Why do you love war but hate feminism?

Why do you love war but hate feminism?

Don't you realize the World Wars led to the rapid rise of feminism all over the world? How do you think all those jobs opened up for women?

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Draft for women

What i really hate about pictures like these is that the person could be out there doing the very thing they pose infront of the camera for.


all of this

they want rights but no responsibilities
>I want to vote without being drafted
>I want a kid but not have to pay for it
>I want a better salary but not work more


I think that's a photo of a real ww2 worker

>Draft the men and the women

Are you retarded? Who will raise the next generation? Their grandparents?

No one

better not being born than raised by a single mother

>How do you think all those jobs opened up for women?

I would have gladly stayed back to keep my job than getting my ass blown off

Then women shouldn't get to vote. It's cosmically unfair to allow a class of people to decide whether or not to send men off to war and die and be maimed if they will not themselves be sent to that war and face the same fate.

I don't think that's a riveter. It looks more like an impact wrench.

Where do you get the idea that we love war?

Modern feminist trash have nothing in common with women who worked hard or even fought and died for future of their countries.

Can't you turn this into an argument that old fags shouldn't get to vote?

Old men at least at one point submitted themselves to the prospect of being drafted, and therefore have a direct appreciation of the consequences of war. Women do not have any such appreciation of war because they have never submitted themselves as a group to peopling armies.

>all wars are ww2
>all wars have the same outcomes

man I wish you faggots would make quality threads instead of shit bait like this

>Implying the public gets to vote on a war

>War Started by Jews
> Feminism created by Jews

>The cuck picked a picture of a nigger working

We got so close

>JUNE 14, 2016
>WASHINGTON — In the latest and perhaps decisive battle over the role of women in the military, Congress is embroiled in an increasingly intense debate over whether they should have to register for the draft when they turn 18.

>On Tuesday, the Senate approved an expansive military policy bill that would for the first time require young women to register for the draft. The shift, while fiercely opposed by some conservative lawmakers and interest groups, had surprisingly broad support among Republican leaders and women in both parties.

>Update, April 27, 2017: Since this article was published in June 2016, the military policy bill was restructured and the language requiring women to register for selective service was removed. The bill passed with language calling for a review of the current rules.

Let's skip the middle MAN and just go directly to war against anti-social women.

I would love to read about some mass killing of pussyhat wearing cuntlords that are congregating to hate on white men. I hope they get wiped off the planet. They wouldn't stand a chance without the men they hate so very much. Die bitches die. I hope the ground opens up and consumes this congregation of fat, unwashed, fishy, bacteria ridden, vaginas

I have to say, I get really disgusted out when fat middle aged women make light of war


Pussyhats get punched.
Roasties get roasted.

If you are a white woman and you are not pregnant, trying to get pregnant (WITH A WHITE BABY), or an already married (TO A MAN) mother...

What use are you? Who do you think you are? If your answer is anything but a mother... GTFO.