A Guide to Rational Action

First, let's clear one thing up: (((instincts))) don't exist.

Therefore, one's disposition towards
sexuality is entirely rational- from imitation to a fully thought out sexual philosophy- with most people being a compromise between these 2 extremes. If you shirk the notion that you choose your sexual philosophy, then you're doomed to living a sexual philosophy that you believe you can't change- when you can.

Given that Sup Forums skews towards both asociality and high intelligence, Sup Forums is predisposed to thinking in lieu of imitation. And given society's cost/benefit of marriage and family, a Pollack's sexual philosophy skews towards traps- traps offer a comparable sexual experience to that of women, without the detriment of children or the female temperament.

You are a man, be rational.

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Damn she's hot.
Post more.


post moar goddammit

Let's clear one thing up: if you think instincts don't exist, I think you're retarded. I mean literally retarded. As in you're incapable of processing the mountains of data to which you've been exposed for your entire life that show the obvious, ridiculously blatant existence of instincts.

I'm not gonna read that stupid leafpost but I am going to point out that the dude in OP's pic has a fucked up stump dick lmao.


> (((instincts))) don't exist.
Well I'm glad the first humans had " instinct " which you claim doesn't exist or we wouldn't fucking be here.
> traps offer a comparable sexual experience to that of women, without the detriment of children or the female temperament.
No see, heterosexual men want to fuck a real vagina because they're heterosexual. You're never going to turn us gay. Give up. It's actually dangerous to try. We're libel to strangle you and traps need to give this up before they get physically hurt or killed.


Why some gore or you know, normal people stuff? This is fucking creepy.

*Why don't you post

dude if you just want to be a fag then be a fag, don't try to justify it with mental gymnastics to make it seem like you aren't a fag


>instincts don't exist

Nice evidence, bro. I'm sure babies act entirely on rational thought. They must breastfeed because they know about the importance of calcium...

enjoy your poopdick you base-natured kike larper

To be honest, I want someone I can love and raise a family with. I almost think someone extremely different and unconventional would be a plus, but.. traps can't have children. There are a lot of negatives to anal sex instead of vaginal sex. There are some traps that are basically gorgeous women with little penises, but the vast majority are somewhat feminine with a couple WTF traits if you notice them in the right light without makeup etc which will throw ya off.

If ya want some way to attract virtuous straight men as a trap, you gotta figure out how traps can realistically have children and render the sex not inconvenient, not unsanitary, and not nearly as dangerous based on current disease transmission and severity. Until then, it's hard to see it as worth it. I think the trans phenomena is fascinating and part of me wants to believe but without these factors it just ain't worth the time and I know I'm better off looking for a normal gal. Maybe just wait for legit sex change, I think we're just pretending at the moment.

day of the rake soon


here you go

still nuke canada

Why wouldn’t you bang this?




well that was more than i expected

Let's do some testing. Sit down and try not to take a breath for 5 mins. If you have no instincts, then we are lucky and you died from suffocating. If you have instincts, then your conscious mind couldn't resist the insane urge and you took a breath.

This can’t be guy?!? Damn she’s hot! I wouldn’t mind busting a load In that.



>those forearms, shoulders and arms

cannot unsee

Thats a fella, fella.

You don't "clear one thing up" by simply asserting something without evidence.

Instincts are part of our biology, rationality and the ability to abstract into higher order thinking arrived late in our evolutionary time frame and it was built on top of the older systems that largely come out of the hypothalamus.

Peterson pointed out that the animal behaviorists had worked this out, that you could remove all the brain of a cat apart from the hypothalamus and they'd still function in terms of instincts, they'd eat, drink, and be hyper exploratory and they'd also be capable of sexual desire and reproduction.

Rationality is all good and well, that is to say the ability to make inferences from one idea to another correctly without mistake, but it's meaningless without a value structure and goals. Is it rational to be sexual? Well that depends what your goal is, if it's to further your genes then yes, what if your goal is to accrue as much money in your lifetime, then no it's clearly not rational. So you completely skip over any value judgements you're making.

If it is purely about reproduction and passing on your genes which is the mechanism that evolved sexual behaviour to begin with, then traps are a bad deal because they cannot reproduce and in that sense do not offer a comparable sexual experience to that of a woman.

tl;dr you're a closeted fag and you're not fooling anyone by trying for a soft landing via men that look like women, you're just embarrassing yourself.

There are no instincts, only behavior conditioned by reward, or learned by imitation.

To think that one acts by reflex to concepts is to say that a chemical reaction can be caused by volition.

>chemical reaction can be caused by volition
that can happen if you control the reagents, conditions, etc

>a fucking leaf

Kill yourselves sodomites

No that's wrong, there is innate and unlearned responses, they are the things stored in the hypothalamus, anything that has been a consistent threat over our evolutionary time span, or is a consistent evolutionary benefit is hard wired in.

Response to snakes, that's in the hypothalamus, response to bared teeth, response to low growling tones that indicate large predators.

As well as beneficial things, hunger, thirst, sexuality, exploration.

As I said there's science on removing animal brains apart from the hypothalamus, they cannot learn because they have no memory, but they'll still do all of the above things and fundamentally keep themselves alive, they just lack abstraction and the ability to learn or be conditioned, for that you need memory.

You literally do not know what you're talking about.

>the detriment of children

>There are no instincts, only behavior conditioned by reward, or learned by imitation.
That's not true.

Peterson on the hypothalamus


Those are reflexes. I'm advocating against Drive Theory, not reflexes.


I'm very much pro-trap, but this word salad isn't an argument. Humans wouldn't bother with sex or food or anything else without instinct. It's obviously real. I hope English isn't your first language.

So I must be gay then......................................

traps are gay
only deserving of the rope
