Having one cunt character is fine, but isnt two pushing it a bit? Ayase isnt even hot

Having one cunt character is fine, but isnt two pushing it a bit? Ayase isnt even hot

Other urls found in this thread:


They are not cunts, you just have shit taste

>Ayase isn't even hot

Shit taste, Ayase was best girl.

>calling best girl a cunt
Holy shit m8, are you looking for a fight? Because you've fucking found one. I dare you, bitch nigga, tell me who your favourite Oreimo is, I bet it's some basic bitch cookie-cutter character like Kuroneko. Spill it. Don't make me hunt you down, you little faggot.

t. OP

Did you even watch the show?

The only girl I liked was the one with the glasses who had the really convoluted and stupid backstory about how she had to like become her sister or something?
Anyway the show is quite bad and both of the characters you posted are cunts I agree.

Yes and they are the cutest girls ever

No, I only have an image saved from a thread about it because I fucking loved saving Oreimo images back in the day.

Alright m8, I'll give you some respect points for digging a chick with the megane, but you can't just prance around talkin' shit about Lovely My Angel Ayase-tan like that, capiche?

Ayase a cute. CUTE!

>You will never smell ayases anus
Why even live?



Shit, I completely forgot these characters were JCs.

Besides the fact they abuse him 90% of the time

Kirino only abuses him when he does dumb shit and Ayase when he sekoharasses her

Kyousuke is kinda an asshole towards Ayase, but just kinda since Kyousuke treats Ayase as "a bro" all the time, Kyousuke lost any kind of shame next to Ayase due to the events at the beginning of the story.


>Ayase isn't even hot
You... take that back

Oreimo Girl Tier List

- Ayase
- Saori
- Kirino
- Kuroneko
- The rest except
- Manami

Oreimo Girl Tier List

- Ayase
- Kirino
- Kanako
- Kuroneko
- Saori
- Manami

Kirino is a miracle of the universe.

Oreimo Girl Tier List

- Kirino
- Ayase
- Kanako
- Kuroneko
- Saori
- Manami

Well, at least we're all in agreement that Manami a shit and Ayase is a top tier girl, so I'm alright with that.




Can someone explain how this bitch went from introlerant uber Stacy normalfaggot who barely cared about the protagonists in season 1 to le ebin meme yandere in season 2? Because I've never watched season 2.

Impeccable taste user

Watch season 2 if you want to know, faggot.

They had to compensate the perfection that is Ruri. One shitty bitch was not enough to counter that much cuteness.


Kirino is a miracle of the universe though.

>Ayase isn't hot
Her ass is to die for.

I want Ayase to step on me


>no pantsu
It hurts so much


And Ayase is a miracle of the multiverse.





Just look up my lovely angel Ayase and you'll find it.


>Her ass is to die for
Do you have any evidence to substantiate this claim?

best girl

Sadly not much. Her ass was tragically ignored for much of the series.


I don't know how they managed to make all girls into best girl, but they did it. I think it's about time we reboot this show already, including more interaction between Kuroneko and Ayase

Hey guys! What's going in this thread?

>ayase isn't even hot
But user Ayase and kirino have the exact same design with different colors


Ayase butt is bigger, and Kirino boobs are bigger, pick your poison.

Source on this?


Saori > Ayase > the rest



>Best girl
Why did people like this piece of shit? Assuming anime, she had no character at all. Just some bad yandere that had no reason to fall in love with Kyousuke.

t. nekofag

I was okay with the ending but Kuroneko never deserved this

Are these characters meant to look exactly the same?

Because they do.

Reminder that Kuroneko deserved being rejected.

True, Ayase deserved a chance though

>a man and a woman meet each-other
>they fall in love and have kids
>a son and a daughter
>biology dictates that the son is more like the father than any other man on the planet
>the daughter is more like the mother than anyone else
>so you have what are essentially clones of the two people who originally fell in love

So can anyone explain to me why sibling romance isn't the most logical form of love


I love Kirino so much!

Siscon! Hentai!

Should I watch Oreimo or read it?




Watch read watch again

neko a best

My Lovely Angel!

>no Ayase panty shots in the entire series
Literally WHY

Every time

>Ayase isnt even hot
Nigga you gay. The girls' looks are the one indisputably good thing about this shit.


Your shit taste are showing, user.


The only show that I stopped after 3 episodes because I legitimately grew to hate Kirino in such a small period of time.

Fuck that bitch.


I'm not going to move, nerd.

You're waifu a shit

Kuroneko's little sister (the older one) is the only hot girl in this shit show


>having a waifu

Wasn't ayase first kiss


This Don't forget to watch it once every christmas too.


Cute imouto

Reminder that Kyousuke is a pile of trash and literally every girl deserved better

Kirino isn't a real cunt.
Ayase on the other hand...

>erp with another user who roleplayed as ayase over three years ago now here on Sup Forums
I was so horny that night. My dick just took over and acted like a fool.

there's only one true cunt in Oreimo and her name is Manami,

This is bait right?

Obviously this. Anyone would be lucky to have any of them.
