Pol BTFO'd

pol BTFO'd

Are the theaters gonna be empty tho?

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Im excited for this movie. Im so sick of gay shit

We are hitting levels of virtue signaling thought to be violations of the known laws of the universe!

hes always been canonically black. so its fine.

Why do people love niggers and faggots so much? I will never understand it.




Of course, people is making crowdfundings TO BUY TICKETS!!!!!

>Burger are BLACKED
I expected nothing less from le 56% nation

I can't wait for all of the shootings that happen with the crowded black theatres

Would be funny if the kids ended up thinking the movie is shit

What's a Bulgaria?

What's funny is thinking about the logistics of their operation in general lad. Think about it, organising it, being the cinema. Gonna be hell.

Wanted to say this ITT as well.
>millions of niggers, only niggers, packed into movie theaters
>BLM activists yelling their WE WUZ KANGZ and MUH OPPRESHUN shit left and right

Theaters across the US will be burned to the ground, and one half of the nig will have been beaten to death by the other half.

Black Panther is our movie. Fuck the Avengers especially the femenist Hulk and soyboy Spiderman

in the opening scene barack obongo gives a blow job to michelle obama while michelle butt fuck barry with a hammar. i will go see this one.

As already stated, crowdfunding and ticket sale.
BUT I wouldn't really be shocked if a lot of people wants to see "something new" considering Hollywood has re-used all the typical superheroes a million fucking times. It's still a god damn superhero movie, who actually cares about this? Manchilds and actual childs?

>kids ended up thinking the movie is shit
niggers only like 2 types of movies-- karate/fellow niggers being violent. It might be funny if the Jews try to make it non-violent so as not to "stereotype" and the kangz themselves lose interest.

country that had first empire more than a thousand years ago

Protip: Studios will buy ticket sales in large numbers from individual cinemas in order to inflate their attendance. This happens quite often.

t. Cinema Manager

Who cares? Let's them have their super hero movie if they want it.
Maybe it will be role model for the niglets? Could be a positive thing

Does that include soda and popcorn? I think not.
I can't wait til the riots though. Niggas gonna nig.

>arack obongo gives a blow job to michelle obama while michelle butt fuck barry with a hammar

The logistics of this are pretty confusing

in the closing scene george soros is eaten alive by isis as niggers sing merry christmas to trump while he pisses on barry.


What movie is that from?

Can you tell me how Serbs are so adept at understanding how pozzed western culture is when you guys don't even have SJWs or cultural Marxists subversion in your country

Yea, this is what I figured might happen

We actually wuz, Thanks Poland.

TV show, "The Strand", about weird ancient worm-zombie-vampire-parasite things taking over the world.

If theaters really want to make money, they should pay-per-view a live stream of black folks watching black panther and tearing the theater apart.

They don't. That's why they virtue signal so hard. They feel guilty for not liking blacks and gays deep down.

>Black Panther is our movie.
It is /ourmovie/. If it was about whites in the heart of africa the movie would be about Rhodesia.
Accidental red-pill incoming

The Strain? Or is there another show with the same plot? Wouldn't surprise me.

"The Strain" I mean.

Watch their be a corresponding drop in violent crime during movie times, then an increase after when the KANGS go out and bust a cap in their kingdoms.

Are they going to portray wakanda and its policies accurately? I'm guessing no, but what are the chances?

>then an increase after when the KANGS go out and bust a cap for WAKANDA!

>buying movie tickets for loud and obnoxious niggers so they can watch fuck whitey capeshit and talk through the entire movie
It doesn't get anymore cucked than that

I hope

It'd be funny if the movie backfires and create a bunch of nationalistic negros.

Wakanda's basically nat-so.

Worth watching or more kike propaganda?

This movie has the potential to redpill niggers, so I can't completely hate it.

It's interesting seeing how the story plays out of the seasons becuase it goes from a very small problem to a very end of the world problem and has lot of spectacle but the main "hero" is old Jew holocaust survivor being kept alive on worm spunk and the vampires are based on Jewish mythology.

So ya, good bits, bad bits.

For the 6 gorillionth time:

> movie is about ethnostate
> references masterrace of niggers
> niggers actually stop acting like thugs and are civilized, potention for role models
> nationalism ftw


We should make it so blacks demand cinemas to ban the sale of popcorn in respect to the film in the same way Jews did to Schindler's List. Their profits will be hurt pretty badly.

I see. I'll give it a try. Haven't watched TV in ages.

how the fuck ios Sup Forums btfo ?
bp is literally Sup Forums - the character
he is king of an isolationist , traditionalist , nationalist ethnostate .
this movie is the biggest redpill ever dropped on the normie masses and the best gift Sup Forums could ever get from hollywood .

>nigger logic
Fuck off back to africa

Who fucking cares? I won’t go see any Marvel movies Nick Fury, Heimdall, and Valkyrie are why I won’t put another dollar towards this brainwashing trash.

Nigger truly are the master race.
Let's bask in their glory and start immigrating to africa.

>Implying niggers are smart enough to start acting like civilized human beings because of a movie, despite the fact they have yet to do it with all of the opportunities they've had

It's very kike'd, the protagonists are like a jew that survived the holocaust(played by a goy) and a doctor whose actor is a jew(it's pretty obvious). One of the main antagonists is a former Concentration Camp officers who constantly makes typical nazi references about jews and a superior race(the vampire parasites) although he isn't actually racist.

It also takes place almost entirely in New York so prepare yourself for diversity, spics in particular.

Buuuut besides that it's actually a pretty good show, except for maybe the last season, so if you have time to waste you can watch it.

Looks cool. I've never read the comic so it doesn't feel like another remake of a superhero movie. nationalism is what's missing front black culture imo. At least it's not a YouTube video about fighting in the Walmart.

Stfu you flip-flop wearing mud person.

ikke noen bra serie, bare dritt. Hvorfor er du i Norge egentlig?

It also happens to have one of the biggest piece of shit children to have ever existed in media.

It doesn't matter. The values are there, it's about reading the subtext and becoming redpilled.
btfo burger.

It is not /ourmovie/ because we all know niggers are not capable of what you are fantasizing about. The best social effect will be a minor dip in crime during the showtimes of the film. If anything this will push niggers closer to WE WUZ and demand reparations for ruining wakanda

Superhero movies like any Marvel tier shit can fuck right off

t. Brazilian nigger

Glad my movie theater kicks people out for talking, not sure I'd be able to hear the movie otherwise.

>reading the subtext
>blacks actually reading or understanding subtle plot devices
Wew almost thought they had a chance

Yes, this will be as successful and historically important as Red Tails.

Heh. Godt sporsmål. Foler vel fortsatt en tilhorighet. Du har stukket selv, ser jeg?

>black people groups buy tickets for poor people
>look how much tickets we sold you guys!

That's the thing that might make this /ourmovie/ in the comics, Wakanda can only exist in the modern age by casually saying fuck off to the entire rest of Africa and its problems, completely blowing apart the racial collectivist "black experience" that forms the backbone of something like Black Lives Matter.

I'm curious how much of that they're willing to keep alive in this movie.

It literally is /our movie/

whatever. hollywood is dying

Movie theater chimpouts incoming.

Totally agree, Carl 2.0 or whatever his name was is an absolute fucking idiot, like a poster boy for (white) kids of single-mothers though at least he manages to sort of redeem himself at the end.

show us your flag, user.

>Can you tell me how Serbs are so adept at understanding how pozzed western culture is when you guys don't even have SJWs or cultural Marxists subversion in your country

They had comunisum,it's the older version of what happens in the west.

stop understimating niggers, user.
they'll make fine allies against the liberals.

I was just reading an article on CBR and the comments were blacks telling people blacks were going to be at the showing. I dont think they understand that is a deterrent and mainly the reason many theaters are doing badly.

Don't worry Trump has the final solution in place. Ignore global warming, bring about the new ice age, kill 99% of habitants, start again.

fuck you israeli scumbag.

unfortunately no one will be able to hear any dialogue due to the particular audience that will be attending

There was another article that just rings of future hopes waiting to be dashed. It said "How much does black panther have to make to out do all other superhero movies".

I'm more worried I won't be able to hear my television on opening night over their concentrated hoots from miles away.

Isn't this distorted by that charity raising money specifically to buy tickets to give to black kids?

Seen black panther yet whitey? Why not, you racist or somethin'?


Can’t wait for stories of theatres being vandalized by uppity negroes and the white staff harassed

It was fascist communism, no diversity shit.

Cramer’s rule

more intressed how the blacks behave will crime go down or up during the screening?

most overrated movie since wonder women and that was already the most boring dumb shit in a long time.

So basically black movie needs artificial help to survive. It's a beautiful analogy of black people. Can't survive without hangouts.

Opening day is just one day.
I remember when Star Wars Episode one had people lining up weeks in advance.
Second weekend you just walked in and the theater was less than half full.
Once the SJWs have seen it they'll go back to hating on twitter.
Black arsas might see a lingering effect.
That's likely going to be as far as it goes.
I have no interest in watching Kangs in 3D.
I live next to blacks.
Their "culture" is already all around me.
I don't need to see a fantasy of what they wish they were.

The comics, sure I could get that. But the movie is a virtue signal deluxe about WE WAS KANGZ N SHIET

Up, but confined and concentrated to the theatre block.

'Advance Ticket Sales' = organizations pre-buying tickets for field trips.

Presales are strong.

The fact that it's a movie about a super hero that's ultra nationalistic that was black BEFORE it became a movie is enough to at least give it a pass for existing.

At least I didn't have to watch something I use to like get stabbed in the balls and shit on for once.

>>A move about a literal model ethnostate keeping outsiders out.

/pol BTFO

Explain this please.

black is literally in his name and he's black.
it would be like watching wonder woman and expecting chris pine to be the star.

im not going to see it personally but it's not like they diversity hired for this film

>Protip: Studios will buy ticket sales in large numbers from individual cinemas in order to inflate their attendance. This happens quite often.

This is not true.

explain what?