Why is Africa so undeveloped compared to other places on Earth?

And don't give me dumb racist responses like "hurr because they're niggers/blacks"
I want a serious discussion which involves reasoning from Science, Geography, Sociology, Economics, etc.

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>What does 2 + 2 equal?
>Don't give me any of that 4 nonsense. Give me a real answer.

The answer is simple user, if you don't hide yourself from the truth

They always lived in a desert where just surviving is difficult. They have no rivers like the Sumerians, Egypts, Indus River Civilization or Ancient Chinese had so the development of civilization was difficult. Next, they have no access to metals. So they were 'underdeveloped' while europe was able to use their iron to make tools, weapons and so on. Later the europeans came and fucked them over destroying and hindering any possible progress.

Its because Niggers

You cant ask a question and then demand the answer only be something you want to hear and nothing else.

>You cant ask a question and then demand the answer only be something you want to hear and nothing else.

Actually, you can. In fact, OP just did that.

The inca you King of Faggots

>They always lived in a desert where just surviving is difficult.

Africa isnt a desert as a whole, jesus fuck

Thanks, mister middle-school Highschool teacher.

Do you also say "Well i dont knwo if you can, but you are allowed to" when your students ask you if they can go to the toilet?

If IQ is on the average over 105 in China then why are they all retarded and poor except for a minority elite?


Ya, North Koreans, Argentinians and Iraqis have high IQ but live in a total shithole

They always lived in a desert where just surviving is difficult.

The Sahara wasn't near as large as it is now, thousands of years ago. They cut down so many trees that it grew to this size.

And there's plenty of places in Africa that has rivers, arable ground and forests, yet these people also were living in mud huts when the European slavers--backed by Jew $$$--showed up.
So why didn't the non-desert parts of Africa develop a civilization similar 2 Europe's so they could of told the slavers to PO?

And savanna and jungle. So much better.
The incas arent nearly as old

Overpopulation, corrupt government

>people ITT who think africa is a barren desert
thats jewish brainwashing for you. africa has some of the most arable land on this planet. the real answer is, for whatever reason, niggers never learned about animal husbandry and agriculture, which are the first stepping stones to civilization

>whites gave them a huge leap forward technology-wise
>whites got the fuck off of their colonies and left their technology for further use
>whites fucked black ppl mang

Funny how this argument is still taken srsly even though we did this with asians too and they dont struggle with it.

>The incas arent nearly as old
Age doen't matter since they had no writing system or iron tools at their disposal before the Europeans came. But they still made pic with extreme stone cutting skills.

>fucked them
you started with the fact that they couldn't progress due to the nature of the land, but then shifted to white hate due to you being a cuck.
>enjoy the destruction of your country cuck

Africa is easy- Low Hanging fruit lands.
Nigs didnt have to evolve the fruit was easy to reach for them. No need for tools, writing, the wheel, ships or survival in the cold.
Just digging yams and big titties.

Because they don't have a need to develop any further. Blacks only care about short term profit, they don't understand that their children and grandchildren will start from nothing. Instead they think their children have to serve THEM. Like the more kids the more helping hands. If they'd turn it around, start agriculture and other long term projects that would maybe even outlive their generation before it makes real profit then maybe all those countries like Kenya, South Africa or Uganda wouldn't be so shitholes. But that will never happen because native blacks are corrupt to their black hearts.

Because they never had to develop agriculture to
survive, or adapt to a more hostile climate. It's
literally that simple. The land provided hunting prey
and fruits / roots etc. Climate always a steady, hot temperature. Pretty easy to survive.
But no really it really is because niggers are
fucking retarded.

Because white people came in and destroyed everything in africa and made it horrible

South Korea and Japan I can see. China's a bunch of oriental Jews, lying as usual to pretend to be part of the intellectual elite

>I want a serious discussion which involves reasoning from Science, Geography, Sociology, Economics, etc.
>doesn't want to face reality

Europe stole their Vibranium, that's why Africa is fucked.

Well the terrain has played a large part, had they been in regular contact with Eurasians since antiquity they would had developed more complex societal structures

Slower progress not any progress at all

>Ancient Africans were dumb and didn't make any tools
>There may have been iron smelting and working in West Africa by 1200 BC.[7] In addition, very early instances of carbon steel were in production around 2000 years before the present in northwest Tanzania, based on complex preheating principles. These discoveries are significant for the history of metallurgy.


Because socialism made them drones

the average intelligence of a race is not the only thing that affects a country's development but to deny that it is an important factor is to suck jew cock

it's sociological issue.
behaves like nigger term comes from that and,,,
picture kinda explains it faster

>savnnah and jungle

The maya. Who too didnt have ironworking. But fuck did they do better then fucking africans

destroyed what? mud huts?
there was nothing to destroy, only minerals and richest to steal due to the nature of the niggers of not using them.

>no access to metals
The most prolific metal mines are in Africa.

developed is a subjective term if you want to get scientific. africa is plenty developed for the race that inhabits it, their priorities for it are different and they would say theyre doing well.
look at their population boom.


No rivers...
Africa is covered by rivers and easy to irrigate from.
Africans just dont want to evolve and we cant help them.
400 years in the USA proves this.

But he's right. Your answer is just plain and stupid. Nothing more than a dumb "Stammtischparole" (Austria .. how fitting).


>thinks entire Africa has always been desert
>thinks Africa has no rivers
>thinks Africa doesn't have the richest natural resources out of all continents

I thought Germans went to school at some point of their life. Or is this the power of the new Marxist curriculum you guys have?

Truly, a resourceless and hostile enviroment where nothing ever could possibly be done



Eye Cue


So far he hasnt said anything right, he said Africa is just a hostile desert with no iron and no rivers or agrable lands, which is fucking wrong.
Especially considering he ignores way better cultures who developed in far more hostile enviroments, who did not develop ironworking either, or hell even bronze making.

Knowing China, they probably didn't IQ test people from rural areas.
Chinese lack of ethics and such.

You're kidding right? There's basically two reasons.

1. Colonization
2. Shitty environment
3. Decolonizaton

No environmental push or pull and no genetic evolution as a consequence. Their environmental push seems to be towards high offspring production and aggressiveness (against child soldiers etc). So... don't expect them to become civilized within the nearest millennium or so.

Interesting flag you got there
The real question your should start with is "why are there niggers"
If you find out why there are niggers then you will find out why niggers exist

Get a load of this goy. Have you ever read the written accounts of the first Europeans to explore subsaharan Africa? You had basically a Mad Max-style never ending war between tribes, ubiquitous rape, murder, and every kind of crime. You had tribal chieftains sacrificing 10,000 slaves in a single day to honor a dead mother’s birthday. Colonization was a gift to those animals, and Africa has never been as civilized as in the colonial era.

>colonization is bad mkay

>decolonization is also bad mkay

"Fug off white people, with ya technology and order and agricuzlture and sheeeit"
"Hey white devil, why did you fuck off you racist shit, come back and bring back your technology and order magics"


None of this except the European part is true

You quoted the very first post. Not the one with "desert argument".

>being this stupid
either you are nigger or you are a fucking retard libtard

All false.

1. Colonization helped Africa to develop. They would be on the Stone Age otherwise.
2. Africa is a continent full of natural resources. Cf. Rhodesia.


That's what they teach us in school. Except for the river, desert and metal bullshit that he just pulled out of his arse.

Its retarded too. If you ask a question but set perimeters of what the answer can entail only on a basis of "cuz otherwise its racist" you dont want a answer, you want someone to encourage your way of thinking, if its wrong or not.




No I agree with you on the savage part. Tribal warfare was brutal. When the euro boys came in though it got worse because of new borders and caste systems

Why did the isolated white people become Muslim though?

This is all wrong.

Subsaharan Africans had metallurgy. See:


There are tons of fucking rivers in Africa

Holy fuck dude. This whole post is just bullshit a 6th header should know to discard.

Would think that this is bait. But then I remember that I met people irl that were this brainwashed.

Answer to OP: Because whitey stole it from them and Jesus was black.

Because nigger are fucking shit skin subhuman,savage dumb animal,prove me wrong please.

Both closer to the truth than just saying
"Bc nig nogs"

Bantu Explosion.

They ended their isolation.

Hostile environments are the key. Africa has always been too easy on humans. Also simply lack of Neanderthal genes ... I am currently quite convinced that H. neanderthalensis and not the original African H. sapiens was the origin of what you may call 'behavioural modernity'. Still, the cliche of the primitive Neanderthal brute still sticks with archeologists while H. sapiens is considered something special. In fact, H. sapiens was a weak and rather dull pack hunter that did not progress technologically for millennia while still stuck in Africa. Only the hybrid Cro-Magon actually had what it took to conquer the whole fucking world.

Environmental reasons mostly and lack of herbivorous animals with a family hierarchy to be able to domesticate.

>inb4 nigga they have buffalos and zebras

They have domesticated buffalos but zebras are complicated. Even though they are closely related to horses, they don’t have a decent social structure. If a lion grabs hold of a wild cattle calf, the herd of bulls come to at least try and save it. It has a family structure that we can manipulate. Break the alpha and you’ve broken the herd.

For zebras it’s hard because if you catch a random zebra, the other zebras don’t come to save it. Their entire group as a whole is their camouflage. If ones gone well too bad he’s fucked. In horses it wasn’t like that, there was an alpha, if you domesticate the alpha, you’ve domesticated he herd.

Other than animal domestication there is the climate. It’s arid and not good for growing crops. Some civilisations figured out camels though like the one Mansa Musa ruled.

That’s the environmental reasons and also because they are still mostly cultural and semi-arid hunter gatherers. The other reasons you can give is that they just simply have a lower iq.


They've never had to adapt or evolve from their current habitat. Those who migrated north and East met adversity with mountains and changing seasons. Overcoming starvation and freezing to death to work and innovation, aswell as many lives. The tribes in Africa have a consistent weather habitable year with plenty of animals and some plants they can hunt or forage. It was easier to live their.

I'm too lazy to check if someone has said this already, but one big problem about Africa has always been its sheer size. Africa is huge, and has lsrge areas of desert and jungle, which make the pockets of arable land stay separate from eachother. What most people do not realize is Europe, for example, is tiny. And the competition made technological progress a need for europeans. St the same time, Africa was way more disconnected from international trade, which mad exchange of ideas harder.

So, basically, niggers and geography.

Oh, and by the way, I know Asia is large too, but the area where far eastern civilizations appeared is a narrow strip of land near the yellow sea.

>Muh arid climate

Nice meme, but a quick google reveals that only a tiny portion of Sub-Saharan Africa has an arid climate.

I took an African history class one time just for the fun of it.

Interesting fact - The colonial battles that were fought in Africa shaped European policy. The absolute bloodshed of Europeans on African soil is absolutely fucking unbelievable. Sure you killed a LOT of black people and sheitttt...BUT your royal sents yall to the slaughter and ended up getting gibs from the African nations once they gain independence.

When colonial powers lose territory, they can sue said country for reparations. The sad part is that you guys don't get reparations for your family members.

See how France kept Haiti insolvent for decades

See how Brazil still has to pay the remains of the Portuguese royal family.

Total nonsense. I'd imagine the only thing that held them back was that farmers with higher IQs never successfully migrated back to sub Saharan Africa. Europe is far from an ideal place but farmers with their higher IQs managed to reach here. The rest is history.

The other part is either unarable savnnah or unarable jungle, so yeah. The thing many people don't see is most of europe has temperate, slightly humid climate, which is perfect for agriculture.

Well put, you're probably one of the best namefag posters on this board.

Lmao bet
Haiti was called the Paris of the New World until the US embargoed the piss out of it

my theory is that they failed to properly advance because they do not have a proper family structure, and never bothered to move from hunter gatherer communities to farmers.
when one is a hunter gatherer, you don't "own!" anything. The children are raised as belonging to the whole tribe and therefore adults do not feel responsibility for them on a personal level.

When one moved from hunting gathering to farming, something interesting happens- namely that you start having things. And you start wondering what happens to your things when you die.
You want the things to go to your children, but how do you ensure they go to YOUR children only?
Simple- you make the women only breed with you.
Thus marriage.
The funny thing about that is that we are biologically programmed to love our kids. So we love them, we want what is best for them.
So we work harder to make a better world for them.
All races that achieved farmer stage have these common values. NONE of the races who doesn't has developed anything significant.
Sub Saharan Africans and Abos never got to this stage.

this is how a lemon looks like here





Is this bait?
Black and white cultures are different. School isn't valued as much in said community. Try to think about WHY

this user pretty much has it on the nose, if you dont move and you dont bother to try you dont have to suffer and you dont have to over come much. so yea its hard to draw water from a well, but its harder to organize people to get a ground water pumping station operational, yea we'll just stick with the well is what they said, and all that after the europeans came back, assuming everyone came out of africa, and brought tech, and its still not being used.

If you won't anyone to take you seriously I'd drop the flag. The UN is a joke

>no rivers
>no access to metals
fuck off

>They have no rivers
They literally have a rive called Niger
The other one being the Congo
There were civilizations along those rivers, but they never lasted very long.
>they had no access to metals
And yet somehow when the europeans came they managed to "strip" the continent bare, and now somehow china is doing the same thing

Their enviroment is shitty.

I can't remember the article I found on it it but was a great read.

Their entire continent is a hellhole of shit. They are good at specializing, but they really suck at adapting when shit hits the fan.

>species of birds that come in massive swarms to devour crops stopping ability for some to farm.

Some river side people don't grow crops because hippos devour anything planted.

> cattle hit with diseases that wiped out herds a large chunk of African tribes relied on for survival.
>they couldn't adapt very well at all to trying to live without a cow based society
>some left the region for greener pastures, one tribe stayed and become nigger like.
>literally beg better tribes for food.
>women wear clay in hair to hide stench because water is so precious only men can use it.

>Enter whites.
>They breed plague resistant cows. They figure out how to farm where the nigger failed.
>They create a over production of food.
>all around just fucking awesome as they tame this hellhole no native could conquer.

>in modern times people adapted to river sides are moved by their governments to deserts they have no idea how to survive in. Relly on hand outs from the west and slowly starve and reproduce before kicking the bucket.

Heh. Funny how they both turned out relatively the same. Wonder why

>they span deserts trade systems which had never been crossed.

Lacking ethics is the true indicator of success.

Well ... ahm ... thx I think. One is glad to be of service.

It's literally the reason though.

Combo of a few things really. First they're isolated from the outside world for the most part meaning they couldn't exchange ideas with other civilizations and benefit from the global pool of knowledge. Second, when european settlers arrived, they set up systems of government designed to exploit the resources rather than provide long term governmental structure. These exploitative systems eventually remained when the europeans left


>School isn't valued as much in said community.

This has nothing to do with school, you low-IQ negro. You don't know how IQ tests work.
