I've been reading stuff from the Frankfurt School

I've been reading stuff from the Frankfurt School

There are two distinct phases in all of their works.

1 Criticism of the effects of capitalism on our social life, and it's very fair criticism, stuff we all know is true: advertising makes us want more things, so we endure shitty jobs, and when we come home, we consume media to "relax". This makes us essentially slaves.

2 What can we do about it? The challenge is that the free market turns everything into a product. If you make an anti-consumerist movie, people will watch it, feel more intelligent (this is the product they are buying - feeling smart) and go back to work the next day. So their solution is... I think you know... it involves propaganda, women and minorities.

My question is how is this "construction" (i.e. the premise that capitalism affects our social life negatively, and how we can overcome it) is tied to Jewish conspiracy theories? The intention actually seem noble and compassionate, and the solution is the best they could come up...

I mean, they wouldn't even benefit from the collapse of capitalism, it seems all they're doing is spreading their message. I don't see how a group of Jews are sitting there planning world domination, unless all of this happens subconsciously.

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Someone redpill me.

Capitalism is allowing people to trade and create as they see fit. Anti-capitalism is inherently a move in a totalitarian direction. So it does not need to be an intentional plot for domination in order to be one, especially if its occurring in multiple nations by the same actors.

Plenty of people would benefit from the colapse of capitalism, primarily those who will find themselves in a high position of government administration. The cost to control the economy will slowly rise every year as people work around their controls plus the cost to maintain current controls, even without government expansion, and so the bulk of administrators will see more and more money stripped from the populous and plopped on their laps. Administrators in government always end up with the lions share in any totalitarian society, second only to the king himself.

How is it tied to jews? Honestly I don't know, could be the culture the torah teaches, could be that jews are just too rich to not be involved in everything.

And don't defend unproductive propaganda aimed and the most vulnerable of society, especially the kind that looks to trick them into shackling themselves.


1) That is far too much of an assumption. Advertising is not the only thing that makes us want more things, it is a part of what makes us want some things... Not everyone has shitty jobs and neither would everyone agree that working for what you have is a bad thing... What a big ole fuckin blanket here too, consuming media is supposedly wrong as well now in it's entirety, and it makes us slaves? What type of media? Books are media and range from awful to masterworks, the same can be successfully argued of many other genres of media, as hard determined work on any form of "media" can be impressive and beautiful. The whole slave thing is just a pointless statement, we are no more slaves to media than we are slaves to our own bodies, cause you have to fucking move around and eat things or else you DIE.

2)What can you do about those incredibly vague and negative assumptions? Same answer as the one to the question you thought was a good one to ask, learn more. Learn the balance between addiction and not. Learn what is useful media and what is not. Learn where your morals lie so that you do not make those ideas of yours a reality.

3)This "construction" is linked heavily to Jewish people because they have consistently been the ones to lead communist movements around the globe. Google kibbutz, they tried to make small communes that all failed until they started selling things i.e. capitalism. They absolutely can and will benefit from being thrust in to positions of leadership above large populations.

Thanks for the response. So how do we deal with millions of people (80% of the American workforce) slaving away every day with their only incentive being the pay check to buy the latest iPhone? I'm not promoting Marxism here, I am simply stating that these people aren't dumb, they just haven't had the luxury to think about their life since they've been institutionalised since birth through mass media.

Let me be specific. Wanting to read literature, become a writer, or read science, and become an inventor is one thing. This is a worthy pursuit.

Watching CNN/Fox, getting fed bullshit, then ending the night with watching some retarded flick, and spending your money on the latest accessories like phones, is another. This is consumerism, this is what the Frankfurt School warns us of.

Now your answer is "well let's teach these people what addiction is" -- that is the entire fucking point of their institution, you can't fucking get to someone who is so entrenched in the system that when they stop working they just want to feed their addiction. They don't give a fuck about the truth, about being red pilled, they just want to watch tv and eat.

Because if you try to turn the concept of "fairness" which is inherently subjective, into something objective, you need people, inevitably by the barrel of a gun, enforcing their ideas of what is "fair". And those people historically are overwhelmingly jewish.

Is it ever explained how uplifting women and minorities is supposed to solve the described problems?

Yes it's in two books. "Eros and Civilisation" and
"One dimensional man" both by Marcuse.

Well I don't think I'll be able to read those while this thread is still up. Critical theorist seem to spend a lot of time dissecting and attacking the higher goals like family and nation.
But it's those that have kept people away from consumerism and hedonism historically.

Ancap with brains? Nice change of phase.

Marxists believe that family unit as it currently stands is an tool for extension of the capitalist property rights and not an natural social unit(at least according to Engels "The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State"). Since you`re able to read the original text and all the related material in its native state its a shame that you have not read upon this subject more.

It's been ages but something about people are naturally socialist as hunter-gatherer tribes were right?
It might even be true that these tribes didn't have nuclear families, but don't you think it's interesting how the moment they start having them civilization starts to grow?
Maybe the natural way isn't the right way.

Nuclear families according to Engels are product of surplus production and its demands for property rights. We ought to remember also the context of this work, the latter half of 1800`s when the family, marriage and spouses right to own property and institutions were more heavily tied together. Since the critical theorists took it as their starting point you can see why there is emphasis on anti-nuclear family and marriage views in favor of the communal groups. This explains the emphasis on emancipation on frankfruit schools part. I doubt that this would be end analysis of the critical theorists IF for example Engels works were written post- female emancipation when it came to property and voting rights.

Not to be rude, friend, but do you honestly expect people here to have engaged with the dense literature? You seem candid, however. May I ask which works you have read?
I candidly recommend Benjamin. Amazing, really.

Let's not be ahistorical. The nation state and more so the form the family has taken and developed under capitalist society, are historically relatively recent.

The main argument is that men are one-dimensional in the sense that they take the masculine father figure archetype and just want to dominate, but if we were to liberate women then we could emasculate men - which is exactly what is happening today with male feminists and females who suddenly want to be bosses at their company. Similar strategy for minorities. Essentially it's the de-stabilisation of power, which inevitably leads to collapse.

power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absoulutely

No, that is just a taken for granted truism. Power is the vehicle by which one expresses his self. There is no question though that the way in which political institutions are structured act upon an individual's being as an influence.

>brits and analytic philosophy

Every fucking time

Nuclear families are indeed a product of financial independence, but that doesn't make them inherently bad.
Also the common state before that was usually a family clan of sorts and attacking gender roles and marriage destroys those too.

Nation states are recent but the abstract idea of a nation is millenniums old. People have always been ethnically chauvinist.

Sorry for late reply. Adorno and Marcuse, as I have said, they're the most important writers. Just look at their main ideas and if you want to read more you can find out where they've outlined them.

To answer your other question at what the Frankfurt School aimed for was a society where nobody would want power, i.e. minorities would become liberated but not use their liberation to gain power, but rather, to keep power decentralised and society flat. This is obviously nothing but a fantasy since, as we have seen, everyone who even gets a shred of an attempt at dominance, will take it.

is this the same adorno that gets the credit for making "the beatles" boy band go big time?


Lmao that is part of the conspiracy theory yes.

>My question is how is this "construction" (i.e. the premise that capitalism affects our social life negatively, and how we can overcome it) is tied to Jewish conspiracy theories?
You already said it.
>So their solution is... I think you know... it involves propaganda, women and minorities.
Liberals/bourgeoisie just as Marxists reduce everything to economics and mere material goods; in the case of contemporary lefties to power relations and social positions as well. You can get rid of private property and people is still going to be alienated due to their materialistic conception of the world and way of life.

>Criticism of the effects of capitalism on our social life, and it's very fair criticism, stuff we all know is true: advertising makes us want more things, so we endure shitty jobs, and when we come home, we consume media to "relax". This makes us essentially slaves.
I think you either didn't read the right works or you didn't really understand them. They aren't really criticing capitalism as such it's more like they combine the theories of philosphy being not about knowing things, but about changeing things (Karl Marx/Mordecai) with the theories of Sigismund Shlomo Freud specially his concept of fetish, Ich, Super Ich and neurosis. Basically they look at something bad or somewhat questionable, often caused mainly by (((them))), and demonize white/western society for it.

It's basically a pathologziation of the norm. Before you ask for examples of things/phenomenons (((they))) caused, which they critice and blame on white societys; one very good exmaple would be Adorno/Wiesengrunds critice of Jazz.

My bro Hitler explains it best.


>Sorry for late reply. Adorno and Marcuse, as I have said, they're the most important writers. Just look at their main ideas and if you want to read more you can find out where they've outlined them.
That's a very common american misconception. Marcuse spread stuff to the masses especially in the anglos sphere countries. Carl Grünberg, Max Horkheimer and Adorno are much more central.
Marcuse sees father figures as a danger, because they teach their children how to "rule" and how to create order. He sees that this human drive to struggle against nature to rule over it is for a big part caused by this relationship. However Marcuses focus is rather narrow criticing only a limited amount of aspects. Other critics are broder and you can clearly see they want to atomize every individual by breaking up any meaningful relationship they could have.