Berserk hiatus

Can he just die already. At least it will give me peace of mind knowing that I won't have to worry about another chapter coming in every 5 months and will be able to move on with my life.

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He has been dead for years, user. The hiatus is for training his replacement and finishing the script. Didn't you realise why the art looks different now?

he wishes he were dead himself, you would have to to let berserk 2016 and berserk 2017 happen.

Is he just lazy or terminally ill?

Thats not entirely impossible. It's better than what I thought. I just thought that he lost his passion and the shitty art was do to him only using he cock to draw.

It still boggles my mind on how they can fuck up that badly in 2016....then get the fucking green light for 2017!!!

When is the next chapter?

Friday. Figured hiatus would happen. Same shit happened last year. Anime season ends, so does Miura doing anything.

It was probably cheap as fuck, so they said, why the fuck not.

>draw edgy shit for a bunch of emo kids
>Keep playing idolmaster and fapping to loli idols doujins
He made the right choise.

How about YOU kill yourself and you will be able to move on with your life to the next one

You think I never considered that? I want to, believe me. But I know that even if I kill myself, even after I die, I will cling to life, lurk on the border between life and death. I wouldn't be able to move on.

user chill with the edginess. I was making a point that this hiatus situation he is known for is ridiculous.

Hey your not Op....I am
And if anyone is going to off themselves it's going to be me


I want to die

The best solution would be for Miura to pass drawing of the manga onto somebody else, but retain 'creative oversight'. Sadly, this will never happen.

>Berserk go to hiatus
>HxH comes back off hiatus
Cycle of life.

gah it doesn't sound good like hiatus x hiatus

At least both have semi-regular releases at the moment.

>"muh golden age"
>"muh old anime"
>hates Guts' new team
>hates Shierbutt
>hates idolm@ster
>hates GigantoMachina and peeing loli jokes

If any of those apply to you then you don't know what Berserk is really about and you should kindly fuck off back to /r/anime or skullknight forums or whatever shithole you crawled out of.

please miura stop posting and just draw the next chapter

wishing death on a man who brings you a source of entertainment is proof of how corrupted you have become

Not if I kill myself first

Is the chapter out yet?

>skullknight forums
But they have good taste and they enjoy the full manga.

It comes out tomorrow. Then Berserk is on hiatus until the winter...

About 2 years ago I read the first chapter of that he continuing it?

Oni-chan, oni-chan buy me hiatsu!!!

Guys who's his favorite idol?

It's Miki, right? MIKI!!

Fucking kys

E-Eeeh? Miki a best IM@S!!

Is Berserk worth reading even if I know it gets cut off midway with no resolution in sight?

Stop this. Miki would not approve

No wait for 10 years atleast

How does the bear fit through the tunnel?

Can you just die already, OP?
Miura at least made something millions of people like (and still like).
The recent chapters inside the dream look great and the story is getting to a pretty exciting point.

Nah, he's confirmed it's Chihaya in an interview before.

But let's be honest, any 765Pro girl is the correct choice.


Yeah, I want him to eat shit and die too.
Fuck that faggot.
I've been with Berserk since 1998. This is just ludicrous. I want him to eat shit and die at this point. I don't even care if the next chapter will be the last one.
I hope the nippon chinks constantly send him messages, encouraging him to kill himself and reminding him what a lazy, useless piece of shit he has become.
All his apologists need to eat shit and die too.

lol k

If you're THIS MAD, why not just drop the manga?

Is there going to be another hiatus? Are rumors there?

Its already been announced.

>caring about Berserk
What is it about some people being completely unable to move on? I discovered Berserk when a publisher resurrected the manga in my country in 2001 and kept reading it for a few years until it turned into semiannual boring shit. When a new chapter comes out and you don't even remember what happened last time, dropping the whole thing is the easiest thing in the world to do. The only people who have an excuse are those who only discovered it very recently, i.e. newfags.


>you don't even remember what happened last time
how much of a brainlet do you have to be to get to that point

Wait those penis shaped monsters are actually Canon and not from some hentai manga? what the actual fuck

That way I won't have the satisfaction of closure and knowing that useless hack ate shit and croaked.

A lot of the apostles have dick shaped heads. An abnormal amount.

You serious? It stays inside the whole winter. A little thing called hibernation. When it warms up enough and the bear decides to leave it will break through the surface.

Anime should just get its own ending, fuck that hack and his hiatuses.

>This window will close in 3 seconds...
Psssh, nothin' personnel kid

>frivolous reporting and trolling

go hiatus yourself permanently

>The only people who have an excuse are those who only discovered it very recently, i.e. newfags

You have your answer. Berserk has a regular supply of newfags marathoning it.

And if the hole is covered by snow ? Can it die ?

He is just done with Berserk. I mean fans are angry, publishers are assblasted. Try writing same fucking story for 30 years, you WILL get bored with it eventually. I mean he can't just finish it off quickly and after such a long time he runs out of ideas.

Araki does write Jojo his whole life as well, but unlike Berserk each ark is so fundamentaly different from one before it keeps things fresh for Araki himself.

When will it come back from hiatus?

When HxH goes on one or they release new anime/game/movie.

Do people not know he is helping with season 3 he did this last season with berserk season 2...

Yeah, his help surely improved Berserk 2017.

Berserk is like the ultimate Monkey's Paw
>you get the best fictional story ever told
>but the author takes 40 years to tell it

>helping a sinked ship

just stick to the manga

Im not supporting the anime. I meant that's why he is on hiatus.

Honestly, this. I got into Berserk back in 2008 or 2009. Like every other sucker here I thought it was the greatest thing ever. My conviction started flagging during that fucking boat ride to nowhere. This was back in 2011. How many years were they on that fucking boat? Eight? Nine? Waiting 4 months for another shit chapter of mermaid lolis and wacky pirates made it pretty easy to drop it.

I still check the threads sometimes though. I guess it's nostalgia, and fascination that this shit is still crawling along.

it's getting another season?

are you serious,didn't it bomb & that's why he omitted the moonlight boy in the beach?

I'm glad to hear that it's still on-going though I'm starting to enjoy the anime guys

>that screenshot
Is that the 97 adaptation but just resized or something jesus

You have a point.
>"I want a new Berserk anime"
>The CGI is so bad that it actually makes me physically ill to watch it.

the struggle continues

>Berserk threads are basically love live threads
Miura would have wanted it this way

At least HxH got a new volume drop today, so yeah.

Griffith did nothing wrong

it's true

If you want to make him drop Berserk convince someone to make a GriffithxChihaya doujin and it has to be popular. Chihaya or Chi chan as Miura calls her is Miura's waifu so if you use Berserk characters to fuck with her then Miura probably just stop.

>How to spot a shonenshitter

>the band would die for his dream
>died to make his dream true through the sacrifice
>Casca wanted Griffithcock
>he gave her the Griffithcock
You're right

She became his sheathe

Do any of you seriously believe that

Yes. I'm a Gutsfag but I honestly think Griffith did nothing wrong. I feel bad for Guts but I can't fault Griffith at all.

Of course. The logic is basically flawless.

but who did she love m8

the correct answer is guts

I keep forgetting all of that shit happened because Griffith wanted a fucking kingdom. The difference between becoming a king and becoming a godhand is night and day.

Griffith raping Caska was wrong
But the band of the hawk essentially laid down their lives for Griffith to achieve his dream. Judeau even says that he doesn't have the ambition to pursue his own dreams so he finds his purpose in life in aiding Griffith. Griffith sees his path to the castle being a mountain of corpses so what's a few more?

>Griffith raping Casca was wrong
Nice meme

>anime ends
>Beserk goes back on hiatus
I honestly thought people were joking when they said he'd do this. Hell, I was joking when I said this last season.


You should have figured by now that he hates berserk fanbase, because he hates people in gerenal. He tortures people with breaks, makes retarded anime with lowest possible quality, there are no other photos of him because he never goes outside.

He probably didnt have to brand them all to an eternity in hell though.

post funni animation gifs ok

I thought when they died they suffered the same fate as anyone else who died. I guess it makes more sense that they belong to the dark spirits in the afterlife as well.

I remember them saying there is a heaven and hell when the Count had to sacrifice his daughter. They said she would go to heaven if she wasnt branded but if he did brand her it was right into the vortex with her.

Void branded them

He's said in the past that if he happens to die without finishing Berserk the mangaka he would prefer to have finish it in his place is Tite Kubo.

>No backgrounds
>Spanish everywhere
>*teleports behind u*
Truly the monkey paw series.

This is all a metaphor for the story.

His work is Griffith, perfect and beautiful , but the cause of our suffering. We, readers, like guts, try to reach it, struggling.
Miura, like god himself, gives us glimpses of hope, knowing that we will probably never get the ending we're wishing for.

Miura is the genius we did not want.

>Two page spread of Guts standing
>Exact same spread, but now Guts is sliced in two
>The end.

>4 years and 5 chapters from now
>the casca psyche healing arc is finally over
>the moonlight child appears
>casca says she wants to live peacefully n elfheim and raise her child
>gutts agrees
>berserk ends while this song plays

That would actually satisfy me

>Griffith attacks them
>guts tries to defend himself
>ends up killing casca and his child
>the sacrifice is complete
>guts becomes skull Knight
>can't avoid the threads of fate