Z or Kai for a first time viewing?

Z or Kai for a first time viewing?

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Read the manga instead

>Kai is faster up until Buu, Z is more consistent.

>Z is more consistent.
Consistently full of filler?

Watch Kai. It's DBZ minus the filler. If anyone tells you otherwise, kick them in the throat.

Z has no shitty remastering and better OST.

You read the book, nigga.

one reason: proper god tier OST
fuck this guy. you know you can google which episodes are fillers and which not. of coursse you dont know, because you are an idiot


The read comic of Asian origin instead.

Watch Kai up to Buu, then switch to Z. I can't stand the Sumitomo OST.


1. If you're watching the English dub which most DBZ fans do, even on Sup Forums, the original Frieza is just miles better than Kai Frieza
2. Kai reanimates some of the earlier DBZ scenes and it looks AWFUL. Super-tier garbage.

>raspy woman frieza
>superior to elegant man frieza

Frieza's dub voice in Kai is excellent. Honestly I wish they reanimated the whole thing with more modern animation, if you watch subs or if you understand japanese... its probably seen as a cashin.

Raspy woman Frieza is iconic desu.

>Honestly I wish they reanimated the whole thing with more modern animation
The original Radditz vs Goku and Piccolo fight is better then every fucking fight in Super to date.

Because at parts it feels like you're getting the same product but with better quality voice acting and music.

Z, kai a shit. A SHIT

Watch Dragon Ball first you fucking retard. As someone who did, I'm always amazed by how many people with internet access still choose to skip the best part of the series.

Kai,the original voice is really monotone "you....monster"(weird pause after each word) it also has the most cheesiest lines

here is the best example of what your getting



>we will never get Saiyan saga smug Vegeta ever again

kai is for adhd kids and also has more censorship. go for the original z dub.

Skip if you don't enjoy the filler

None of the bad things Kai added come close to being as bad as the filler it took out.

Z if you want to watch it subbed. Kai if you want to watch the dub.

T-there isn't anyone who can watch both those clips and actually prefer the original...right?

Flip a coin? DBZ Kai cuts a lot of the boring filler but it also cuts a lot of the good filler, too

You and the Kanzenshuu admin would be good friends

Oh God can we get Kai with Z OST someday? Kai music is way too jolly.

I'd love to see several episodes merged together to create one long episode, and each episode covers its respective manga volume (Episode 1 covers what's in Volume 1 of the manga, Episode 5=Volume 5, Episode 20=Volume 20...You get the picture). Keep the good additions from the anime like the power ups and cut the stuff nobody likes.

niether, read the manga

Kai fixes the anime's pacing issues, but not the shit art and animation. The manga has great art.


Shame the updated version of the movie isn't on bluray

Manga doesn't capture the sound, voice acting and general tension of seeing it animated.

No thanks.

And miss piccolo and gokus driving test?

Fair enough
>voice acting
meh at best
>general tension of animation
KEK. The manga is more tense and tight the anime could ever hope to be. The anime art, direction and pacing is so fucking bad that only a kid could stomach it while the manga is great at all of these.

NEVER watch Dragon Ball.

Z fillers are fun and the OST is Godly.

>no voice acting
Neither the dub or the original did adult Goku justice anyway. They're both lacking in different areas.


1) The OST is better, people only like the other one out of nostalgia (look them up on youtube and compare them yourself).
2) Has a ton of filler that is actually non-canon, isn't in the manga, and is contradicted later on.
3) Kai has some well done added scenes that develop characters a little better.

Z is the prototypical example of an anime with filler. There are entire sequences of episodes where nothing happens except for characters chit chatting while someone powers up.

or Z, we broadcast audio now

The Japanese voices in Kai are fucking weird at first. I'll give you that. You get used to it eventually though.

It's heroic. Z's music is like weird atmospheric space music. Kai's music is orchestral adventure/hero music.

Kai did some really great stuff in their rendition.

The Orange Box version of Z with no cropped video, with English dub and Japanese music

>People list Kai.
>Then go on to say "because the OST is great."
What, that plagiarized garbage that was so fucking bottom of the run generic shit?

How about you fuckers recommend Kai with the reissued OST that is the original broadcasts audio remastered.

There were two different soundtracks for Kai. The one by Kenji Yamamoto is generally considered pretty good but after he got fired for plagiarizing they re-aired the series with a different soundtrack which is the one most people have seen.

Nigga if you think this is shit while the DBZ music is good then you need to get your ears checked.

I never said I'm not

Manga or Kai. Anime tends to alter personalities a lot though (Goku more heroic, Vegeta more jerkass, Gohan less nerd-ish and more adventurous, Chichi more cunt-ish...).

>1. If you're watching the English dub which most DBZ fans do, even on Sup Forums, the original Frieza is just miles better than Kai Frieza
But it also has the infamous "hero-Goku". Manga doesn't have that cheesy and unnecessary scenes where Goku was about to lose, had a nightmare about his family and friends and got a second wind because of that, because that's NOT his personallity. He's a borderline sociopath who only thinks of fighting and eating without considering the peril.

And Funishit 90's dub is even worse, because they turned Goku into a bad fusion of Clark Kent and fucking Jesus Christ. If you're going to watch DBZ, then watch it in japanese or latino spanish.

>He's a borderline sociopath who only thinks of fighting and eating without considering the peril.

Was it ever explained why none of the Angels intervened when Zamasu was killing off all the GoDs and Kais of his timeline?

Reminder all the Adult Goku sagas and his more human personality were kind of forced by Toriyama's editors because "muh-HnK", "muh-Seinto Seiya", "muh-Jojo", "muh-flashy and trendy battoru manga".

Ironic because after Raditz, Goku returned to his sociopathic ways, even letting Vegeta escape because of "muh unfinished fight" and endangering the universe as a result.

>were kind of forced by Toriyama's editors
[citation needed]
Remember that he wanted to leave Namek without fighting Freeza if possible.

You should read the manga. Go Kai if anything, but be sure to watch the original Dragonball first if you haven't.

Making Goku grow up was entirely Toriyama's idea.

>I got a lot of pushback on that at the time. Apparently in shōnen manga changing what the main character looked like was a big no-no, but I didn’t care about that. His head/body ratio made fighting hard, so I said that if the series was going to start focusing more on battles, then I needed to make him an adult. But this really shocked them: “The series has finally gotten popular, and now you want to go and change everything!” That was the kind of reaction I got.
>“Convince” probably isn’t the right word. First I drew a sketch of adult Goku and sent it over to the editorial office to get their feedback. But then I started drawing the rough draft before I even heard back from them. (laughs) By the time I sent the rough draft to the editorial office, there wasn’t any time left to make major revisions, so they were just like “if you’re so dead-set on doing this, then fine…”

That was Dragon Ball Super.

It was explained, it was because Angels become dormant if there is no GoD around for them to train. Moreover, GoDs die if the corresponding Supreme Kai dies. Soo Killing the supreme kais -> no GoDs ->
no Angels.

Also watch the filler episode from Z where Piccolo and Goku go to learn drive cars after Future Trunks comes to visit.

Only the deaf and retarded think Linda Young's Frieza is better than Chris Ayres's take.

That voice works better Genkai, a literal old woman.

Watch Z with a filler guide.

>No Garlic Jr Saga
>No Driving Test Saga
I've only completely watched Kai, and it's pretty good. You miss some stuff which is valuable, like Gohan's wilderness training, but for the most part it cuts the junk and tells a contained story.
I think it's 97 episodes, vs 300-ish for DBZ, and it seems like most of the cut content is stuff you don't really need to care about.

Kai is great but I still love filler, personally. Plus IMO seeing characters' daily lives makes the fights more meaningful.

Read the manga. Don't watch the anime at all.

Toriyama himself chose Nozawa to be the voice of Goku. Get fuck.

There is some decent filler.

Saiyan Saga filler is pretty great

Most Namek saga filler is pretty trash

Cell Saga didn't have much filler, instead it just dragged out the pacing to one piece levels. Still the filler before the Cell Games was pretty good.

Otherworld tournament is one of the best filler arcs in anime.

Buu Saga is similar to Cell Saga in that it didn't have much filler content, just dragged out the episodes.

Oh man, I loved Frieza's old VA. The new guy is fine, but holy fuck I loved Frieza's weird old voice.

Yeah when he was a child, Nozawa is great, but she doesn't fit a grown ass man that has grandchildren.
She was superb as Black, though.

Kai, as there is no good filler in DBZ.
Yet I'd actually suggest reading the manga instead; the art is still a marvel to the eye and you'll save even more time.

Kai + driving episode
Anyone who says otherwise is a nostalgiafag or a spic

>She was superb as Black, though.


>no good filler in DBZ.
>He doesn't like the driving episode.
>He doesn't like the comfy SoL great saiyaman episodes.
>He doesn't like the post buu episodes where you see the crew just chilling

Watch the Saiyaman filler episodes right now you fucking faggot.

I watched it last year and it was fun you pleb.


>defending a granny sounding like pressing the tummy of your little sister's toy ontop of someone speaking being the voice of grown men
Words cannot describe what I feel right now

Does she have kids/grandkids?
Imagine how cool her kids felt knowing their Mom was goku in the late 90's and early 2000's
Imagine how cool her grandkids must feel now knowing their fucking nana is goku

If you liked the Chobi episode then quite frankly I don't think you qualify as a human

If watching it in Japanese watch Z. If watching it in English watch Kai.
I personally prefer the manga, but that's just me.

No she is a typical carreer women who is marries to her job.
She once said in an intervirw
>I am pretty much married to Goku (laughs)

Man, there are a lot of legit reasons to shit on the old funi dub, but that is not one of them. The ONLY scene where anything is the "I am a super saiyan!" speech.

*where anything like that happened


both are shit.


Agreed. The Genkai voice isn't as forced as Young's Freeza voice, either.

Honeslty.... I'd go with Z. Kai is faster and has less filler, but Kai is... I don't know... odd. It just isn't as fun as Z. Plus you can just skip the filler episodes in Z if you don't like them. Kai's new sound mixing and voice acting seems a little off to me. I can't enjoy it as much. It's not a nostalgia thing cause I was well into my 20s when I first saw DBZ start to finish.

Also the Kai OST is garbage in comparison.

Neither. Watch Dr. Slump, then Dragon Ball and nothing else.

Just watch Dragon Ball.

So is the Japanese version for that matter, only worse.

If you are a shitty dub fag KAI for sure.
If you are watching subs, Either is fine but the performances in Z are better.

Z had better more memoriable OST

Z dubbed with Bruce Faulconer music is the only way to watch it.

Why is DBZ the only anime where Sup Forums has this dub vs sub discussion? Everything else we agree that dubs are cancer, but talk about DBZ and you get shit posts like these:

You don't qualify as a human being if you watch Space Dandy subbed or play No More Heroes subbed.

It isn't the only one. There are some dubs that are unanimously praised as well. Most times it's subs that wins out, but it isn't iron-clad.

read the manga or watch kai dont be a dickhead blud

Anyone who says the dub is better is retarded.

Dubs are 9 out of 10 times way worse than subs, bht some dubs can be good or hell be even better than subs.
The G-gundam dub was great and only added to the cheesiness of the show.
I have even heard a dub where some relatively new guy outperformed Ikeda Shuuichi of all people.

I'd say read the manga. All of it. It's great. Try to look into some of the Mofogoku translations and others of that vein because there's a lot of censorship with the Viz releases. Though they aren't too terrible otherwise, apart from changing names.

But if you absolutely have your heart set on watching, you have a few options.

1. Japanese Z.

A. The performances and music are usually better in the Japanese version of Z compared to Kai. Most of Kai's cast returns, but some of the voices have aged, and while some performances do hit emotional moments and so on better, the aging of the voices does take you back. This, however, may just a bias from people who already watched Japanese Z before Kai, in which case it may not apply to you. The music is still more fitting.

B. Unfortunately, the original Z is massive. There is a lot of filler ─ and I mean a lot. It's to the point where even using an episode guide wouldn't help much. I'm not talking about non-canon filler like Piccolo and Goku learning to drive. I'm talking about how the series drags out moments that should take a half an episode or so to the length of two episodes, if not more.

2. English dub Z

A. There are multiple English dubs for Z. I'll talk about Funimation. Simply put, it isn't very good. The performances miss because of a number of things, like inexperience or voice actors playing random character tropes. The way the script is written completely changes the way Goku behaves, misconstrues key plot points, etc. This is somewhat rectified in the DVD releases, a lot of the vocal performances improve, but it's still not all that great.

B. The Falcouner tracks. It's an acquired taste. Some songs work, some don't. You have the option of hearing the English voices over the Japanese soundtrack if you watch the DVD releases.


>watching Dragon Ball for the first time
>watching the dub
Jesus Christ I hope none of you guys did this. If you have the Japanese version available, watch that. Don't soil it with awful dubs.

Most people here grew up on toonami shit so they fight for their childhood shit taste. Other understand that the dub was garbage but still prefer it. Last have moved on to Japanese.

Kai, unless you're really into the idea of watching nothing happen for what amounts to several dozen hours

The general benefit of watching Kai over Z is that it trims a lot of the fat found in Z, cutting the overall length of the series to about a third or so. It has some caveats, as you'll find nothing pertaining to this franchise is perfect. Let's go over them.

3. Japanese Kai.

A. Some parts of Kai's script were rewritten. It's a minimal change, but it had to be done to make sense of the way some scenes were recut. This is a plus. As mentioned before, a lot of the voices have aged by the time Kai comes around. You still get great performances from Nozawa and Morikawa, but the aging of their voices might take you away from the supposed ages of the characters they're playing. This is more of a problem for Morikawa's Vegeta, who has a bit more edge in his voice, whereas his Z performance was perfect for a warrior prince. Nozawa can still go, but there's a bit of warbling when she has to scream. These are just some examples of age taking its toll, but the Kai cast still puts out some great performances past their prime.

B. The soundtrack has changed completely from Z. The Saiyan arc and Namek/Freeza arc benefit from a pretty compelling score. Some prefer it to Z's original stuff. But the music was plagiarized, and it changes drastically by the time the Artificial Humans come around. It's even worse during the Buu saga. There's a strong disconnect between the moods of a scene and the music used for it.

4. English dub Kai.

A. Again, I'm going to cover Funimation. The VAs have improved massively. Most return. The scripts are heavily rewritten to ensure that the finished product is closer to the original Japanese. Some minor liberties are taken. Freeza's new voice is incredibly fitting, but child Gohan's new voice might be off-putting to some. Most of the voices work well, but some miss horribly.

B. No Falcouner or original tracks. The music is unchanged from Japanese Kai's own, so it suffers similar issues.

It's almost like sometimes dubs are well made

>I think it's 97 episodes

Yeah, without counting the entire Buu saga.

It's 150-160ish episodes in total