FISAgate memo leaked. The deep state is even more corrupt and screwed up than we realized.
FISAgate memo leaked. The deep state is even more corrupt and screwed up than we realized
Wow really deactivates my atoms
>7-8% more powerful
It just permeated my pecans
The deep state is crazy.
Fake and gay
Good find OP! What's your source? I'm going to properly vet this after my wife's son and I watch his mother fuck a nigger. Bbiam.
wow american sized if not myth
1.) """leaked"""
2.) leaf
3.) No source
Seems legit.
>48 bold
Fucking leaf
Kek quality shitpost leaf, have a (You)
i have meemo too leef
Quality shitpost
You guys the Russians fabricated this bullshit...right?
Shameless smear campaign.
Send it to Assange.
>As you may know, I am acting FBI director
Fake and gay
>CC: FBI staff
I don't trust anything that falls off a tree and becomes a nations flag.
Checked. 99.99% F&G rating.
>Re: Eliminate Trump Via FISA Warrant
Get this to Hannity. He'll run with it.
die leaf faggot
I wouldn't put it past the DNC...
Day of the syrup, leaf.
The north wall just got 7-8% higher.