>Poland passes bill denying holocaust
>Germany openly turning against pissrael
Are we witnessing the redpilling of Europe?
>Poland passes bill denying holocaust
>Germany openly turning against pissrael
Are we witnessing the redpilling of Europe?
Nah, that's inevitable. Leftists never think ahead and live in the now. They thought white people would take it forever despite rampant crimes.
Now... Are we witnessing the beginning of World War 3? Maybe.
wtf i luv pooland now!?
>everyone smarter than me is a Jew
>everyone I disagree with is a Jew
>everything I'm incapable to understand is Jewish
>everything I don't support is Jewish
the post
Poland didn't pass a bill denying the holocaust you retard.
The Poland bill would make it illegal to describe the death camps that were in Poland as "Polish death camps" and generally illegal to accuse Poland of being complicit in the holocaust.
AFAIK it doesn't deny the holocaust and the president hasn't signed it yet.
It's better than being shill: the post.
Let's face it, the Jews are greedy little bastards that should have been hanged 3000 years ago.
The least they could have done was leaving our foreskins intact, but noooo, they had to have that too.
president will veto or sign it in about 6 hours
scientific research still allowed
"Polish death camps" penalized to stop jews from being gassed 7 times and wanting to get reparations
Islamisation is not the same as being red pilled.
Anti-Semites are as barbaric and stupid as niggers are.
too much Muslim influence does this
>German fm: hard to convince young germans to continue supporting Israel
that happens because they let in muslims there, them and the commies are the most antisemites xD
>Young germans don’t support Israel
>Sup Forums: yay!!
it’s because they’re all Muslims you laughable fucking retards
More like islamization.
>Be jews
>Europe supports you
>meh could be more
>import massive amount of shitskins to europe
>This will dumb down the goyim
>Shitskins hate you and don't care about muh history
>It backfires
>a literal Russian shill
Maybe the Dems were onto something, Jesus Christ
t. Kike
i think at this point we have to ask ourselves this: whats worse Muslims, a low IQ people that can easily be manipulated into doing what someone wants the to do, or Jews, a high IQ people who controls our media and manipulates us on the daily. if you ask me i would say jews are worse
I swear to God, almost every ruposter here must be a kike. How on earth a real Russian wouldn't be red pilled on jewish question.
If you are really a Russian though, then just neck yourself.
Yeah looks like there's some propaganda against Poland coming (as they continue to refuse going along with Brussel's plans) and they'll just make this bullshit illegal.
Look what guilt tripping Germans allowed to do in Germany. Poland wants none of this.
Ok you just have to be a shlomo. Are you afraid? Well, you should be.
you cannot guilt trip the victims
>"Hey, everybody that has been fucking me over seems to be a J-"
>"Well it's just that I notice a pattern an-"
the fucking globalist jews totally tipped their hand too much...or their got so full of themselves they didnt see the massive fuck up they were causing. now there's a bunch of pissed muslims and even more pissed europeans who are both ready to kill each other and then finish off the jews once and for all... things are going to get interesting
>it’s because they’re all Muslims
You guys are extremely retarded, aren't you?
You don't even know anything about that which is controlling your children.
>then finish off the jews once and for all
The Jews have begun to mix with the Asians as a safety measure.
If the west starts to flip out and persecute them, the backup plan is to flee to China, the emerging world power.
We should support stability there but I don't think that could happen, both are horrible, the jews lobby hard in US so as long as the US is a thing they'll be there, and the control of the Middle East and North Africa always has been a problem and after the Arab Spring is even worst because intead of democracy they put there more Islam ...
>rise of muslim population due to unregulated mass migration from muslim countries
>rise of antisemitism from the "young germans" aka the aforementioned muslim migrants
I know corelation =/ causation, but they'd have to be fucking blind not to see the link, right?
The more you get coddled white kids to grow up, go outside, try to find love, etc. the more these degenerates will be forced to deal with the horrors of multiculturalism and consumerism and the feminists and the Jews and Globalist pushing it.
Life is the greatest red pill there is! White people seem to have an inordinate ability to deny reality and/or the future consequences of. But as these people grow up they realize that the white family and values and LOVE that they took for granted is what gave them everything!, and all their stupid bullshit, drugs, vidya, SJW values, nigger worship, Jew media, trap/cuck porn, iPhones, iPads, social media, gender disregulation, instant gratification, constant masturbation, escapism, is all just shit it the well! We are all taking Mexican diarrheas in our communal village well and then letting some sociopathic Jew sell our own fecese back to us as multiculturally purified drinking water.
Mark my words, Jews have been behind the global Islamist movement since at least the 60's. That's why ISIS never targets Israel.
>The Jews have begun to mix with the Asians as a safety measure.
Too bad Jewish genes + Asian genes ≠ very much. There are many Jewish/Asian offspring yet name a single one of any recognition.
You can't.
It all depends on what Europe is going to do, russia and china don't want war the only ones who want war are the neocons and Zionists in the us, if they start a war they will try to drag europe into it too (actually there is a high probability that a 3ww would be fought again in europe).
I thought that was Mark Hamill at first
its literally about israel you retard
Germany is a muslim state of course it hates Israel.
ISIS was made by the US and Europe to fuck Syria and get acces to the Arab oil trought there, Israel isn't a target just like Saudi Arabia isn't a taget
The Jewish universities are actualy teaching their young ones to attack Israel.
That is what happens when you turn an entire generation into Marxists.
Your plan is slowly backfiring.
Some Jews like Milo, Saphiro, Horowits, etc, havestarted to realise this, which is why they are against the Marxists now.
He will probably veto it to put change that everybody, who mentions that camps were polish or our nation helped Nazis on our soil is a traitor and deserves two shots in the back of the head
It's not evry one of them. It's the nasty Zionist scum that we are fighting. (And their proxy puppets in our governments)
wtf i agree with a commie now?!
I have no doubt it is Islamization, but to no surprise they are blaming rise of anti-semitism on the "millions" of (non-existent) Neonazis.
not yet, but the zeitgeist is waking up
>Import millions of mudslimes that breed like rabbits
> oh vey why is antisemitism growing
I fucking hate Amerifat! Now you piss poor excuse of a state departments has threatened Poland to throw out the new bill because we can hurt Amerifatts masters feelings. Hate u Amerifatt hope u all die.
>muslims invading Europe and replacing the natives
>muslims don’t like Jews
That's right Jew.
Blame all of it on the muslims, it has absolutely nothing to do with the entire generation of Palestinia dick sucking marxists your are brainwashing
Israel isn’t our enemy. It’s left wing diaspora jews working in government, the media and education that are our enemy.
Israel supported South Africa when every White country boycotted all trade with it .
would he be called a dominator not a "dominatrix"?
It's a little bit more complex. The Jew diaspora is most definitely working with Israel when it comes to destroying nearby countries like Syria, Libya and Iran.
Jews are just bad news all around. There is no goodness in them.
Germans are turning against Israel because "think of the poor muslims" and "nationalism is baaaad"
True. Just look at any white country's leftwing/socialist/communist side, they all side with the muslim palestinians.
Because they wanted the same system in their country. There is no such ything as "liberal" or "conservative" jews when will you disgusting amerimutts realize this? There is ONLY ONE jew. The Zionist KIKE and they use every hostnation in order to develop their own country. The "liberal" jews have the mission to import as many arabs and niggers as possible to US and Europe because they want to drain the middle east of all army-capable men. They do it to solidify their israeli borders and use multiculturalism and "human rights" to do this operation. The "Conservative" jews mission is to create wars with the neighbouring countries to weaken their infrastructure and create these migrant-crisis.
> failing at convicing islamist and arabs to support israel
> this was merkel plan all this time
This is not denying the holohoax only making it clear that Poland as a nation had nothing to do with the Holohoax.
Yes. The Europeans (love 'em) have always been a bit...slow. Poor dears. Back in ancient times, we Aussies had to lend them our know-how to help them no their feet, the adorable little rascals.
Protip for newfags. Russian flags are jewish kikes in rus.
>Meme-countries does not have any say in any matters regarding politics and soveriegn decisions. Once you let go of the Queens teat you can talk again.
FFS the jews are pulling their people out for a reason.... you think its bad now?
Wait until Merkel succesfully brings in another 4 mill nogs....She a fucking commie /zionist puppet
Nice get?
>Russian shills are kikes
This is an eye opener.
Nice get? Sorry Jimmy but I don't understand what you mean by that?
pls define zionism ahmed
You are witnessing what will eventually become the final solution to the nation question
Protip: Nationalism, along with all its proponents, will die. That includes the Jewish nation. We will condone no nation, not a single fucking one, no Israel, no Germany, not even fucking Switzerland. Progress is not a choice.
Zionism is just like Nationalism but their mission is to create "Great Israel" and at the same time make Goyim their cattle.
I doubt it will work in this day and age. Information travels too far and too fast. In the past the kikes could weasel their way into societies who were unaware of the shenanigans they had caused in their former host societies. Now things are different. No doubt the Chinese leadership is aware of kikes and their hold on the west. Also, jews are obviously racially alien to asians.
If the Jews try to block the import of the next witcher (I'll probably be dead by then) or even Cyberpunk 2083, I'll be the one you see on the electric synagogue looting, burning, and smashing cars like a nigger.
The Jew has destroyed itself.
USA is afraid their masters will lose their holocoast shekels.
Years of brainwashing the public with germany and american media to make peopel think poles were somehow complicit in the holocoast and that the jews were the only ones who died (3 million poles died, and 3 million polish jews, funny how magically you dont count as a "pole" when you have 1% of jewish blood in you)
Its all related to the Bill 447 that USA has in congress, a Bill that will allow USA to persecute countries that "stole" property from the jews that died without any relatives alive or known. It is directly in conflict with polish law, where if polish citizen dies alone without testament and without any relatives his property goes to the state (it was traditionally used to pay for the funeral).
Poland is constantly bombarded by fraudsters that pretend to be related to people that died in the holocast, and by some magic twist of fate all these jews were wealthy and had a large amount of real estate that they now demand to be given back to them. The bill says as follows:
-the restitution of heirless property to assist needy Holocaust survivors;
-and progress on the resolution of claims for U.S. citizen Holocaust survivors and family members.
Now this all comes into light when Poland passed a bill that makes it illegal to say "polish death camps" unless its for journalistic or scientific purposes. Jerusalem Post goes all balisitc yelling OYVEY POLISH DEATH CAMPS. (((centrists))) have their usual stance of "B-but we certainly were evil too" and the left just jumps happily singing Hava Nagila.
We are deeply, deeply fucked.
Because there are 2 major kike factions, both trying to outjew the other.
Do not capitulate. Let them kvetch.
Fucking semitophiles
No. They are working together when it comes to the longterm goal aka "Greater Israel". They arer only fighting eachother when it comes to the social questions like multiculti or DACA but when it comes to Israel, Zionism and what's important they are all on the same team. Best example is what happened in Poland during the 60's. REventhough the kikes were hardocre commies and were supposed to stand on the arab side in the 6-day war conflict they refused to do that and was on the Israeli side instead. This is the best example of where their loyalty is.
>Germany invades poland
poles were hanging jews as fast as they could get their hand son them as payback for wha the soviet nkvd did under jew soviet occupation. It should be a badge of honor, put it on your national flags how many you killed. Think how awful the world is now and imagine it with even MORE jews. The only unfortunate part os that the shiftiest/wealthiest managed to escape.
Like not wanting to admit you set up the rats traps that helped partially end the black plague.
if only
Lack of devotion to the most Holy Holocau$t™
is death by sanctions, with the Color Revolution tossed in 4 free.
>young germans
>Color Revolution
The EU/Nato lackeys wouldn't dare to do that.
It could turn Poland towards Russia's pshere of influence... maybe. The risk is there.
>color revolution in Poland
>what is KOD
>what happened Christmas before this one
go for it
Get ur headlines correct. Poland did nothing wrong
Is it possible to lose 6 gorillion and then have 8 gorillion babies in 15 years?
Lawmaker Vote To Make It Illegal To Accuse Any Polish Citizen Of Taking Part In The Nazi Holocaust!
if krauts turn against us they get nuked the next day.not only do we need more free subs\money but other free shit from germany . we have plans for an israeli foreign legion , which we plan to start by recruiting hoax-guilt-ridden young germans , and turn them from whiny cucks into real man and soldiers for israel.
First you have to become real men yourselves.
pick one
That's a good point.
Jews don't work, they get goys to do all the heavy lifting
>literally posting the proof we're real men in the post's iomage
nice achmed
Just came here to tell you that this is a nice get.
There is literally no end to jewish degeneracy
Jews and Israel really need to open their boarders and get with the EU and be a country of diversity.I think the minimum EU quota is 3,000,000? that will make up for all the jews killed in the gas chambers. They will assimilate nicely to jewish culture.
Because jewish women love black cock, litterally every fuckiing coal burner in every American and Britt TV show and movie is played by a jewish actress and every fag is played by a jewish guy.
0 rapefugees senpai , bibi said we forcefully deport them unless they go voluntarily .
Shit, then European will really become a tiny minority and will have to mix to survive, wtf
Why is any elected representatives trying to convince the electorate of anything at all. Shouldn't they just be listening and enacting what the electorate wants?
Then you will face financial sanctions and countries will start cutting down Israels monthly welfare checks. Exactly the same as EU does to Europe.
And dude has a point (can't find the post again) but Germany hates jews again but not for the same reasons as before, now Germany is muslim and muslims hate jews.
Soon all of Europe will hate the jews, and once those muslims control the armies of those nations Israel will have a brand new war to fight, a war they started themselves.
can't find the meme but every EU head that pushes for mass muslim nigger migration are fucking Jews. Every one of them. I wounder if Israel could handle an ongoing attack of 1 billion muslim niggers attacking?
wrong Ahmed. Its goal to have a state of Israel. thats it. But lets be honest if the jews were to create a greater Israel would you care? Would you care if all the sandniggers became cheap labor force and would be wiped out? your country is failing due to those people.
What you see is what we call the unholy alliance, the far right and the far left found common ground and the center is getting marginalized or in the european case completely falling appart.
The entire base that supported Isreal is as good as gone