Spiritual guidance

I've been a fedora for most of my life (24 now), and i think it has crippled me spiritually. I now understand the importance of religion, or at the very least a personal spiritual belief, but i can't see myself adopting it.

Where do i even begin? I like the kinship and tribal aspect of paganism, but it isn't exactly a religion and doesn't offer you much. On the other hand, i'm having a hard time grasping Christianity and all it's different branches, and it just doesn't feel very European or "white" to me. What do i do Sup Forums?

I really envy those of you with strong spiritual beliefs.

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Do something for someone without any expectation of reward


Just enjoy life with moderation and avoid degeneracy.
Go listen to some good music. Get fit. Make some babies.

Read/YouTube some GK Chesterton. He’s a bridge from “Christianity is dumb, lol” to “ok, that makes sense.” Jordan Peterson is another who is level-headed and logical while maintaining a semblance of theism.
Ultimately it’s just about acting in accordance with what you perceive as the supreme good.

>Nat Soc flag
You realise Hitler and Himmler would agree with me, right? The aryan man needs to uphold something bigger than himself.

Thanks, i know Peterson so i'll check some of his stuff out.

Your struggle in life, in terms of faith, will be trying to come to terms with the fact that a God might exist and that you very much pray that it's the Christian God.
Read Matthew chapter 1-7 before bed tonight and pray.

"“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." - Matthew 7:13-14

"Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world." - James 4:8

"Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality, or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people—none of these will inherit the Kingdom of God. Some of you were once like that. But you were cleansed; you were made holy; you were made right with God by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." - 1 Corinthians 6:9-11

"“For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.

“There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God’s one and only Son. And the judgment is based on this fact: God’s light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants.”" - John 3:16-21

>mfw i only have an orthodox bible


>The aryan man needs to uphold something bigger than himself

The aryan race, his country... no need for religion really. It's just a convenient hack, however it's hard to create a religion from scratch so Hitler tolerated Christianity although in private he despised it.

The NSDAP had basically 3 solutions : reform Christianity, develop some "Aryan" religion far from Christianity but heavily influenced by paganism or atheism (which would be OK when you had a nation with a great plan and a great leader).

You can't remove the foundation of western civilization and expect it to continue to function in a similar fashion.

Jesus Christ set the ethical standard for the past 2000 years for most western countries.

>You can't remove the foundation of western civilization and expect it to continue to function in a similar fashion.
The foundation of western civilization is ancient Greece (not christian) and the Roman Empire (not christian when it was great).

Research all the religions and pick one you feel comfortable with, duh.

Europeans are the spirit of Western Civilization, we had ancient Greece and much of the Roman empire before Christianity.

Catholicism tied together as much of the European paganism as it could under the banner of Christianity by renaming deities as Saints under God, but it still is hardly responsible for the West. Much of Africa and Latin America is Christian with access to Western Technology, yet they are third world shitholes most of the time.

The European Spirit built the west.


That's because creating a religion (that suits our/their purposes) is hard. You need to get a lot of shit right.
> need set of morals that keep society sustainable irrespective of changes with advanced technology
> morals simultaneously have to leave room to mercilessly attack and destroy your enemies (Judaism accomplishes that through talmudic pilpul, Islam accomplishes that through the short attention span of sandniggers)
> need a bandwidth of stories and tales all of which serve as justifications for morals
> need a concept of an afterlife or reincarnation
> need a way to clearly make religion inseparable from ethnic heritage and work that into the stories

But apart from that, reminder that religion is whatever you make it to be. There are lots of christian spics and christian niggers, but they still behave very, very different from heavily religious Whites.

Nothing. I'm to lazy to practice religion. Going to church every Sunday, then on various religious holidays, going to confession, praying ,etc. Way too much work for me.

Check up on lectures of Jordan Peterson, he'll give you advice on what to do with your life, he also has an excellent series on interpreting the Bible where he explains the deep mythological meaning of the stories of Genesis in a way that will make them seem sensible and profound even to an atheist and regardless of if you believe in God.

Since there is no God the best we can hope to do is improve ourselves and once we've got that worked out to start working on the people and the world around us.

If soft-core spiritual experiences like meditating on your own out in nature or going to a concert where the music really touches your soul is not good enough, you could probably find some freaks who are happy to LARP as pagan occultists without getting too heavily invested and if that does not work, LSD or Peyote or Mushrooms in the right dose will make you believe you have discovered a portal into the deeper mysteries and profundities of the universe.

I somewhat see where you're coming from, but i think you'd agree with me that the age of atheism has bred nihilism, confusion, hedonism and ultimately degeneracy. I was a militant atheist for many years, and it didn't do me any good what so ever.

The argument that Hitler despised Christianity, i don't really buy. The one who despised Christianity was Himmler, though being raised catholic. Himmler and Hitler had many disagreements of religion, which i why i think the issue took a backseat in the NSDAP.

It's probably true though that Himmler's beliefs somewhat rubbed off on Hitler.

Greek philosophers got everything started but even Kant didn't deny that Jesus Christ was the greatest ethics philosopher of all time - even if he didn't believe in God himself.

And Rome flipped to Christianity in the early 300's.
Christianity has been an essential part of Europe's bedrock and cultural history for a long time, right up until the Enlightenment (De-enchantment) where it started to lose a little bit of traction.

And where did everything start to go wrong?
The French Revolution, when the people began to romanticize the idea of freedom from King's, Master's and God's.

some next level cringe right here.


Best advice I can give is just try to be around Christians that you might sort of admire or want to emulate. Not to be a poseur or anything but I think the real draw for me having been in a similar situation was in seeing how religion affected these peoples lives and world view. Made me a bit envious at first but then i realized how many barriers I had placed in the way. When you see it in action you will know that it is what you want. I had all sorts of fedora arguments down pat but I was a miserable fuck meanwhile im arguing with someone who is happy as fuck about their life and relationship with God.

Read white power by Rockwell and my struggle by uncle addie, take the natsoc pill and stop being such a nihilistic cunt. You want to trade one form of slavery for another. The only way to be happy in this world is to build yourself as a human and realize the real problems that surround you.

>paganism, but it isn't exactly a religion and doesn't offer you much.

I smell a 56%er.
Your only way out is suicide. You have no history, no honour, no heritage. You are lost. A vraecca, a wreck. Start over. Kys.

>Muh ancestors
>Forgets his ancestors easily and readily abandoned pagan faggotry for the blessed hope.

Nah man. I'm not.

Are you a pagan swedebro? How is it not just LARPing? I'm genuinly curious.

Whites in the US are the only hope Europe has to save itself Ahmed. Do you think if whites lose in the US that any European country would be allowed to become ethnocentric again or would the US send it's troops to Sweden to protect the poor minorities from evil yt.

Nordic races aren't as closely bonded to Christianity as the Mediterranean races.
I think it's likely because they don't have the "holy war spirit" in their blood.
Spain and parts of France and Italy had to fight a physical holy war with Moorish pigs.

The Germans largely joined the Crusades for loot and Jew killing.

>The Germans largely joined the Crusades for loot and Jew killing.
Accept that Zionism came from the Teutons.

It's because, even though Scandinavia was Christianized, the Nords were the most stubborn people. They refused to convert for the longest time.

There's even examples of pagan worship during the Christian era (Thors hammers were still being made, etc). Christianity has never really taken root in Scandinavia.

Culturally speaking, that is.

>Accept that Zionism came from the Teutons
Depends on what you mean by that exactly.


You still sound like a fat neckbeard. A fat neckbeard who wants to beliefe in something.

>fullbody lifting 3 times a week

What's your excuse faggot?

A word of advice - stay away from forums. A lot of atheists use forums, they are flooded with fedora tippers.
I don't have strong spiritual beliefs. All you need to do is be open to the idea of God existing, and it flows from there.
You don't have to be some e-version of a devout Christian. Just disavow your fedora ways of the past and open your mind to other possibilities.
I know where you're coming from. You think you're crippled spiritually because you've been influenced by other fedora tippers so much that your subconscious rejects any other alternative.

nords were never romanized
christianity spread like wildfire through roman empire but it hit a cultural barrier when it came to germanics

Browse /x/
Go to the /omg/ threads
Lots of good works about spirituality for whatever obscure thing appeals to you

Why do you think Rome was so susceptible to Christianity? As compared to Germanics?

*As compared to Germanics

>You think you're crippled spiritually because you've been influenced by other fedora tippers so much that your subconscious rejects any other alternative.

This is exactly it. I used to watch TheAmazingAtheist ffs, how could i NOT end up being spiritually neutered.

I've been doing shit like this all my life and still no spiritual feelings whatsoever.