15 more hours until the ultimate showdown, who hype
Busou Shoujo
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Looking foward to one more good screencap
What are her 10 desires?
Warabi best screencaps
1 dick
2 dick
3 dick
4 dick
5 dick
6 dick
7 dick
8 dick
9 dick
10 dick
I liked this, but thank god all the shitposting got focused on here.
You saved spring from THK.
Will Amou finally be redeemed?
The shitposting is a nice distraction from how badly they botched the manga adaptation
Are her breasts going to keep growing as the episode goes on like they did in the last one?
Considering Nomura genderbends every girl (male) he gets near, yes
Real fucking talk.
How can ANYONE dislike a girl with a body as perfect as Amou?
Miko a best.
Empress a shit.
Fuck off, Onitard.
Playing with swords in the shower
I want her to play with my sword.
No, no
Satori a best. A BEST.
What is this expression trying to convey?
Miko a best. A BEST.
>can sone one tell me what is happening? i cant see shit
>all these Mikofags
Finally some good taste.
And Onifags literally don't exist anymore. All is good.
Amou > Miko > Oni > Warabi > France > Satori
Can we all agree?
Fuck off.
Satori > Warabi > Miko > France > Amou > Oni
What does she want Sup Forums?
>who hype
The animation and pacing of the show is terrible. I want more translation of the god damn manga, which is great.
What's up with nono's crotch? Does she have her panties on backwards or something?
Multiple cute kids.
Hype for what? shit animation? no thanks.
How would you describe this girl?
I better hear SORE WA during the final battle.
You know, this is war crime level of abuse.
Best girl.
Yes and it's actually triggering "him".
I want an Asanagi mindbreak with these girls.
Oh it's gonna be way worse than that. Like male students rebel and hack off these girls limbs for example.
But it doesn't looks like he has any real interests in this series yet. My guess his next Victim Girls work would be either Kantai, Fate GO or Kemono Friends.
Might have a page or two in his omake books though.
what would be her shot type?
nono is such a cutie, I want her to be my imouto
Holy shit.
Asanagi is going to make France and Oni suffer
He better have a nice paizuri scene with France
>best girl
>has a role in the last 3 episodes
Mikofags are suffering
Rapid fire with medium-high damage, homing shots when unfocused. Essentially Reimu
Needs to be a mix between Reimu's and Youmu's.
Fuck off, Onitard.
I would dedicate my entire life for her
I want to rape Amou!
>committing sodomy
I want a footjob from Oni.
Does that say stab here?
Oni a best.
of ultimate destiny
>canon ugly bitch who stopped being relevant weeks ago and lost nearly all her fans
Kill yourself, Greenfag
I'm an Amou fan, though.
That's even worse.
>lying on the internet
I agree with him. Oni a best.
Amou is the most interesting and well written character in the show, though.
>Liking worst girl and most edgiest character of the season for a shallow yandere reason
>Amou is the most interesting and well written character in the show
Bearfag here. I come to laugh at you.
Amou is objectively the most interesting character in this show. She conflates physical strength for status, and believes combat effectiveness is the only meritocratic metric of social capital. She views Nomura as hear equal, nevertheless, she couldn't control him (this lack of control is exacerbated by her romantic feelings towards him witch hitherto are unreciprocated).
She eventually recognizes that her anger is a result of this incongruity, discussing it her closing monologue.
She realized that she had lost sight of what she originally wanted: something different, something she didn't control, something not "colored" by her. But this wasn't possible. Nomura wouldn't accept her for who she was. Amou wanted Nomura to be hers, but of course Nomura would never allow that. And Amoura knows this. She also knows it's too late to go back. The damage she's inflicted, the harm she's caused, the lives she's allegedly ended, they all prevent her from reaching "the shining light" that she lost sight of back then. In other words, she believes Nomura will never forgive her for her transgressions. The very means she's using to obtain her goal renders the goal itself moot.
Anyways, Amou Kirukiru is an incredibly interesting character. It's upsetting to realize that such an interesting character exists in such a dumb show. From a narrative standpoint, she doesn't belong here. She's a serious character in a parody show, so of course other people won't like her. She literally shows up and murders everyone's waifus. This show is, as far as I can tell, a comedy, and nothing about Amou is funny.
>Amoutards are this delusional
It's not even funny, just sad.
Miko's arc fucking when?
So this is copypasta now. It's not even funny, just cringe level of trying too hard.
Personality aside, Amou>>>the rest body-wise. Although in the manga French is overall the prettiest Busou shoujo.
Nomura "If it's cute, fuck it" Fudou
Chouka a cute. A CUTE.
Nomura "if it has a dick, give it a lick" Fudou
Nomura "if it's a guy that's reason why" Fudou
Nomura "ain't going to kiss a miss" Fudou
Manga French is rs really hot. The hottest maybe all things considered. Her only real problem is that she's not quirky enough to stand out in this particular cast.
>ultimate showdown
She needs an arc to do something in.
She's very thirsty.
>old hag
Bump down Amou and then we can start talking.
>autistic waifufags unironically raging empress btfo their sluts
This should happen more often.
>oni in the middle
Are you fucking crazy? Swap for bearloli and then put either france or oni last depending on how devastated by constantly eating shit your taste is.
I'd actually argue warabe is higher since miko so far is just dorkbait but there is some charm to blind rabbits so there's that.
The girls are all cute. How could I only choose one?
Yes, in the prison
Tell me about Oni, why does she wear the mask?
This. I unironically really like all of them. Even the side girls like the one with purple underwear.