Anime Harem

What is your anime harem? You favorite waifus?

For the lazy

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off retard



>favorite waifus
Fuck off and kill yourself, casual newfag cancer.








Why would I want a harem if I can have perfection?


Heiki Hechara/10

Variable Boob Size/10


is that a touhou

I'm afraid it is.

What of it?

but touhou isn't anime

Well, it has fan-made anime, also she's one of my all time favorite characters, so deal with it.

Why do you like the arrogant shrine maiden?



I can identify with her and her design is 100/10.

I have a harem, because my heart is big enough to hold them all.



So much greed.


I would never cheat on my waifu

You speak of greed. You have no idea of what is coming.

what the fuck, you can't have too many waifus!

Seriously fuck you guys

r8 my taste!

There are 374 square here...all I wanted was Chinese Rite of Zhou with 121. That's to much

You have one waifu, and then you have an unlimited number of harlots.


Ok this is well past the line of greed. This is just a weird combination of comical and sad.

R8 it lads





Well played user. Well played.


>not filling all

>having more than one waifu

I know, it's shit

Rushdoony was right about the gays


>more than 1 waifu

End you'reselves.

Care to post the full version of that Rei?

user marry me, we can share the harem.

Though personally I prefer Electra over Faye and different girls for the other fighting game choices.


The only one for me.

Wasn't that a boy!?
I'll give you one point
best witch
cute wife
You are a nice person.
>plate armor
she was best girl

Fresh OC, goyim.

Here you go, user.




I think you have a type

If I am forced to make a full harem and not just my waifu.


Nice loyalty.

I'm not sure you can trust your knights to protect you.

Spooky. The only connecting factor here that I can think of is that they're all very expressive? Tell me about your choices.

You are a hat-maker.

Fact: Nuifags are the most powerful people on earth

So much femdom. My penis is scared and at the same time excited.

Someone seriously have to create a Rite of Zhou Harem Template

What is wrong with wanting a harem? Is not like humans are naturally monogamous animals that mate with one partner for life.

I think the hate is less about people wanting a harem and more about people wanting waifus in the plural form.

I can never understand how the mind of a person who gets off on femdom works. Like, sometimes I'd like to hear what they have to say if it would help my understanding of them.

>Wanting waifus in the plural form
But why have a harem if you won't love them all equally?

>27 Hereditary Consorts (世婦)
What does this mean? Your son gets her daughter? Your son gets her too? You get her daughter too?

That's not how it fucking works you idiot. There's always been a Great Royal Wife above the rest, and usually an even more elaborate scheme of honors

I think it means they are consorts exclusively for producing heirs.

I don't understand how it works for others, but for me personally, in the theoretical situation where I found myself someone who is waifu tier, I assume I would move on from the rest of the harem.

Was there another kind?

This is how I am. I don't want anyone except my 1 waifu.

>I can never understand how the mind of a person who gets off on femdom works. Like, sometimes I'd like to hear what they have to say if it would help my understanding of them.
Well for me it's not that I want to be dominated, I want to fight. Each person pushing each other to their limits then...finishing it.

Only one waifu but much haremu

My waifu leads my harem.

Sure. Take the Rite of Zhou
1 Empress = Partner and Equal. True Love, Best Sex
3 Madames = Trusted Tender Loving
9 Imperial Concubines = Good Friends With Benefits
27 Hereditary Consorts = Pure Procreational Sex
81 Imperial Wives = Casual Sex, like you go down the hall and say "Huh, I am really bored and kind of want to get off. Ah a woman. that'll do."

Don't need anyone else in my life.

And in the hypothetical situation you found yourself with more than one person who is waifu tier, what then?

Praise God in the highest, and then cry because I don't see how I could love both in the fullest

Again this is only from my perspective, but it's not waifu by definition if you find yourself having more than one, but that is why there are harems. In a way, it's a list of waifu candidates. They say realizing who your waifu is is like a eureka moment where you just know it's her, but I can't confirm that until I get that experience myself.

That is depressing.

Maybe you are right user, I'm probably just overthinking it and will know when I find her.

Cutest harem or cutest harem?

dont even dare to lay a single finger on them!

>dont even dare to lay a single finger on them!
Fine I won't lay a finger on any of them I'll use my penis instead.







These are pretty good.

good taste
7/10 mainly for fubuki

>my anime haram


OP's massive cuckish faggotry aside, is you're waifu good with kids? Would she have kids if given the chance?

Mine canonically can't wait to have kids.