What's the deal with scanlation groups?
What's the deal with scanlation groups?
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you faggots got what you wanted so what's the problem?
They translate shit for free most of the time.
They have to make up for their otherwise worthless existence.
inb4 thread deleted.
your existence
HAH. Didnt even read that nonsense, just "we lose" was enough to know they were faggots to the very bone. Either stick to your guns, or dont act like faggots in the first place. THE WORST thing you can do is act like know it all faggots, only to give in and pretend "omg ya well i didnt care anyway."
Sure you didnt. Sure. Bye bye, fuck off.
Didn't even see the image and I already knew it was those fags. Good ridance.
90% are gigantic narcissistic attention whores who believe they are always right.
that image is the perfect example.
they try to act like they didn't care but they remembered and namecalled three people and the entire thing reeked of literal children going
>you didn't win!
Ít's going to annoy me that I won't have a translator for Satanophany. I was actually enjoying it.
>we don't care
>but let me write several paragraphs about just how much we don't care
>seriously, we don't
This is cute
>margin notes
hurrdurr comments on the pages?
>it's everyone else's fault they got mad
>we found his behavior entertaining haha we didn't get buttmad as fuck honest haha
>we don't care about this series anyway
That desperate teenage frustration. Wobbly bottom lipped bullshit.
>nerd drama
Worse, towards the end, they got so butthurt over the backlash and people erasing their unwanted commentary, they actually began to put it on the panels themselves.
Yeah fuck you Jason!
>translate manga illegally
>claim legal ownership of it
>butthurt ensues when people don't buy into their rhetorics
>claim victimhood
Scanlator delusional sense of self-importance is fucking retarded. What you do with the work is not yours. You have no legal nor moral ownership over any work or derivative work on the manga translation.
As a translator, I've never encountered a situation like this, partly because I don't do things that are guaranteed to piss of the readers, and partly because I've been lucky.
>shitty sub group translates a shitty manga
>LEL XD everywhere
>baww people dont like it
I only know about these because someone on Sup Forums inevitably posts it because they read garbage manga by garbage groups.
What kind of notes were they putting in the margins and why?
I still don't get it.
What's their point?
Scanlators largely seem to like to pick up popular shit and then throw shit at each other. They're like fansubbers that way.
Scanlators that pick up some random mango nobody else ever bothered with don't seem to be bothered with drama much. Or god help them pick up one that uses technical terminology that baffles and befuddles the average low-level jpn translator; I remember moyashimon was supposed to be hell because it uses a lot of technical moonrunes that even average elevens wouldn't be able to read without a kanji dictionary.
Meme TL notes.
>Moyashimon was supposed to be hell because it uses a lot of technical moonrunes
Thankfully it got picked up by probably the most competent and timely fan scanlation team that has ever existed, but they only do manga with crossdressers.
>Part of the scanlation team
>"I COULD care less"
They were scrubs either way desu.
>W-we didnt care
>which is why we wasted our time and effort putting faggotass meme notes on the side
Good riddance
>but they only do manga with crossdressers.
Is that a joke or truth?
Perhaps not exclusively but almost all of it is.
Why doesn't anyone scanlate just so non-Japanese can enjoy it? Isn't that the purpose of scanlating? Why does it always end up in these shitstorms?
Bunch of faggots scanlators got analblasted because the readers started editing the scans to remove their shitty meme notes, so they started putting the notes inside the panels.
The readers found a way to edit those pages too, so the scanlators ragequitted.
Couldn't they just, I don't know, not be faggots or something?
>Couldn't they just, I don't know, not be faggots or something?
That's an impossible task user. Most scanlators act like dicks because they need to feel like they are important for translating.
Those scanlators exist.
You just never hear about them since they don't stir up drama every week.
They are true unsung heroes, and we should take a moment to give thanks for them. If anything, this Death Toll Drama reminds us how lucky we are with these other groups.
Hahahaha jesus christ. I'm almost drowning in the amount of asshurt pouring out of those massive paragraphs all to tell us how they definitely don't care about this at all.
Indeed, just look at all the scanlation work that gets done right here on Sup Forums. ALWAYS make sure to drop a thank you in a live translation/typesetting/whatever thread.
>autists rage about TL notes because, uh, well no one knows
>piss off a group doing translations for free
>now that series won't ever be translated, or fans will have to wait much longer
>somehow this is a win for manga fans because ... ???
If you can't read Japanese you have no right to bitch about the notes in some manga you can only enjoy because a group of people who took the time to actually learn Japanese are providing you the translation (and editing, typesetting, etc) for free. Just ignore the notes if you don't like them, who cares? It's not the end of the world. Now fans of that series are left hanging because some autists threw a hissy fit over literally nothing.
Death Toll is a garbage group.
It's a shame because they pick interesting manga.
Fuck them.
Mein sides.
Pic related was their previous statement on the matter.
What a bunch of attention whore kiddos.
Are you that Wraith guy? Noboy else can be that retarded.
Don't you worry, there's always some individual or group just itching to pick it up.
Unless of course this shit just isn't popular enough.
Autism on a power trip.
Wraith youre pathetic.
>austists put stupid TL notes because, uh, well no one knows
>w-we totally not care for this series at all, w-were not ragequitting
>proceeds to throw a fit with username from other forums ala coldsteel meme
This salt is really sweet.
I don't read the manga they're talking about, I'm just saying that attacking some scantilation group over something as asinine as TL notes is rediculous and only hurts the fans. From their letter you see none of them really cared about doing it, but they were working on it because others enjoyed the work. Now those fans are left high and dry and they just have to hope someone else comes along and picks up where the other group left off. But if no one does? Well, some autists just ruined the fun for everyone because they're so butthurt about some stupid notes they bit the hand that fed them.
If they did know another group was going to pick it up, why bother editing the pages themselves? They could've just waited for the other group to start releasing and began reading them. But no, they decided that it's their way or the highway and now translations have stopped completely.
They may have been stupid, but at least the series was being translated. Now it isn't. Is that really a win for the fans?
> Is that really a win for the fans?
Considering that now the manga can be picked up by people who aren't completely retarded, it may very well be a win.
They sure take themselves seriously.
Glad I know moonrunes so I don't have to deal with the overblown egos of retards.
clinical autism
Oh my fucking god
>I know Japanese
>I know how to use PS
I'm good
That's why if you're gonna meme just do it at the end of the chapter in credits or whatever, don't insult the author/readers by putting it on the actual pages, even that Sup Forums crossboarder with the Islam memes doesn't stoop that low.
Thats like asking western anime-manga fans to buy manga/anime.
After they said all this:
>Yes, we're doing the scanlation and you have to sit through our bullshit. You're powerless. All you can do is rant and rant and rant. It won't affect our behaviour or our enjoyment in the notes; if it does affect it, it will be by spurring us onto doubling down in the notes.
>We don't care what you or anyone else thinks of our behaviour. We're not trying to be popular. And if you come with the eternal rejoinder, "you must care or you wouldn't even respond", I can only say: yes, we care about as much as we do when we see a circus monkey's antics. We may say something, even applaud, but it won't really leave a dent into how we go about life.
>You can't make us stop, so shut up or get out. Or, you know, keep writhing and squirming in the comment section for our delight.
My fucking sides.
Take a look at the actual release, they're not TL notes, it's retards acting like the manga is their own personal message board from 2005, complete with 12yo unfunny retard-tier jokes.
>PR/N: Hmmm, pork butt.
>TS/N: Wait, she's not a pig anymore?
Those were both real examples from this.
Keep in mind you're talking to Sup Forums, where completely anonymous scanlations are done all the time, purely because people like the manga and think scanlating it is its own reward. No one who does this shit anonymously complains if someone changes their work, jumps in mid-chapter, or beats them to finishing something.
"Ohhh but the poor group's doing it for free! They should be getting recognition for their hard work! Who cares if they're stealing someone else's work, editing it and then getting angry when someone else does the same thing to them!"
>Keep in mind you're talking to Sup Forums, where completely anonymous scanlations are done all the time, purely because people like the manga and think scanlating it is its own reward. No one who does this shit anonymously complains if someone changes their work, jumps in mid-chapter, or beats them to finishing something.
There was that time Aereus threw a fit because someone translated a Boku Girl side chapter before he did, and so he disappeared and refused to translate more chapters right as the manga was ending.
I can't believe what I'm reading. Somebody downloaded the scanlated manga that these people worked really hard on, and that person dared to use the eraser tool on it without even asking for permission first!? Whoever is responsible is truly worse than Griffith.
Could someone provide an image with an example of these allegedly dreadfully blasphemous TL notes? I assume it has to be something beyond obnoxious for people to have whined enough to make the group quit.
Here's one in the corner.
I hate this shit. I really appreciate that someone is translating manga, but drama is stupid.
Just exist in your bubble, work on what you like, and release it.
ALSO PLEASE TRANSLATE LESSER KNOWN STUFF!! we dont need 15 groups translating onepiece and other shit that is over supported. Meanwhile other things have gone 1-3 years without a new chapter being scanlated.
>not learning nip
this is your punishment
Undeserved ego and pride.
Did someone redraw them out as well?
You can copypasta if you find the raws.
Aereus doesn't sound very anonymous m8. Hell, he even used a tripcode.
The life of an EOP must truly suck
translator is the only one that matters anyways
But then you get releases in grey pages with bold comic sans.
Pretty much.
I don't get why some groups have a credit page with like 10 people doing different stuff.
E-penis, I guess.
Unrelated translator with no editing skills here, I disagree completely. The editors and redrawers I've worked with have done great work for near-zero recognition while I get all the thanks. That's pretty unfair, and I point it out every chance I get.
>Making me turn my head 90°
The hate is well deserved.
Translating is piss-easy. I can memorize new words on Anki all day, but for fuck's sake I have no idea how to use Photoshop.
yeah i love cleaning raws and typesetting too, but you dont need to know japanese to straighten pages, so unless you can into moon, you just have wordless pages
How long does it take you to learn nip enough to be able to understamd your average shounen? Been thinking of doing it ever since I found a import book store full of cheap manga.
So it's about some attention whore being mad that their obnoxious unsolicited opinion is being ignored.
What a dumb cunt.
People want translations, not commentary tracks. If you feel really fucking compelled to express your opinion, release two versions (one with worthless commentary, one without) and let people read whatever they want.
Nobody gives a shit about some intermediary's opinion in a body of work. People tolerate and even enjoy a T/N joke here or there but if you're both fucking unfunny AND plaster that shit on every page then yeah, people will edit you out since they just want to enjoy the fucking work.
People want to read , not
Depends on how much you're willing to grind. At 20 new words per day and an hour studying grammar daily you'll be competent enough for most manga in less than a year.
Is Genki still the way to go?
Why the fuck would you deride the series you scanlate in margin-notes?
Why not use the TL-notes- or credits-page
Personally, I used Tae Kim, but I don't think what textbook you use matters much. Most of what you learn about grammar comes from experience in using the language.
The guy who did the side chapter wasn't anonymous either, but it was still a stupid thing to get mad about when translations were so far behind anyway.
Not like anything changes given the tons of abandoned or never-scanlated series.
Just reads something else until maybe someone picks it up.
>That's why if you're gonna meme just do it at the end of the chapter in credits or whatever, don't insult the author/readers by putting it on the actual pages, even that Sup Forums crossboarder with the Islam memes doesn't stoop that low.
Reminds of those fucking meme-translations of Kaguya that get inevitably ripped by some online readers, leaving readers befuddled why the Author (!!!) would write something like that.
According to the faggot that writes those statements, they were scanlating a series they don't even care about.
>Keep in mind you're talking to Sup Forums, where completely anonymous scanlations are done all the time, purely because people like the manga and think scanlating it is its own reward. No one who does this shit anonymously complains if someone changes their work, jumps in mid-chapter, or beats them to finishing something.
>"Ohhh but the poor group's doing it for free! They should be getting recognition for their hard work! Who cares if they're stealing someone else's work, editing it and then getting angry when someone else does the same thing to them!"
Exactly. At least have the decency not to shit on the Authors hard work.
most of the basic shit to put you above the bluescan ariel mspaint tier can be learned in 2-3 weekends if you are mildly competent with computers , and most redrawing is either unnecessary or can be done with the pattern tool. even if english isnt your first language, sharp literal translations and MSpaint are still better than no translation. with out the translation you arent any further ahead
Yeah. I got tired of retard 'editors', 'proofreaders' and 'quality checkers' all who didn't speak Japanese and also had worse English than me.
Took me a day to torrent PS and learn how to clean and since then I've been doing shit I like alone.
That fucking reminds me of slowpoke Utopia, that complained (!!!) when Sup Forums managed to close the 30(!) chapter-gap.
(You won't get it from us!)
Now they are back (with 1 chapter delay I think).
There is also Kanji-Tomo.
Though transcribing names and other Kanji-types is a pain in the ass.
>I could care less
Why are people so retarded they think this is the correct way to say it? It's always americans too who have english as their main language, what the fuck
And that's why things like "translator is the only one that matters" is a dumb statement. Every person in the scanlator group is important, the translator only has the rarest skill.
Saying that you only need the translation is like saying you don't mind streaming in 240p because you only need subtitles.
It's a doggy dog world, bro.
>Perhaps not exclusively but almost all of it is.
Almost all being truth or jest?
>what is sarcasm
Someone break this shit down for me and my small IQ. WTF is this about? I want to laugh too...
I'd take meme TL notes over shit like this any day of the week.
This is why scanlation generals need to be banned. It attracts the Reddit attention whore group. Daiz's trip as well as the names Herkz and Xythar need to be banned as well. Fucking faggots.
Translation group put those obnoxious unfunny commentaries in the white border of a manga, people started to clean those comments and release versions without them. Scanlators get butthurt and start putting the notes on top of the drawings, all while pretending they don't give a shit when they are clearly being little bitches.