Dems are fucking broke with midterms approaching. Leftists, how does that noose feel around your neck?

Dems are fucking broke with midterms approaching. Leftists, how does that noose feel around your neck?

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just like america

honestly it’s very scary. i don’t know if I will make through the Trump years alive. I’m a trans woman left wing Liberal Dem.

Yeah I read a few months back that DNC fundraising is less than 5 times that of RNC fundraising since the election. Of course this stuff never makes the major headlines. What else should Democrats expect? They have literally NO alternative platform and their immigration positions is outright untenable outside of the big coastal cities.

omg i know riiight? i am literally shaking, i cant believe we have been so wrong about literally everything. how is this even possible, how could our politicians and even CNN lie to us all this time?

I mean, I thought it was bad when hillary stole the primary from sanders, but I just figured there was more to the story and most of the bad news was just republican spin, but this is just ... i dont even know...

It's like Trump did nothing wrong, and everything about him was wrong and he is really just a good guy who is looking out for everybody? I cant even believe I am writing that..

The worst part is I dont know how I am going to go outside and face the world after the last year and how I have been treating everybody around me, in my family, at work.

I'm such an idiot I just want to die!

Doesn't matter. They don't even need to campaign because every vote in every elections is a referendum against Trump. People are voting in spite and against him.

I know right? I am a transgender black muslim refugee and I'm very scared too

I dont know, everybody I've talked to liked his state of the union speech and everybody is starting to wonder about what is really happening with the DNC..

I dont think it looks very good for us, or the dems, or whatever I dont even know what I am anymore...

I think the 2016 election and then the elections before the midterms have pretty much squeezed the Democrat donor base dry.

yeah but I was being serious. I’m afraid.

i missed something important again didn't i? whats going on?


he is not looking out for the transgender community. Hillary would have. I don’t care about Bernie.

Dems failed hard and now they fail harder

Agree with your points, but god damn, Reddit

I am serious too. Why do you think I'm not serious? You think I'm joking? My FUCKING LIFE is on the line and you think I'M FUCKING JOKING? HOW DARE YOU? HOW FUCKING DARE YOU?

While it's funny that the party that offers gibs goes broke first. Unfortunately, voters love debt/ inflation regardless of political affiliations.

>I'm trans
So as a child were you raped by your father, your mother, your uncle, or....?

im not so sure about anything anymore with hillary, i dont think she cared about us. not after what she did to bernie just to win, thats not right, thats not fair and that cant be how a person acts who cares about other people...

Trump didn't want trans people in the military and i think that is maybe just what his generals want? i mean i dont like fighting so i dont see how a trans woman would want to join the army anyways? But it's not like trump has done anything else against the gay community is it? Everything they said he would do hasnt happened, he even seems to care about women and people of color and all that.

I think we have been lied to this whole time.

You aren't democrats. You're individuals who have been putting beans in the democrat jar. If you don't agree with their positions or their actions, just don't.

Making this shit the basis for your self-image cheapens you as a person. Your fellow Americans are like family. You may not always get along, but you still care for each other. "Republicans" care about you, too, even if it doesn't always seem like it.

Trump was right about one thing in his SotU speech: You all need to work together if you're going to get through this. Will you?

nice fantasy, trump has even more support now than in the elections of 2016.

SHUT THE FUCK UP LEAF what do you know about my situation to tell me what to do? I'm a transgender black muslim refugee and I FUCKING HATE TRUMP!

Nice and all but you still need to set an alarm in your phone for the next state elections or you will lose the house. Dem will do anything and everything including cheating/busing people around. Don't sleep on your success ensure it for the future and vote.

Stfu no one wants to kill you.

Join a Pink Pistols chapter in your area. Knowing you CAN defend yourself if necessary will help with the anxiety.

it goes far beyond the military. the trans community is under attack from this admin. he banned the word ‘transgender’ from being used at the cdc. doctors and medical workers are now allowed to refuse treating trans people because violates their “religious freedom”. he undid the obama admin. guidelines on trans students using the restroom that corresponds with their gender identity. he is the only sitting president to speak at an anti-LGBTQIA+ conference. the sessions justice dept. said trans people are not covered by workplace discrimination. many trans immigrants are being deported to countries where they could be killed. protections for lgbt in obamacare were removed. 1/3 of his judicial nominees are anti-LGBT. the tax scam is bad for LGBT and so is repealing net neutrality. It’s bad. It’s all bad. They are making it to where trans women will be sent to male prisons where they will be murdered. It goes on and on.

I’m in a rural area in a red state. I’m trying to get out before the really bad stuff starts.

>are now allowed to refuse treating trans people because violates their “religious freedom

So basically what democrat business owners have done to trump supporters after the election and what democrats have done with the bakery incident...
The only question to me is why its suddenly evil when we use the rules YOU PROVIDE AND USE YOURSELF.
Come on explain, speak up I cant hear you.

Hey tranny. Were you raped as a young child by one of your family members? Serious question

Whoa commies and socialists aren't good with money?

and it’s not just that either

you can literally see our government and country moving in a fascist direction. it’s terrifying

Seriously, nobody is going to do anything to harm you if you don't do anything to harm others. Any businesses or doctors, even under Obama, if they don't want to serve you, they can make up any shit reasons they want to not serve you.

we could literally die if they refuse to treat us. OMFG they had to make a cake...

aint a male prison the fantasy of all you mentally ill dudes? homos that want to fuck you and put a mop head on your head and pretend youre a "woman"?

They seriously do have chapters all over the country. There's even one in Huntsville Alabama. Your protection is your responsibility alone. Take charge of it.

I'd have voted Trump and I absolutely do not consider myself republican and barely even conservative. I hate the neocons with a passion, and frankly blame them for everything that went wrong in the middle east. They were just more of the same corruption in DC.

what got my support is what you're starting to see right now: Trump really is the good guy out to set the corruption in washington straight(er). Every one of his policies could be dogshit and if he still set the DC politicians on fire and fixed some of the corruption I'd support him hands down.

But he seems to have good policies on top of fucking over the corrupt asshats, so all the better.

You look here and you don't even know what fascist is? Trump is much more like libertarian for internal improvements and protectionism for outsiders than anything else.

Yeah, sucks d e s u. The DNC money doesn't go to the high profile candidates. It's used to fund your average rank-and-file Representative. They're going to have a hard time this year, considering we're only a few months out from midterm primaries.

scared of what? My god, Trump is not going to throw you people into internment camps and gas you, holy shit.


>he banned the word ‘transgender’ from being used at the cdc.

But that is what I am talking about.

He DIDNT do that! Its all just yet another lie from the media and CNN. The New York Times dug into it and reported the exact opposite, see for yourself!


He didnt do any of that so what else is a lie? I have found so many of these stories recently now that I finally picked up the nerve to actually look into it.

We have been lied to so much I dont know what to do anymore!!!

He's a tranny.

He's mentally unstable (retarded) and will believe ANYTHING that feeds into his persecution complex.

You missed the state of the union address

tomorrow the memo should be released, and every indication right now is that mueller's a DNC hatchetman and the entire "russia" investigation is faked up from the start to oust a sitting president because certain special interest groups in the FBI/DoJ/etc. didn't like an uncontrolled candidate winning the election.

As much as I liked ron paul for 2008, even seeing the first inklings of blatant media bias back then, it's clear to me the corruption was even worse than I had ever fucking imagined and Ron Paul never had a ghost of a chance. Democracy in the United States has been a total sham for decades going - I'd love to know for how long.

I hope Trump manages to fix it, but I'm pretty pessimistic; there are fundamental changes to the entire system that need to take place.

As a fellow trainssexual, I can honestly say it's been a terrible day for trains people everywhere. I am saddened, shocked, and literally shaking in my tracks at what happened to one of our own today, and to see such prominent news coverage over it all morning just makes me want to go off the rails.

I dont appreciate the way you people talk about people like trans-gendered persons or especially black people but I am starting to understand that you arent actually what Trump is about.

You could visit a doctor that has no issues with that. Instead of pretending every doc is the same and has to reorient their lives just for you.
Also its not just because of the cake (but its a perfect example showing leftist hypocrisy's no less)
The left literally cant hold themselves back at this point in time and blurt out anti white racist crap on a consistent basis, never seen a single tranny give a shit about that.
While we are now at a point where university professors don't educate but indoctrinate and make political activists out of their students, same professors calls for white genocide "jokingly" you have school news papers printing articles like "white peoples dna is a abomination" of course also "jokingly".

No seriously why should I give a fuck about the people literally calling for my extermination in the media and on social media?

Them not making you a cake makes you "literally die?"

Why aren't Soros and Steyer bailing them out?

It's not even doable in cities anymore, fucking shits crowded. They just keep pretending that widening a toad here and there is making any real difference. Perfect example: Atlanta is looking to extend their MARTA system outside the city because it's just that fucking bad to try and get around in that zoo of a perimeter. The only reason these city fafs vote Dem is because they are stuck in their cars half the day listening to NPR

I don't appreciate normalizing trannies because it is a slippery slope into pure degeneracy.

The whole point of "progressivism" is to normalize pedophilia and incest.

Everyone laughed when people said gay marriage will lead to a slippery slope in 2015, and now in 2018 we have fucking gay parents forcing hormone blockers on their adopted 8 year olds forcing them to be trannies and 10 year olds setting up "transgender-only" facebooks.

Exactly. Trump wasn't a candidate so much as a giant fucking wrench to throw into the gears.

Ron was an actual presidential candidate. They didn't let Americans elect him so they elected Trump instead. It's a country founded on saying "Fuck you" to the powers that be. It's a fitting act.

The only reason Trump didn't want TRANNIES in the army is because applications from them increased from 4 to 5000 after the decision to pay their operation fees.
He stopped a gravy train

they know USA is lost and they're strenght their stronghold in Europe. Hence, wy the EU army took so much steam. A new world war is coming in a couple of years, I guess.

Noticed something was off at the end and had a second read. Well done

omgosh that makes a lot more sense, I really couldnt understand it honestly...

The part about why they would join I mean, why join the army and be surrounded by macho redneck dudes who probably hate you if you dont even want to use a men's room based on the same argument?

It just didnt make any sense...

This is the only interesting discussion in this thread.

Whenever I speak to leftists, I point out how immigration and higher populations drive up housing prices, making it harder for young and poor people to afford a home. This message usually resonates more than almost anything, especially cultural arguments.

Dems murdered Seth Rich and Shawn Lucas

Dems tried to assassinate Replicant law makers while they played softball

Dems just tried to kill 200 Republican senators and congressmen in a staged train derailment

The evil treasonous Dems are clearly stepping up their murderous plans. What’s next? How can the escalate things even further? Are they planning to harm civilians in a mass staged event?

> spent $1.2 billion on the Hillary campaign
> spent another $3 billion to get her to go away
> "we spent all our money, so you need to give us your money"


Fun fact: The military is GAY AF. Half of the infantry is comprised of furries, too.

Oh gee, your whole party is supported by welfare blacks, illegals, gays, commies and retarded liberals who don’t work and you’re surprised no one is giving you money?


That shooting was to stop a bill deregulating suppressors, FYI.

my uncle also trains man he is driver. sometimes he get death threats but never rape. stay strong trains is hard job

Don't forget that psycho liberal who started beating up Rand Paul causing him to be rushed to the E.R.

>i don’t know if I will make through the Trump years alive
We're hoping you don't.

Wait, what? I didn't hear about this. That's fucked. Rand was the best (actual) candidate of the bunch last Republican primary.



>DNC SOTU Data Dump: By The Way, We're Nearly Broke, And That's Wonderful

>I’m a trans woman left wing Liberal Dem.
how about you grow up? and out of whatever the hell that is.

This is gonna red pill a lot of normies.

>b-but I donated all of welfare checks to the party. H-how are they bankrupt?

The Jews weren't rounded up into the camps and gassed right away. It started with their rights being chipped away little by little and that's what is happening to us.

Well bust my buffers!

In the unlikely event you're not shitposting, there isn't a need for the federal government to "look out" for trannies. You don't even need it at the state level, you can just appeal to the free market. Target already has bathrooms for the low-grade schizos.

>The Jews weren't rounded up into the camps and gassed

Agreed, though they should have been.

Uh you routinely get more rights even rights that are blatantly bullshit so please don't compare yourself to jews its fucking offensive.
The only comparison you have is that trannies kill themselves at the same rate while not being in the same situation at all which proves its a mental thing and that most will regret it later and suizide. BTW there was a studiy done on this basically confirming it but it obviously got censored and banned so much for your "rights getting censored" when its actually the opposite for the simple reason that whity needs to swallow this crap (also the reason its currently forced on campuses all over the US) transforming white men=no white children.
That's basically the idea and why its currently pushed everywhere like nothing else.. for 0,02 percent of the population lol

Trannies don't belong in the military, and I don't care what pinhead generals have to say to the contrary. By their own standards, trannies can't qualify for security clearance because they regularly take mind-alerting medications (hormones) that generate mood swings. Moreover, they have a high suicide rate. Even non-combat jobs need security clearance for things like flightlines, command posts, etc, depending on their wartime function. They would need to be escorted on a regular basis just to do their job. It would be a hindrance to the unit and a hindrance to the mission.

To be fair, Gays and lesbians are fine. You can give them training and drop them into a theatre and their support needs are no different than anyone else. They don't always need to pop pills or dilate themselves.

>i don’t know if I will make through the Trump years alive.

Oh, you gonna be join the 41% this year?

This is believable

They can raise all they want. It wont ever cover the hush money they are going to have to pay.

Low tier bait

OMG GF! As a trains-bi ex-deasexual muslim pro intersex beastophile,im crying hot little tears into my hemaphro pony sex dolls rainbow mane rite now,everyone donate to the American democrats and help save the world!

Jesus christ, a year in and you still believe this? Take your meds.

>not being good with money
wew, shocker

Keep them shills posting. Let's bankrupt them quicker.

Republicans have nothing to do with a republic. Democrats have nothing to do with democracy.

I hope everyone ends up living under a fucking bridge.

While the national DNC has run into fundraising issues, the local and state chapters are robust and the Super PACs bring in tons of dough. The Socialist adversary is still quite formidable, do not underestimate their ability to access 'them' in a time of need.


Hey, watch it you ableist, you might be a black transgender Muslim refugee but how dare you chastise a transgender disabled dreamer reading impaired latinx, last I checked you're only a tier 6 victim on the cusp, xir is a tier 5.

Just be careful with your feelsplaining next time is all I'm saying or I'm reporting you to Central.