Why does POL not worship Rorschach? Similarities / Ideologies similar to POL

One of the most underappreciated fictional icons of the 20th century. Rorschach is a character that had a very short life represented in a single graphic novel.

Short, but not insignificant in my opinion. He is an extremely principled man that fought degeneracy, injustice, and lies in the face of a degenerate civilization on the verge of self destruction under the veil of anonymity.

If the similarities there don't resonate, there is more to be said about this great character.

He is socially maladjusted due to influences from growing up in a degenerate culture and having to adjust in an increasingly more deprived society in which he is forced to inhabit. He risks getting the death penalty for taking a pedophile, a child killer off the street. He sees the world in a black and white dichotomy of good and evil while surrounded by what he would understand if he lived and had access to the internet today as corrosive jewish tricks imposed on our society.

He ultimately martyrs himself with a tear streaming down his face. I believe this to be a tear of joy.

If I ever start a well needed extremist movement, im putting this fucking man's face on my flag. It's the last thing many men and women will see before they drop through the gallow's trapdoor
Rorschach: Rorschach's Journal. October 12th, 1985. Dog carcass in alley this morning. Tire tread on burst stomach. This city's afraid of me. I've seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters, and the gutters are full of blood, and when the drains finally scab over all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!" and I'll whisper "No."


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we used to live 3 doors down from Alan Moore, I went out with his daughter for a few months

Very interesting user. The dude seems like for lack of better words a redpilled maniac. It must of have been kind of intense to meet him if you did.

this is some harry potter tier nu-pol cringe
sage and kill yourself asap

Comparing Harry Potter to Rorschach is a crime punishable by death in the Watchmenostate faggot.

Because Rorschach is a nigger.

Dr manhattan

Somebody hurry up an post the virgin vigilante meme

It's basically all MLP

I don't worship anything, especially a cartoon character.

Rorschach is cool. But (You) sound like a fag

Ok. So explain why you're here and what you have contributed?

He's hardly under appreciated, anyone who reads comics knows who he is. Still not a lot, but a strong niche
an interesting character, but don't get your political values from comic and cartoons. And especially not anime

Ye he's pretty cool. He's literally too redpilled to start a family with a roastie as his rage carries on forever tho.

he is a cuck
ozymandias is our guy

Rorschach was clearly meant as a parody of Question, which was an objectivist superhero from Ditko

If anything, Sup Forums is like those Ditko objectivist superheroes. The bad thing is that Ditko became a shitty writer after he was done with Spider-Man.

People like Watchmen but you are not meant to sympathize with any of the characters. They are clearly a satire of superheroes - that superhero worship ends with fascism. (Moore is himself a left wing anarchist.)

If you sympathize with Rorschach you have no reading comprehension

>If anything, Sup Forums is like those Ditko objectivist superheroes. The bad thing is that Ditko became a shitty writer after he was done with Spider-Man.
This. Rorschach was based on Mr. A.

>If you sympathize with Rorschach you have no reading comprehension
Also this.

That's pretty cool

I don't like how everyone has been aping him since then (fuck look at DC now, another Moore fan wank crossover) but those UK writers did a lot for comics

I still wonder why the hate with Morrison though. They are both great writers.

I give it a C+ for effort Timmy

Cool guy, always liked him. But can't relate to his ideology much, despite growing up in a methlab around fucked up shit. I've been a fucked up degenerate and a good man and everything inbetween. The world is grey, not black and white. Blessed are those that get to live their life without falling to the darkness, but most of us haven't.

I don't know anyone who didn't sympathize with Rorschach the most. He was right.

Also, "Not even in the face of Armageddon," is a good line.

I never read the comic, but just because a character isn't intended to be a hero doesn't mean they're not. At least in the movie Rorschach was the best character.

Comic books are for children.

>he can’t sympathize with the objective reality of Rorschach being right


I couldn't help but imagine the faggot walking the line is canadas president, I can't spell his name I don't do French, you know who I mean.


The Comedian and the old Rorschach were cool. Real americans and stuff.

Watchmen is a work of art. Only true art form when it comes to graphic novels.

Just don't forget that Moore is a real good goy and that the new Rorschach is a NIGGER

>he was right
Was he really? He would have exposed ozy and had all those deaths be for nothing because of his principles, yet he had no qualms about B&E, petty theft, resisting arrest, agravated assault, or homicide. The whole point of his character is that he's a paradox. Vigilateism is illegal law enforcement, putting the lie to the argument that right and wrong is black and white.

Like I give a fuck what Moore really thought, Karel.

Rorschach and The Comedian were real men in that world.

It's not a paradox.
You are simply mistakenly taking statute law as motivation when the motivation is clearly justice. Which is a different thing.
(I don't believe I wrote that. Am I a nerd now?)

wtf is this shit?

im triggered


He doesn't own the rights to Watchmen we went over this years ago when they made the shitty prequel comic.


thank me later.

oops, was meant for buregerbro lad


So his a good goy who took the sheckel way out and ruined his life's work.

Ozynandias is a handsome version of Soros

He is a fucking cartoon character and so are you

The Watchman movie had some fantastic scenes.


Rorshach is OK but the real Sup Forums hero is the Question.

>Why don't you guys worship a comic book character
Nigger, you are amongst the biggest man-children on the planet and you are still in the wrong place to talk about comic books. We're not 7; why would we worship a comic book character?

In what way could you even possibly construe breaking into people's homes and stealing food as justice?


I wonder if this nip posters are proxy's.

Because I can't fucking grasp how could every nip poster be so cheeky.

Every nip I ever met was just polite and always smiling.


Rorschach represents the ugly truth.

>partner's home
>cold fried beans
he can come and steal all my fried bean rations for all i care, as can anyone else

What's going on in a Japanese mind is rarely what you're seeing on their face. They have a culture of forced politeness but they're just as full of the piss and vinegar needed to make scathing and hillarious comments as anyone else.

>Every National Socialist believes in idealism. Believes in something that is worth more than his own one single human life. He’s willing to die for something.

>When you’re ready to die for something, then you’re alive.

>And until you are ready to die for something, you have no real fanaticism. And just at dinner, a little while ago, some of the fellows were telling me: “Well, it’s terrible to be a fanatic.” Well, did you ever stop and think how this country got here? How all the great inventions ever got there?

>Any one of you that is not a fanatic or something or other, whatever it is you’re studying: if you’re going to be a doctor be a fanatical doctor, otherwise you’ll be nothing. You’ll be an ordinary old chug-chug, and when you die nobody will notice it. But if you’re a fanatic you’ll produce something and you’ll be great, you’ll create.

>Creativity IS fanaticism. Every creative genius has had to be a fanatic. Many of them have been burned at the stake. So we are ideological and idealistic fanatics; just like the Communists by the way. In between the Communists and the Nazis is the great mass of non-fanatics: the TV watchers and the comic book readers.

pay special attention to that last line

He's a straw character Alan Moore created just so he could shit on his morality.

Possible homosexual

Rorschach is cool. He admitted he was wrong when he asked manhattan to kill him, though. He doubted his conviction.

>a smelly Irish midget
Jokes write themselves.

You forgot to mention angry my fellow 56er.

>The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!" and I'll whisper "No."
Of course he's wearing a fedora

>And I'll whisper "REEEEEEEEEEEE".

Ok, im interested. Quick rundown?

>you spelled Sup Forums wrong

>MFW I have no face the character


conspiracy nut in dc that was ripped off of rorschach

Poor mans batman who believes in the NWO/Illuminati.

Accept the question was made in 1967

2channel is pretty cheeky, it's a lot like here except instead of calling you a nigger they will call you a Korean

>stealing food
Irrelevantly he lets himself into a place he's welcome to andbeats the food he's welcome too.
You just made me have to type that.
When you're wrong why clutch at straws? Just accept it and improve.
You can't argue yourself right when your wrong. You're like a squid squirting ink to cloud the issue while it slithers off.
What would Rorschach think?

5' 2"
Your height.
Am I right?
It's the average male japo height.
I learned that when you did that "America has awoke a sleeping giant (Japan)" thread
Sup Forums is educational.

Sadly Alan Moore is something of a Leftist, however he is an amazing writer, he pretty much raised comics up to the level of fine art.

Very interesting character and although a leftist he's no neo Marxist, and has a deep love for Britain and it's history and culture and America too. Would love to ask him what he thinks of globalization and open borders etc.

>implying madness isn't the final Redpill

They are mostly English teacher and army people, no self respecting jap will post on an English board

>Why don't you worship a fictional character
because I'm not a child.

>Newfag detected

Sup Forums is the embodiment of Rorschach. You wouldn't know this given your fantastic Reddit spacing. Why do you think we're obsessed with destroying the current system and establishing a reset of the everyday normal? It's because we have seen society's true face, that those in charge are leading us down a path of miserable destruction when some of us came from horrible homes and family environments or lack there of and our hope was to make something for ourselves yet watched as degenerate values were pushed down the throats of the most vulnerable and easily persuaded. So we decided we'd push our own values to those same people, counter their imagery and shaping of reality with our own perceptions. We managed to see the breaking of the condition placed upon society by the system of analog content through the means dialogue. Sure some of us are reclusive but for those of us who aren't we engage in meaningful discussion and subtle action with everyone we meet. The Comedian is also a representative embodiment of another side of Sup Forums. The one who believes he's fighting against the system only to realize in the end he was just a pawn being played in a bigger game on a bigger board. The meek and careless are Dr Manhattan, thinking we're all here by chance to be remembered as only spec in the infinity of time. The redpill is knowing that Rorsachach may think he doesn't care about society but in reality cares too much, more than others around him ever will. It's the pain of knowing you can't save everyone and in the end you might not win but relinquish the feeling of possible defeat and embracing the process of the fight we wage. In the movies and comics that are made in a way to portray Rorschach as the loveable loser because ultimately (((they))) think they'll win and want to smear our faces with the constant thought of inevitable defeat. It showcases their own insecurities and fear of losing instead of ours. They're prideful, arrogant, stupid.

>reddit spacing while accusing others of reddit spacing
>the absolute state of Sup Forums

Puttin a space after a quote isn't reddit spacing, you faggot.

Lol if you say so reddit

Because watchmen is overrated shot and seeing Moorefags sperging about Doomsday Clock is more funny than ever.

I never really thought of it before but Rorschach was Sup Forums as fuck.

The obsession with typing in entire walls of text to avoid being called Reddit is getting pretty funny.

so do you think he means you should never watch a movie or read a comic book engrish teacher?

Rorschach has been on Sup Forums longer than you have, newfriend.

Holy shit i was going to write 3 paragraphs about this but yes.

I actually loved this post
However i don't understand how the fact that i brought up that Rorschach is the embodiment of pol counters the embodiment of pol simply because I have never seen any Watchmen imagery in the 2 years i have been here.

/reddit space/

And yes, i understand the CQ "comedian question" but for god's sake this was meant to be a concise discussion about one single character. Not a novel about all the characters you fucking autist.
I unfortunately was away form my own thread for most of it's existence unfortunately but i'm glad that anyone that could participated.

He hates it because he is very commie left in that regard. He hates big business. He also is into the occult and all of his work is ladden with it. He is the very stereo type of ex-hippie brit leftist for me and has been for years.

Because he's a fucking cartoon?

When i say worship you should also realize that POL has worshipped esoteric frog cartoons and irrelevant geriatric irrelevant libertarians. Neither of which have gassed all the jews or made America great again.

Im simply, with my not so humble reddit spacing, asking why not meming Rorschach instead of the plethora of other tired memes?


Because comic books are for children and a waste of time.

Unironically this.

It's just a little story some guy fucking made up from his mind. Made up.

And what do you worship in Brazil besides murder and trannies? Please enlighten us?

The only fictional character Sup Forums worships is Jesus.

We worship the all mighty consumerism like you do, Brazil 2.0.

No one understands the character of Rorschach. Alan Moore wrote Rorschach to represent the stupidity of the right-wingers. He meant for Rorschach to represent the intolerant bigoted and short-sightedness of conservatives in general.

He was trying to write about an anti-hero, and ironically, what he saw as bad, everyone else saw as an inspiring, and truly profound hero. He's a great writer, but hilariously, when he writes about Rorschach, who exhibits all the behaviors he despises, he makes a character we all love.

>graphic novel
Watchmen was a bi-monthly limited series, not a graphic novel. Faggot.

>comparing Watchmen to Harry Potter
kek. The novel even calls out the Jew, subtly though; I can recall an illustration of a giant Jew-looking man saying "Oy vey I know where you liff"

Comic books are for fucking nerds. Read a real book you fucking manchild.

Implying Sam Hyde actually invests in books instead of bongs :P

>reddit for some reason has a monopoly on a certain style of spacing.

>muh reddit spacing meme
I absolutely cannot stand reading text condensed into one giant fucking paragraph. Hurts my eyes

Source? I believe you but would like to look this up for myself in my copy of the graphic novel.

first post, fakest post.

user you can just say gas/orfap them all for real
