What the fuck is happening that autism is becoming more common in the US over time?

What the fuck is happening that autism is becoming more common in the US over time?

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not a real disease. epigenetic cause: pregnant women who eat junk food and smoke

The meek shall inherit the earth

Age that women wait to give birth.

>race mixing increases
>mental illness of all kinds increases
really makes one consider the statistics

I dunno but shit is real out here. Never seen so many autists 20 yrs ago...somethin going on

I'd say both these arguments also have a degree of accuracy to them



Most autistic kids ive seen were from same race couples who had multiple kids with one being autistic and sometimes being the middle kid amongst siblings

Bigger benefits for such kids since 80's, parents fake their childrens condition. And doctors and pharmaceuticals go along and push the drugs so they can earn money.

My mom has never done a single drug in her entire life and ate weird health food while pregnant and my brother has autism. Checkmate liar.

Take away technology from them and see what happens to them.

>weird health food

just because the packet says it's healthy. She should have been eating plants and animals.

Fucking ridiculous. You pedos really will use any excuse won't you. Fucking die.

A side effect with the unintended consequence of bringing down the deep state through weaponized autists and their analytical skills.

Increasing number of diagnoses does not imply much of anything. Least of all that there is more autism. Probably some combination of broader diagnostic criteria, more public awareness, and perhaps even some underlying increase (most likely due to microbiome-disrupting birthing and reading practices like having c sections and not breast feeding for long enough)

And Inb4 some retard with "older women getting pregnant" meme. Rate of autism in kids being born by mothers in their 40's is 0.40%.

Double od that from those being born from moms in their 20's where rate is 0.20% of total births.

This is mainly due to our better understanding of autism in the past few decades which allows us to diagnose it more easily. It doesn't necessarily mean that more people are becoming autistic.

>hurrr older women cause autism is a meme
>post statistic countering your point
ok nigger

Don't they prescribe adderall to autistic kids? I guess it's a marketing campaign.

Disability tax credits. In Canada having a child diagnosed as autistic can easily be worth $3k per year.

Maternal age
Maternal environmental/dietary toxin exposure
Broader definition and increased screening
Also, I suspect, prior maternal use of hormonal birth control

It's actually most common in firstborn boys.

I know a lot of autistic kids and they really, truly are autistic.

I have two kids and I nearly drove myself crazy making sure I avoided toxic exposures before and during my pregnancies, and I also paid a lot of attention to my nutrition. Kids turned out pretty great desu.

Because it didn't become a distinct diagnosis until 1992 in the DSM. Prior to that they referred to them as retards and such.

Aside from people giving birth later, the definition of autism has changed
I'm definitely somewhere on the spectrum, but I managed to learn social skills (one without social skills will often be diagnosed with aspergers which is on the autism spectrum), and I hide how I fixate on something for a while and then move on from normal people.

By current standards I'm probably slightly autistic, but 15 years ago there is no way I would be considered remotely autistic.
Seriously, if you're not a complete normie you're pretty much an autist by today's standards

It's 99% changes in diagnostic coverage and diagnostic technique. But also, increasing parental age may play a role, as older men's sperm have more mutations than younger men. Eggs of older women are not more mutated than those of younger women, as the eggs undergo meiosis before a woman is born and after this point the non-dividing DNA is easy to protect and maintain. Instead, eggs are more likely to accumulate chromosomal damage which cannot be selected out because the eggs aren't dividing anymore.


Aluminum in the brain. Aluminum which is often used as an adjuvant in vaccines to accelerate the bodies response. For some reason some kids store the aluminum and others don't.

Male age can result in autism as well but this largely rests on these career womens we have now

changing the definition of the word.
in 1985 it meant you couldn't talk, today it means you like trains.

Nah. Older maternal age contributes to rise in chromosomal non-disjunction disorders like down syndrome and turner syndrome, but not de novo mutations.

Isn't autism genetic for the most part? People with autism get kids who also get diagnosed with autism,... So I guess that's why it's been rising so much.

Cell phones emit small amounts of radiation, men/women keep them in their front pockets and kids stare at them while playing games, read the warranty they literally tell you how much each model emits and noone reads it

Older women giving birth, psychiatric and other drug use during pregnancy on the rise (SSRIs proven to raise autism risk for babies when preggo moms use them by over 80%), also change in diagnostic labels.

This too.


It's being caused by SSRI use in pregnant women

If your girl is preggers she has to stop taking her anti-depression meds or else you get autism babby

It makes sense, these drugs are designed to fuck with your brain - do you think they magically don't fuck with the brain of a developing babby?

Don't do drugs while preggers or else you get memebabbies

Autism isn't becoming more common, the autism _diagnosis_ is becoming more common.

too much Sup Forums browsing

In my experience observing my peers (liberal/academic/coastal city people), there are a lot of guys who actually drag their feet with regard to the baby issue. I know lots of women who have to put major pressure on their husband to get him to agree to start their family. From what I've seen, women have much more of a sense of urgency about engagement/marriage and parenthood.

1) They keep changing the requirements for diagnosis and now more are being diagnosed

2)They changed it from a diagnosis of Autism to a placement onto the "Autism Spectrum" and claim that everyone is on the spectrum to varying degrees

If you raise children to interact with screens instead of humans they might act autistic.

A 600% increase is not coming from better diagnosis. Stop getting your nice sounding quips from the mainstream media. Stupid shitty aphorisms that don't even begin to explain what's really going on.

The media and pharmaceutical industries have a vested interest in keeping the actual reason behind increased autism rates as secret as possible for as long as possible, because it means huge changes to their industry and profits if it's ever found out (protip it's SSRI use)

>SSRIs proven to raise autism risk for babies when preggo moms use them by over 80%
this makes too much sense my good friend and I both had mothers who took SSRIs while pregnant and we're both smart but socially autistic
I'm 26 he's 27 and we still live with our parents trade crypto and do drugs

>weird health food
>aka nutritionally deficient

whites are evolving

It's common molecular biological knowledge. Cells undergo mutation when damage happens fast enough that it can't be correctly repaired, which happens when cells proliferate. This is why tissue damage and inflammation is the most common causes of cancer in many tissues. This applies to sperm, but less so due to a more robust DNA repair system, but the best solution is to just not proliferate when you don't need to, and eggs do not.

Gluten and Jews


The internet. Sup Forums requires almost no social ques like many online interactions.

I forgot about this. This is definitely part of it. I used to belong to a lot of normie mom groups on faceberg and there was an extreme culture of self-righteousness re: maternal mental health and meds. Women majorly encourage each other to stay on their meds while pregnant, even the SSRIs that have somewhat poorer safety data. I'd say from my anecdotal observation the most common ones that women are taking throughout their pregnancy are zoloft and lexapro. Also they all talk about how it's so much worse for le babby to be exposed to the mom's stress hormone's than the medication and blah blah. They talk a lot about how we shouldn't "martyr" ourselves as mothers.

Aspirin and other non steroid anti inflamatory causes autism. Fucked pendostan ate nsaf like burgers when pregnant.
Autism this is inhered desease, leading by Na potential depending channals.

Pregnant women are smoking less with the increase of autism rates over time wtf are you talking about

Wow. Why all the pent up hostility and paranoia?

I think you need to see a psychiatrist

dont let your kids get vaccinated i mean it.

where the fuck is the ceiling on this

> having to take "their meds"
> not even being able to stop for pregnancy's sake
> this is common enough in America that it's causing long-term population damage
I want off this planet.

Or eat soy

Super impose that graph with women using "the pill"

Yeah it's really VERY common. I have a lot of concerns about my kids' generation, based on the current parenting trends. This is why I dropped out of mom culture altogether and now passively larp as a NEET on Sup Forums every day.

To many people diagnose people with autism when they clearly have different disorders.

Mental Retardation is not Autism.

t. Specialist

Na and K channels
But schizo retards in pol think about vaccination.

>tfw ~9 Years away from the great wave of autists in porn.

Checked and praised


The increase seems directly proportional to the frequency of studies about autism.

In a couple decades everyone will have autism.


Its because of propaganda spread by "holistic" medicine scammers.

The American diet.

Vaccines. You don't believe it until it happens to you. I used to be a normal day. Now I'm here. And I'm here forever

circumcision. restore your dick skins. yesterday. it'll be the best decision you ever made

Shh, just take your vaccines during pregnancy so we can say it was genetic!

the # of vaccines kids receive has gone up at about the same rate over time


I was just saying this earlier. They're now trying to push the TDaP and flu shots on pregnant women, I assume so that it gives more validity to the idea of it being genetic, since the kid was born this way. It's more of a red flag when a normally developing infant suddenly regresses immediately following a shot.

Sup Forums

Improved diagnosis and detection

Aka kids who would have “passed” as normal ten years ago are seen as autistic now

le burger XD

tap water is the "some reason".

Look when they started fluoridating water

One of my kids has apraxia, and send a little autistic. Child is almost 4. I'm mixed white, wife is Filipina. We were just fooling around and she got pregnant. I didn't want to stay with her /felt repulsed by her. It was an extremely tough pregnancy for her: lots of crying. No alcohol. She smoked a tiny bit of pot 2 or 3 times. This is all before I got red-pilled. For what it's worth, I blame my son's condition on the stress from the pregnancy /and not being committed to her during that time. Would be interesting to see if autism rates differ for children had in highly committed monogamous relationships, vs non-committal/high Street relationships. (My second son, had during good times, is exceptionally ahead of his age. Walking at 7 months, saying many words by 1 1/2 years. Something is going on. It's mostly only in the civilized/westernized countries. Party of me thinks it could be a by-product of sin; brought about by the tactics laid forth in The Protocols of Zion. Counterarguments?

*Apraxia, and is also maybe a little autistic**


>Be me
>Writing about autism with smartphone
>Fuck ton of auto-corrected-to-miss spell
>It looks like I gave my son autism

its birth control

smoking less what exactly? :P

its pollution you brainlets


enjoy trump bringing back coal, lmao

Easier to get a diagnosis, combined with the autism spectrum.

if we measured 1990 the way we do today, it would be a significantly larger number.

It's this, plus autism is actually being dianosed now

If the US burned more coal, it would be a net decrease in world pollution, because currently what's not burned here is burned in china instead.

How old was she when she had him?

It is simply detected more often. In the past, kids were just considered to be a bit weird, now they are diagnosed.

Also don't trust AutismSpeaks on anything.

We have stats on all these things already, and they have been studied to death. It's the age of the mother, pure and simple. No ifs or buts.

Women are waiting longer to have babies. Older mothers have autistic babies at higher rates.

Keep an eye on 5G. I work for a major telecommunications corporation. It is going to cause mass cancer. You won't even need to own a phone. The smart phones themselves were a big increase in risk over "dumb phones", but 5G is going to make it like you might as well taking up smoking.

any reason to think 5g is going to be any worse than the radio waves already being broadcasted?

Fucking chemtrails they started spraying over 20 years ago its finally in effect they spray everyday now some of which contain aluminum oxide and in the brains in autists and people with Alzheimers/dementia the levels of aluminum are extremely high in the brain vaccines also have aluminum in them and thats straight to your blood not inhaled

MMR combo vaccine in boys

check rates for girls

check rates for boys that didn't have Mmr

when did Mmr combo come out?

Maybe because we knew fuck-all about autism back in the 70s and 80s and still know fuck-all about it? Any new condition is going to rise in incidence after it's discovered, because tons of people who have it are suddenly going to find out they were misdiagnosed with ADD or something.

Medical error is the third biggest killer in the United States.

Think about that.

oh shit, i've had semi-nightmares about this sort of shit happening.

the webm i mean

Due to paternity testing more weak men with bad genetics are becoming legitimate fathers leading to more Autism.

We need to create laws to criminalize paternity testing.

Made up shit to control people who aren't good cattle.

We already have a word for real retards.

Kids being kids. Single mothers and state enforced indoctrination camps can't handle little boys being little boys so they put them on mind altering drugs. It's despicable.

I disagree, young people who lead poor lives have poor outcomes too. my niece was born to a woman who washed every meal down with a can of red bull. she was born with a malformed skull.