C’mon am I seriously gonna have to take this to t_d
I don’t want to go there as much as you don’t
Gavin Gutierrez
Well, yea.
Adrian Barnes
>Dreddit Triggered KYSs, Drupftards.
Ayden Jackson
Fuck off fag some of us want a race war now!
Jose Bennett
>implying drumpf supporters don't have paper-thin skin and live in denial to convince themselves otherwise
Dominic Robinson
they didnt even get the hat material correct, just the font.
Carter Carter
No, they didn't even get the font right. That looks like Rockwell Bold. The MAGA hat uses some off-the-shelf serif font embroiderers have, possibly Times New Roman.
Caleb Bailey
Wait.....is there a legal loophole where we pull the liberal "we identify as X and are being personally descriminated against" and unanimously press charges for mass descrimination. Outkike the kikes. Imagine if this movies legal cost seriously negated the budget and made it a huge flop. If anyone can make this happen its us.
Connor Hall
That would be You Democrats and Libshits
Cooper Rogers
Hollywood is beyond salty
Isaiah Gomez
1 downboat
Benjamin Robinson
Jaxon Phillips
>implying accusations of insecurity have any substantive rhetorical value and aren't just a whip used to control the easily impressionable goyim
William Howard
Alright. Youtube bots rolling in.
Austin Collins
I find it ironic that Trump is pushing for unity in his SOTU, while Hollywood (and democrats in Congress) seem to be completely against it. Like, what the hell do you think this is accomplishing?
Zachary Moore
be you
Jacob Rogers
my god why do soyboys stand like that, legs bowed inward like a sissy, paunch and hips sticking out widely as pear-shaped as they can get. but he has a face like he thinks he is the baddest hardest communist nazi-puncher, but cant make a fist with those limp wrists.