Do y’all ever go to a bar with your normal friends
/normal friends/
Drinking is degenerate. But yes, I do occasionally go to bars when I haven't seen my friends in a long time.
I’m piss drunk and may or may not have made a fool of myself
I used to but now I save my money and spend more time with my qt gf. Also haven't had a hangover in over 2 years.
Yes, we have fun too.
I said something about the “diversity ratio”
Keep it up buddy
Often, and slowly over the past few years I have less and less in common with them. Ive tried to redpill them as much as i can but
>Friend 1: I'm in my mid 30's lets go out and get blackout and cheat
>Friend 2: Kids are a ton of money and trouble. Id rather spend time and money on my Jeep I dont take off-road
I have a hwhite baby on the way and I dont want to be degenerate anymore. So, no, I dont go to the bar with my normie friends as often
I drifted away from all my normie friends after they one-by-one got locked into unfulfilling marriages with possessive slags.
I couldn't bear to see their lifeless visages anymore and also they couldn't stop talking about their stupid fucking BABIES.
Thanks. Will do.
Their kids are the future, you obviously don’t have one and haven’t thought hard enough about that. Sort yourself out
They need your influence
Yes but as soon as they get drunk, they start spouting off in nonsensical directions and don't want to talk about anything that doesn't fit very narrow macroscopic shit and won't listen to reason.
I pretty much hate them because there are no Sup Forums people in a 100-mi radius.
t. the country
killing myself right now
I myself could be fully logical while drunk, don’t expect them to be
i.e. "I have this one based black friend that hasn't killed anybody yet, etc......"
Neither do I, but I expect basic intellectual honesty based on what they say from day to day.
98% of country values are subliminal
One of my best friends is thinking of adopting a negroid. His wife got “educated” in a college like Berkeley.
I called him a cuck and it probably just weakened out friendship.
What I’m saying is I don’t know, all I do is try
Yeah, I do.
I also go to bars alone like a creeper and shitpost on Sup Forums while getting hit on by the bartenders
Used to up to 4 nights a week during college when I was single
I drink at home. I'm slowly starting to hate myself more and more, Sup Forums.
I don't really care for bar culture, but when out with friends we'll have drinks at dinner.
I don't have any friends other than the 50-year-old conspiratard I work with :'(
i used to, now we just do dinners at someones place.
bars are expensive and boring. no more good music, no more good people, no more smoking so everything stinks like stale beer and cheap perfume no thanks
Every 2 - 4 months. I'm breaking free of demoralization so I don't have much in common with them anymore. They're decent, but all liberal. Tats, Rick & Morty, don't want kids.
I'm god damned lonely most of the time, trying to bury it with creative hobbies and learning programming plus a new language. Riding the tiger is a solitary venture, it seems.