Bleach novel

Latest translation

Why does that little boy look like a psycho.


Why are Kubo's shotas so lewd.

Ikkaku and Shino are likely from a lower noble family that fell to ruin. It says that both their parents died when they were young and they were split up and passed around the family, so because of that neither of them know how they're related. But they're close, siblings or cousins.

Can't wait for Gigi to show up

I'm just disappointed Kubo never elaborated on the Royal Families during the actual manga.

Ikkaku was shown in a flashback in Rukongai along with Yumichika. I thought they were peasants at first. What is the poin of revealing this now? Like the fact that Rikichi and the kid from the beginning of the final ark turned out to be brothers. What is te point of these relationships?

It's a different format all together. It doesn't have a purpose, novels in general are full of useless bits of trivia and exposition.
But it serves to drive home the point that everyone who is someone in Soul Society is a born shinigami. Even random business men are retired shinigami.

What is the point of royal families at all? Is it just the families that produce high tier soul reapers? Did the founding members do something crazy awesome to deserve special treatment?

My guess is Kubo doesn't even know.

It's an olygarchy, anyone who shows even an inkling of talent is immediately absorbed into these families.
Some noble families fall to ruin and are dissolved, others form branches that break off and become new families.

Bleach? More like BLEH!

Fuck, I almost thought that was a mini Isane. Best girl and all.

What's wrong with "blech"?

Their "Original Sin" set the establishment. It's their fault there is a Soul King at all.

How does a random soul from the slums is even able to become a shinigami?

Power is either accumulated through training and numerous life and death experiences. Or it is inherited by ones parents. It is unknown just how much power can pass from parent to child in this way.

>numerous life and death experiences.
They have to die in the RW numerous times and be reborn in SS? I don't get it.

No, he meant going through experiences where if they were just a little less lucky they would have died, situations very high in adrenaline.

Close encounters with death raises ones upper limit of reiatsu output.

So like what's the plot even about with Bach dead isn't Ichigo stronger than everyone?

Nothing. Kubo just enjoys designing characters and giving them backstories, so he did exactly that.

“Do not seek the aesthetics in waging war.
Do not seek virtue in death.
Do not think your life is your own.
If you wish to protect each of the heads of the five court nobles, then you must slaughter every foe from under the shadow of the leaves.”
— Excerpt from the old edition of the Shino Academy’s textbook, shinigami regulations encyclopedia.

Chances are, this novel will delve into the origins of the noble families.

Aizen taught the new rules in the Academy. I don't think it was a coincidence he cited the verses to Soifon, specifically. She is a member of the clan living and dieing for the Shihoins.

I miss Kubo's art.

Ichigo is rarely involved in the Narita novels; the present novel is primarily about Hisagi coming to terms with his hatred for Aizen and the 'truth' about Soul Society. Narita likes to write with an ensemble cast which is why the chapters jump around characters a lot.

New chapter when

Will we ever find out what Shinjis bankai is? There has never been a more disappointing character.

>It's their fault there is a Soul King at all.
Wait, what? Did I miss something?
This. Fucking Kubo.

In 24 hours.

Us learning his bankai wouldn't made him any less disappointing. He has no open character arc, his only connection to somebody important is through Hiyori. Kubo fucked up by not giving him full battle against Aizen back when he was the leader of Visored. After this anything would just feel like a filler.

It's implied in the prologue of the new novel.

I hope he feels better soon and starts working on more Bleach / a new project.

Did the Royal Families go greedy and drunk with power that they messed up heaven so much that a corpse is needed to keep the balance?

Why is Shinji's bankai so important to people?

Because seeing the remaining bankais was all that was left to look forward to.

Their ancestors are greedy and drunk. The original five probably wanted to make the world better, no matter the cost. They fucked up, but they probably had good intentions.


Yuushirou is the 23rd head of the Shihouin clan.
Byakuya is the 28th head of the Kuchiki clan.
Do we know how far back the families go? 2000 years? More?

Do we know how old is Yamamoto ?

We don't know the age of any of the shinigami, just very rough lower and upper bounds.Yamamoto is surely more than 2100 years old at the time of his death and that's literally everything we know.

I hope we find out.

Why can shinigami reproduce at all?

Is Yoruichi even alive? Why did Kubo not even bother to finish his manga?

She is a guest tutor at the Academy.

Well that's good, at least. I mean, it doesn't make up for off-screening 4/5ths of Squad Zero, wasting with 12 fucking chapters of Attack of the Fifty Foot Faggot, or anything like that, but it's nice to at least know that my very first waifu is alright.

Why not? In the torah angels can also have children. It's not like there is are universally accepted rules for writing about Shinigami that Kubo broke.

Don't compare two works of fiction.

Yeah. All of them are alive
Grimmjow, Nel, Halibel, evem jizzelle is implied to have survived.

There are more important character than Squad Zero. If Kubo had shown them, people would complain that he is wasting time on them. And Gerard is the heart of the Soul King, not exactly unimportant.

>And Gerard is the heart of the Soul King, not exactly unimportant.
It doesn't make him any more important than than Squad Zero is supposed to be based on title alone. His only contribution is being a punching bug for the captains and keeping them from reaching Yhwach. He's more of a plot device than a character.

Bleach was a mistake, let's forget it ever happened