How will we know when we've "won" in Afghanistan, considering the Taliban and terrorists will never surrender?

How will we know when we've "won" in Afghanistan, considering the Taliban and terrorists will never surrender?

Will we just be there forever?

Other urls found in this thread:–present)

Afghanistan is just a waste of resources, money and young white men. Get out, I say.

don't worry goy

trump is getting those troops back in there


Pakistan armed the militants that were already there. now the Taliban causes terror attacks in Pakistan as well

He added 4,000

That's not shit, Obama added like 30,000

The (((TBTF))) banks that are making tons of loot off laundering the opium money and the CIA/Pentagon/Mossad only need enough troops 2 make sure the poppy fields stay safe.

The only way insurgency ends is for loyalists to colonise while simultaneously forcing out and or controlling the movements of the native pop.

why are the americans there?
their meme reason was osama. obama's uncle. osama is dead.
is it for minerals? i haven't read anything about americans mining in afghanistan.
is it aimed at russia? to attack it from the south?
is it just perpetual war so that weapon manufacturers make money?

Or turn the sand to glass

Opium control in Afghanistan is a complete meme spouted by Occupy Wallstreet-tier college liberals

you can make synthetic drugs much cheaper and more powerful without invading a jihad mountain village.

Obama reduced it by like 150,000 moron

>Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan

Still up to your old misleading tricks eh Obamaleaf

he reduced troop presence in both countries dramatically

now trump is putting them back in
>only 15,000 in iraq and afghanistan
>but there's 30,000

u retards don't even know your numbers

Well, that's the thing. You haven't won. You've capitulated like you've done in every war.

I'm just gonna BTFO you with a single image

Mull it over, talk to your handlers

so he reduced it

Russia is now supporting Talibans against USA.

Funny how things changed from the 80s.

america is russia's bitch now

Can you read graphs or what

yeah what happened after 2011 after Obama killed bin laden

Was Bin Laden in Afghanistan

no he was 100 miles from the border

where do u think Obama's black helicopters took off from

Under Trump, U.S. Troops In War Zones Are On The Rise

So what you're saying is Obama ordered hundreds of thousands of troops into Afghanistan for nothing

No he had to clean up Bush's mess.

Like I said Obama reduced US military troops in the ME by 95%. Now Trump is putting them back in

>Obama orders hundreds of thousands (!) of troops
>More than Bush
>Trump orders 4,000 troops in Afghanistan
>Lower than Obama during every point in his entire presidency

Running Obamaleaf diagnostic program... running... running... Conclusion reached


>completely ignores the hundreds of thousands of troops in iraq

>>Lower than Obama during every point in his entire presidency

r u fucking retarded? Trump is increasing it above where Obama left it.


Graveyard of Empires.

Is the thread about Iraq

Jesus it's like arguing with a simpleton

>oh no don't bring up iraq

>oh no don't bring up afghanistan

Who started the Afghanistan War?

has Afghanistan ever been anything?
Seems like a pointless mountainous Islamic shithole.

America should've never full scale invaded, insane waste of money.
Then again, made a massive amount for (((them)))

and who kept America safe on 9/11

which was the start of all this shit

Who started the Syrian one?

And Libya?

And Yemen?

they have tons of minerals and lithium

but holy fuck their people can fight

>Helmand is almost completely under full Taliban control
We lost 400 young boys in that patch for fuck all. Bet the politicians that sent them there never lose a wink of sleep over it.

You think Obama invaded those countries?

this is what happens when 5 year old retards discuss foreign policy

>bashar al assad
>yemen is fighting saudi arabia right now

christ ur retarded

inb4 anti-american propaganda

1. civil war

2. civil war

3. civil war–present)

almost like people in shithole countries rise up against their shit dictators

maybe stop falling for russian propaganda and wake the fuck up

Obama Leaf out

>Syria did not get invaded by US troops (they're still there!)
>Libya did not get bombed by US airforce
>Yemen did not get bombed by US drones

I'm convinced at this point that you are either extremely, mindnumbingly retarded, or are being obtuse on purpose just to get (You)s. Either way, you have wasted enough of my time.

The original argument you had was that Obama sent less troops to Afghanistan than Trump. I proved you wrong about 30 posts ago and now you're grasping at straws like a puerile child.

>Will we just be there forever?

That's the plan. Yeah.


Bush invaded Iraq with over 100,000 troops. Invaded and occupied Iraq and Afghanistan for years.

Please retard, please tell me how many troops Obama sent to invade and occupy Syria, Libya, and Yemen (in your imagination)

u weren't alive during bush's presidency

it's so obvious

I said Obama reduced troops in the ME dramatically and now Trump is putting them back in. That's a fact.

So literally just resources and tons of sandniggers in tiny villages armed with ak's and rpgs.

The hope is that the domestic government grows strong enough to stand on their own, and then the US can leave.
Of course, Afghanis are even more savage and incompetent than arabs, so highly unlikely to work.
Honestly though, the current troop count in Afghanistan is actually rather low, it provides a good training ground for US forces, because a army that never fights is not competent regardless of the training done. This arrangement can be continued indefinitely with not much cost to the US.

and whatever equipment the opposing country arms them with

check out Charlie Wilson's War if you'd like to know more

Based AfghanisKHAN will never give up to foreign invaders.
Britbongs could not do it, Russians could not do it, Jewnited Statistians cant do it.

Nuke or get out.

Source: Swede, I see what afghans can do. Nothing, they're a waste of cum and oxygen.

The Canadian military is a joke. No one cares what leafs think. And yes, Obama pulled a lot of troops out. Against the advice of his military leaders, and it gave rise to Daesh.

We could use the same tactics we used against the native Americans.
>What Sherman called the “final solution of the Indian problem” involved “killing hostile Indians and segregating their pauperized survivors in remote places.” “These men,” writes Fellman, “applied their shared ruthlessness, born of their Civil War experiences, against a people all three [men] despised. . . . Sherman’s overall policy was never accommodation and compromise, but vigorous war against the Indians,” whom he regarded as “a less-than-human and savage race”

afghanistan is putins soft underbelly, america didn't invade afghanistan to find bin laden, fight the taliban or fight terror

What makes you think a nuke will do anything?

Do you know the Diference between Iraq and Afghanistan?

>Doesn't know the largest ethnic group and the variety of ethnic groups

trump/pol/ right here