I REALLY love Lain!
I love Lain sexually.
Is Lain a loli?
I love Lain spiritually
real talk though lain is for real ugly.
2000s era girls are repulsive.
Present day
Lain as a series is slightly above mediocre but since it was a lot of people's introduction to "serious" anime and had a decent sense of style it is memed far above its quality
>had a decent sense of style
Just. No.
Then name a better anime than lain
>implying it didn't
Good panoramas and kino framing. Animation was average and there wasn't a lot of it, but it also didn't have a great budget. And all the music for the series, both the OST and licensed songs were expertly chosen. "Decent sense of style" might even be putting it a bit too mildly
Boku no pico
I love Lain memetically.
Is it the pleb opinion to love the original dvd color palette?
I know blu-ray has better quality, but it's not my Lain.
captcha: boscoreale lane
Most 13 year old japanese girls aren't sexy
Technically, yes
Lain is my daughterfu.
I'm saddened that Sup Forums doesn't care about her (or lolis) anymore. Fucking normalfags.
I just want a goddamn LainOS.
How hard could it possibly be?
get out of Sup Forums
There was a Lain DE that I know of. It's old as fuck though.
I know of two attempts, but neither has been updated since 2005 and the devs are probably dead at this point.
We'll just have to settle for ricing our setups.
I kinda wish it had another season, I need more Lain in my life.
>implying templeOS isn't just LainOS
let's all love lain
Not with its lack of networking.
Is Lain meant for lewding?
Leave Sup Forums forever
Lain has such cute outfits.
Moshi moshi?
Predicted the future pretty well.