When this show was airing, it appeared as though a lot of people liked it.
I personally don't see the appeal, could someone point out what I'm missing?
When this show was airing, it appeared as though a lot of people liked it.
I personally don't see the appeal, could someone point out what I'm missing?
Other urls found in this thread:
It was absolute garbage, it was good only good for the threads when it aired
Everyone wanted this to be a trainwreck, so bad it's good, etc. whatever you want to call that type of show.
But it ended up being the biggest snoozefest of the year, to the point where 99% of the entertainment came from the threads and not the show itself.
Average okada shit.
They just liked shitposting about it. People claim the threads were good but they were mostly just annoying circlejerks full of idiots who thought they were much funnier than they actually were.
>what I'm missing
The threads.
>it appeared as though a lot of people liked it.
No. It was just a bunch of vocal circlejerking memers trying to desperately force the trainwreck meme and turn the show into something it wasn't rather than letting it happen naturally. You could tell these people were newfags/crossboarders because they constantly posted tumblr links, created their own shitty circlejerk board, and generally acted like cancer.
Most people agreed at the end that the show was boring at best and absolute shit at worst.
Unironic forced hype.
Someone post the webm, you know the one.
>what I'm missing?
The airing thread
Thank you all for the replies.In short, people were only pretending to like it for fun.
From these threads did any popular defenses for the show pop up and did any have merit to them? Or were they all on the lines of "its a masterpiece".
It was just a great show for memes.
The first four episodes were pretty atmospheric, but it went down from there.
>did any popular defenses for the show pop up
Some people like to claim that the show was intentionally a comedy. It's bullshit because A. the staff never once mentioned anything along those lines and B. because it really wasn't funny.
The first three episodes and that one nipple monster were amusing but not enough to declare the whole show a comedy.
I don't think it was "pretending to like it" more than "hoping for another samurai flamenco/cross ange/code geass"
Some of us did legitimately enjoy it, even if the ending was disappointing.
>mfw some great characters were wasted on a show with little popularity
It's not exactly pretending to like it. I wanted the show to be another entertaining train wreck but it just ended up being a mediocre flop. Obvious comparisons to Another, but it never went anywhere.
>Some people like to claim that the show was intentionally a comedy.
Interesting considering this is a common defense for failed western movies, or the "we intentionally tried to make a 'so-bad-its-good-movie'" defense.
>the staff never once mentioned anything along those lines
Does anyone have a sense of what the Japanese reaction to the series was? From what I observed it appears that they disliked it and most enjoyment came out of making fun of it.
What is the characteristic of the three shows you bring up? Outside of Sup Forums I have heard people who seem to unironically like them.
I'm interested in hearing what you legitimately enjoy about it. Specific to your post, could you elaborate on the qualities of the characters?
Thank you for the clarification, would that mean the more charitable interpretation of the position is "we preempted it being a good trainwreak and treated it as such to our ultimate disappointment."
I unironically love samurai flamenco, it's one of my favorite post-2000 series.
All three shows are unpredictable, one episode you might have girls riding giant mecha motorcycles fighting dragons then the next episode god is raping on of them and telling her she's a fat slut so she'll make him dinner, in another you might have the prime minister fight a super hero with a paint brush, but the next god is telling you what it means to be a hero, and having the main character visit blockbuster.
They're all just completely wild without caring about whiplash.
It's kind of like Nadesico too I guess, only more wild.
Well, it would be best to just start off at the beginning.
A bunch of social rejects board a bus. Each are more or less some archetype. I can remember just about all the characters, but most of the names elude me. All these idiots have done something with their life or feel hopeless with their current life and want to leave society and start over in some vague village that no one was even 100% sure even existed.
The series follows the spaghetti lord Mitsumune who starts off rather entertaining to watch, but eventually becomes annoying with his Gary Stu tendencies. He meets a girl from the bus at a rest stop who is paranoid and has some extreme OCD issues. The whole turn around three times while touching my nose and hold my breath for ten seconds or else we will all spontaneously combust type. They quickly drop this quality about her, but she does throw up on the bus driver.
The bus group meets up with a girl who fucking comes out of nowhere, and she guides the bus driver to the village. The bus tumbles off a cliff, but everyone just continues on foot.
they come to the village, but it's abandoned. There's also spooky shit watching them from the bushes.
One character gets "offed" and is seen floating down a river. The characters slowly get paranoid, and four characters taze and prepare to torture the main character. It pays homage to Higurashi here, as one character (who screams execution all the time) is about to rip the MC's fingernails out. They smell smoke and abandon the MC in the smokey underground area. One character did attempt to cut him free before escaping, but she wasn't paying much attention and didn't do a good job of it.
Two episodes after that, the group literally tie the paranoid girl to a stake and plan on torturing and killing her. The series has a really odd tone after this, and just isn't the same. Your mileage may vary.
Fuck, I forgot to talk about the characters. There's the general plot.
Funny enough I watched up to exactly that point, but thank you for the recap.
There's a legitimate crazy in the series. She has some PTSD from her and her mother dealing with an abusive monk. She screams execute at the slightest sign of fear, and lashes out at the MC at one point in the beginning to drown him. I feel like characters with active PTSD to be rare enough to make an impact, and her outbursts were entertaining.
There's a girl who was once some sort of priestess or figurehead of a cult, but ran away. She states she's psycic at one point, but I think it's intended to be a lie. In general, I like the concept of cults, so I'm probably biased.
I actually do really like Mitsumune's backstory, and I wished it was played up more.
I think a lot of the characters base personalities and quirks worked together. I think it was because a lot of them were deplicted very casually. I think most of the characters would have shined better if the series was longer, but I know that it was a flop from the begining.
>mfw I actually check the site and Twitter for this show in hopes of some form of update.
They came out with one or two background story novels, but that's it. The series has been silent for a year now, and we'll never see anything from it again.
I'm making a separate post about Hellfire and Nyanta, because I look for excuses to talk about them.
Well I feel like an idiot going through all that effort, then. I'm just repeating stuff you already know.
Both Hellfire and Nyanta are around 5ft tall, give or take, and get along very well.
The boy, Hellfire has the most significant characterization of the two. He is a huge military buff, and always wanted to joint he military. His only problem was his height, and you got to watch as his dreams got crushed. He even bought many books on how to grow taller and took part in height-growth exercises, all to no avail. He eventually decided to look into plastic surgery, where they placed a silicone implant in his head to give him a few extra cm. He also was a wildlife survival expert in his spare time and posted videos to NicoNicoDouga, where he was met with mixed, mostly negative reviews.
His views start off very objective, saying what's important to survival, and what people's roles are. Funny enough he starts off saying how less than helpful women are in a survival situation, but he's soon always by Nyanta's side. There's even a scene where he falls asleep by one character, but evidently crawled to nap next to her, because he's by her in another scene. They clicked very well with each other since the beginning.
So ultimately, I really sympathized with this character. I also respect the shit out of the military, and I don't think it's as much of a welcome topic in Japanese media as it should be.
Fucking character limits. Yes, I had this shit typed out ahead of time.
The Nyanta is a gun maniac. Her backstory is basic. Gyaru girls seemed to pick on her after school, so she bought an airsoft pellet gun and started to snipe them from three stories up or so. They eventually caught her and forced her to stand under a Japanese wasp nest. She shot it down on top or by her, undoubtedly putting her in the hospital. Time seems to have broadened her interests. She has espionage equipment, knives, brought a camping pack, and has a fancy survivalist flashlight, all like Hellfire does. The threads kept calling her a school shooter, but she never really came across as that to me. Guns still seem to be her go-to, like a safety blanket. While I'm sure she'd freak the fuck out and lose her mind if she didn't have a gun, she was very open about sharing her interests. I think she brings four guns on the bus trip. Two are styled like rifles, and the other two look like small, semi-automatics. Other than this, there's not a whole lot of characterization with her. She just gives off a certain appeal that I love. I also have no clue where the cat thing comes from, but it's funny the cat is paired with the military dog wannabe.
She a waifu to me, so take this with a grain of salt.
Shit was very flawed but I genuinely liked it.
The ending was shit and you can kind of tell by the excess filler that they ran out of ideas halfway through.
But there's something very endearing about the characters and how goofy the whole thing was, and the premise was pretty cool too. I could complain all day long about the shitty plot or their overreliance on cliffhangers that didn't go anywhere but I just know that if they made any kind of continuation without Okada I would be all over it again.
It was like a Monster of the Week theme, but instead of the monster, we all wanted to see the Edgelord of the Week instead. God, they sure got fucking edgy for no reason at times.
I still don't know what the point of the show is even about. If it had some kind of message, it was lost with how incredibly bad it was.
I don't think they ran out of ideas so much as they changed their ideas, and it fell apart.
The message was to face your fears and you can get past your problems.
I would say your points on the characters are fair. I really liked the cast of Haifuri, in fact I would describe it exactly as
>mfw some great characters were wasted on a show with little popularity
but I would still say it was a terrible show.
No problem, like I said I appreciated the recap as it cements the idea that I haven't missed anything key yet.
Interesting points on these two characters since I would self-describe myself as a military buff and gun nut but I felt no connection to those characters besides reflecting the stereotypes I try to avoid.
Thank you for taking the time to elaborate. I truly appreciate the effort you took into explaining your position.
It was hyped to be a trainwreck. Every week it was like "NEXT WEEK IT'S GONNA BLOW UP" then it didn't.
It flopped so badly that the studio isn't even releasing BD #s
It's literally Silent Hill but shit
"Hurr your internal fears are now external"
The only thing that would have redeemed the show for me was if it was revealed that a dog was pulling levers behind the scenes causing everything to happen.
>I felt no connection to those characters besides reflecting the stereotypes I try to avoid.
I understand this very well. It probably makes you dislike those characters for that reason. It happens. I possibly would feel similar if it ever dawned on me that there was a stereotypical stigma with those types of people.
I respect military, weapon, and outdoors enthusiasts quite a bit. It never occurred to me that many could be up their own ass with their hobbies, but I'm sure that comes with every hobby, and the more you're in a community, the more you probably dislike media attention pertaining to it.
>Silent Hill but shit
Can't disagree there.
What are you talking about? You can buy the BDs
They are not releasing info on how many BDs they've sold, which usually indicates it flopped
We knew it was a hard flop before the series was even midway through airing.
>mfw no figures
It was one of the best comedy anime of 2016
This show was so bad even the guys making the episode reaction charts gave up by episode 7 or 8. Nobody fucking cared.
Only good thing it gave us Lovepon, and the manga gave her a glorious sharkteeth mode.
We gave up on the meme summary charts, too.
At least they kept whatever peanuts they got from the crowdfunding campaign.
>tfw I almost gave them money
>tfw I kind of regret not doing it
>could someone point out what I'm missing
the memes and absurdity of the threads
I regret not giving them my money, too.
one of the rewards was actually going on a tour with some of the staff as well. Lucky bastards.
I still don't understand how they made 30 social outcasts running away to a mysterious village so boring.
>people were only pretending to like it for fun.
Just like reeeeeeeeeeeee:creators now. An absolute shit show you watch to make fun of it with your fellow anons
> the manga gave her a glorious sharkteeth mode.
The manga was entertaining and even managed to capture the horror vibes the anime was lacking.
These things were the appeal.
post the ones you still have saved, let's remember.
Re:Creators is leagues above the travesty known as Mayoiga.
Just like Another this show is another modern case of "so bad it's good". Absolutely nothing makes sense and the characters and plot change every 2 minutes.
I never fished watching, did he ever do something or just ended up being cucked by Valkana?
He hinted that he has been sleeping with that he had been sleeping with Koharun the whole time before the trip, and I think he hinted that he wasn't actually enamored with her. He knew why she wanted this trip so badly all along.
The real hero
This was a show that had great potential at first, and then squandered that potential at every opportunity.
I have a hard time getting into a show if it doesn't grab my interest from the start, and this one definitely had my attention. Great premise, reminds me of most Lovecraft stories really.
And then it just got worse and worse and worse.
It's a bad show, one of few I'd recommend against for all cases. But it didn't start that way, seemed pretty allright when it was first coming out.
What would have your ideal Mayoiga doujin be like?
Slice of life--What happened after the show.
That's not lewd
Children of Mayoiga
>mfw We actually wasted a whole fucking thread on that topic and it hit bump limit
the ending song was nice
>When this show was airing, it appeared as though a lot of people liked it.
People were trying to get it going as the trainwreck of the season. It never really took off though, because it wasn't a trainwreck. It was just bland and boring.
What went wrong?
I don't know who posted about Hellfire being a breeding machine but that post was nightmare-inducing.
It ended.
Meme director and writer
> 7/8 kids total - quadruplets - 2 boys, 2 girls- then either triplets or quadruplets again (older 4 are very independent, younger litter is a hivemind)
I thought that shit was hilarious when I read it.
tithead best boy
Looked like an interesting horror-survival where people were going to be killed off by mountain monsters and each other. The director and writer had no balls and just made it into a misleading and half hearted story about people getting over their fears or personality flaws
I like how everyone was speculating what characters' expression in the ED means but in the end, it turns out to be completely irrelevant.
Get back to school.
Only thing I miss about the show is the OP
>it appeared as though a lot of people liked it.
We liked it at first becuase it sounded like such a cool idea with alot of foreshadowing.
As it progressed everyone dropped it and the few left just laughed at how shit it turned out to be.
There was even a chart to help you follow certain plot elements.
How the thread can be so civil? Can we have Glasslip?
Speedstar is unironically a good character.
What happened in the manga at the end?
The OP was pretty good. Too bad the singer's career isn't going anywhere and her post-Mayoiga songs haven't really been that good.
GENSOU SHOUDOU MEISOU is still based, though.
He deserved love and naughty things.
I thought it simply sold so poorly that no volumes ranked on Oricon?
Meme show
At some point i was fast forwarding through scenes because the it was boring as shit
They should have done a gorefest like Another
Which was entertaining
It was a very experimental comedy, one that never tried to say "AND THAT'S THE FUCKING JOKE!" like most japanese shit does. Sadly the general audience wasn't smart enough to get it, so they dismissed as a "le so bad it's good" memeshit.
I feel like way more people were and are shitting on it though.
I personally simply enjoyed it because I found it funny.
>thread still alive
Holy fucking shot I love you guys. no homo
It was very unpopular, and Sup Forums was basically the only place that even cared about it.
Mayoiga gave us lulz, so I wouldn't call it completely worthless.
Also this:
I genuinely like Another and I was hoping Mayoiga would be something more like that. I was still hoping it might be funny in its own broken way but in the end it was just bad.
The only praise I've heard for it is something along the lines of `the director made it bad on purpose to be funny' which just strikes me as only pretending to be retarded.
I love this stupid song.
It still genuinely surprises me that there are people who think this wasn't supposed to be funny. I don't understand how you get through episode 1 with the "ticking timebomb" busdriver and think it's serious.
The problem is, the show just isn't consistently funny enough and spends more time on the boring plot and character dynamics. If it cranked the madness up to 11 from the get-go we could've had something truly special.
I actually thought the first episode was genuinely unsettling, especially Mitsumune's hallucinations. They created some really good triply imagery.
I hopped on the bus hoping that mood would be a rider, but we left that shit at the rest stop.
We didn't buy enough keychains.
That's because they never made a Nanko one.
I just want another horror anime to watch with Sup Forums
This show is hilarious.