

Or the happiest corpse in the world?

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There are people who unironically believe this angel did anything wrong when she has been dreaming of saving the world all this time.

I find the spoilers more enjoyable than the show.

Because she wanted to be like Lilia.

>never heard anyone use the word "smugging" ever
>look it up to see if it's even a real word

What the fuck is this shit.


yes shell wake up as the happiest girl in the world

everything will be DIEJOUBU

The part about Elq dreaming forever of protecting her loved one like Lilia was adorable and sad as fuck. I hope you will find it one day Elq.

These two leprechauns can't be this cute!

She finds it all the time through the fairies

But eps 10 is the final episode, user.

How do you pronounce this?

E-ru-ku Ha-ru-ku-su-te-i-n

Chopping Chimp

Elk Harkestine

Why am I getting so much Muvluv flashbacks?

She's the happiest everything.

Ku-tu Veh-zi-to-ru

I love the OST. I love both OP and ED

Elq (((Harkstein)))


Did he just fucking defeated a beast with just bare hands?

Nero Chaos

>I find the spoilers more enjoyable than the show.

That's because the show is doing a horrible job on selling why these tragic moments matter

It's all empty emotional platitudes without any structure especially with their insistence of having off-screen battles that should be the climax

El Harambe

Must be sad no one agree with you.


> *Signs adoption papers behind you*
psssshh.... nothing personnel... emnetwhit...

who this

Navrutri, Willem's friend and a fellow Quasi Brave.

Next ep is anime original right?

is being a quasi brave the equivalent of being kumagawa

No, she becomes immortal and lives with Willem in the end + Elq

I keep thinking this is an anagram for something...

Willem's mentor, friend, visitor also gay

Has the single of this song already been released?

>We will never see Willy Brutally Smashing Beast against the walls like some God of War

Also why Beast didn't attack him right away? I'm pretty sure the beast was going to say something like Oto---saan

Does Kutori join them later even after the time she get's reincarnated?

The pet is stuck with his master forever

That's not the asshole Nils D. Foreigner.

I heard it's coming out in August.

t White men

He destroyed that beast without Kaliyons or any weapons, what the hell?

Imagine how strong Willem in his prime.

She falls in love with Willem.

Are the novels and the sequel translated in english yet?


So Lillia was a regular Brave, right? What's the difference between regular Braves and Quasi Braves? Are Quasi-Braves made artificially or something?

Quasi-Braves lack the tragic past and had to go through highly intensive training to reach the level of a regular Brave. Regular Braves have horrible lives, iirc and I'm not talking out of another user's ass.

They're half as brave

Lilia is a Regal Brave, the pinnacle of all Braves. The Quasi Braves are those exceptional people that possesses good fighting skill, Venom control, innate talent, ancient techniques that got passed down in family and so on.

In order to be a Regal Brave one must have a tragic background, exposition, or a life of suffering. The more tragic your life is, the more stronger you are. Regal Braves are few and only selected individuals can become one if they passed the prerequisites.

What the hell? They have tests for suffering and if you're suffering a lot you get super powers?

The more you've suffered the stronger your weapon gets, combine that with good genetics and you get a regal brave.

Agree apart from the offscreen battles.
They are just going too fast so Willem is crying every other ep which is just too much.
Really enjoyed it for the first ep or two, but then it wanted me to cry before I was emotionally invested which really killed the enjoyment for me.

>mfw not a single nigger was in the show
Haven't had a good laugh in a while, takes user.

Cthu - lu

It is according to the Church of Holy Light. Also, Seniolis/Seniorus the ultimate Kaliyon to defend the humanity has an immense fetish for suffering and despair. It only accepts a wielder that has a dogshit life and pain.

Seniolis is a piece of shit weapon and needs to get remove.

Do these four get laid before dying?

Yellow definitely doesn't

I agree with this. I know this will sound heretical, but I think this show could have benefited from some good filler.

It would be enough if they just didn't cut anything, no need for filler.

Tiat gets a kiss from new MC

Welcome to CommieRoll's world.

>mfw the after story is about Tiat, Colon and the remaining lolis
>first part is just a setup for the next stage of suffering and the stars are these poor clueless lolis
>they are going to get entangled with the political strife bullshit and civil war
>in the time that they grown up, they will all meet again in the battlefield and will fight each other


So what happened to 'him', did he just fuck off after humanity got wiped out or did he help create furry paradise with sage?

1-4 completely translated, 5 not yet fully finished, no word on whether the translator will continue on with the sequel.


Nothing really, from the looks of it. He's just been living on the islands as a normal, anonymous person apparently.

He is still based and a dick after hundreds of years passed. If I recall correctly, Nils D. Foreigner is from another planet and an ayylmao.

Navruti, the guy in that flashback and shown here would've had the same fate as every other human.

Nips are really eloquent in comment sections.
by the way, what's used for boredom?

Neat, how much does LN plot differs from anime one?

So when are we getting the OST? More importantly will it include Scarborough Fair?

EP1 was fucking god tier. One of the best opening episodes I've watched.

Well yeah, obviously. Just saying that he just ain't done all that much other than law low for the past 500 years, and the only reason he got involved in the plot again at all was because Elq and Willem literally fell into his lap from the sky.

Not all that much really. All that missing is some of the flashbacks and characterizations from 500 years ago, inner monologues that give a bit more additional characterization and a few background details, and one certain spoilerific scene at end of volume 1.

The overall plot is exactly the same though.

Translations are found at fgilantranslations. I would suggest just going ahead and reading all of them if you're interested, they're all pretty short and fast reads.

On 7/12.

Umm, everything is going to be daijoubu right?

Everything will be diejoubu

Of course.

You are probably overthinking.
They were probably trying to mix 'smug' and 'nothing' since Chtoly awkwardly repeats it twice in jap as well.

how does williem die?

Ika-chan just asked something like "why are you grinning like that?", to which Ctholly replied with "grin... grin". Somehow that didn't sit well with the hand of localization though so they decided to fuck everything up.

>Imagine how strong Willem in his prime.
those beasts were only as powerful as humans so he could probably just beat it with his hands
However now he is infected and will become a monster

from happiness being married to chtolly

>to which Ctholly replied with "grin... grin"
I'd go with 'Grinning? Grinning...', because
>grin... grin
just seems to much like *action* and the fact that she just repeated slut's words gets lost. 'Smiling' instead of 'grinning' could also work.
Still your translation is better than Crunchy/Funi/whoever did this?

Remember Lillia Asplay is Willem's former girlfriend



No, you're confusing something about how languages work.

Japanese use onomatopoeia and verbs a little differently than we do and in a sing-songy sort of playful way. For example, one of the ones you will see the most is "JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" used for characters staring at something. In English, we would never say "STAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAREEEEE", except on anime image boards. Basically, the Japanese actually say the words that in English, you would normally put in *marks*. *stares*, *smiles*, etc.

Their translation was okay. This is just something that uses unique language/cultural features. It is harder to translate than honorifics, so I think it's okay to just accept what they did.

This was extremely predictable

So it's pretty obvious Elq is gonna be like, well Chtolly, I'm gonna take over your body now, but it's ok. You can see me fuck your husbando while you're in the sunken place. Peace.

>Basically, the Japanese actually say the words that in English, you would normally put in *marks*. *stares*, *smiles*, etc.
1)A lot of nouns can be verbs, so not really. It can also work as 'stare', 'smile', etc.
2)You make some concessions so translation doesn't sound retarded in English (like getting rid of triple negatives).
3)Kotori just repeated the last word the slut used, so keeping it this way in the translation is the superior choice (especially since it still works as a translation, because ニヤ is a suru verb).
>Their translation was okay.
>It is harder to translate than honorifics, so I think it's okay to just accept what they did.
A random weeb on Laotian cave paintings board can translate it better
>"why are you grinning like that?", to which Ctholly replied with "grin... grin"
so no, not acceptable from a 'professional' translator. To think that idiots pay to watch this.

Hell, why do I even bother replying. I bet you are 'merely pretending'.

No, it's not.

She isn't. She never found courage to confess.

With Ren

I am not merely pretending. You just better explained the noun/verb problem.

But for the Japanese to voice things like "swirl-swirl" or to make the sound of scissors cutting for the act of scissors cutting-- or like, "furafura" etc. We just don't do this is in English as often. It is not how native English speakers interact with the language.

Perhaps a better translation pattern would be something like "why do you look so satisfied?" "mm.. satisfied?! satisfied!". That could use better word choices, but mirrors the idea of her hearing a word and exploring her mental state with it.

answering some questions from the previous thread

Well not sneak exactly, because she does it right in front of Ren, Ren goes "wtf are you doing" and throws her out.

No idea, she doesn't appear after the timeskip

bullshit, she love Willem

She did, but she never confessed her love.

She triggered "I have something important to tell you once I come back from this mission" flag, didn't she?