What anime is this from?

What anime is this from?


You jest but jojo had plenty of LOL DOG POOPOO jokes in it.


Caca's Delivery Service

Caca no Perro



Aquarion EVOL

Boku no Caca

perro caca the animation

Now that's what I call shitposting

Caca friends

Sen to Chihiro no Perrocaca

Dr. Slump

Based Sup Forums

Re: Zero

Kemono friends

>1. All images and resulting discussion should pertain to anime or manga.
Request threads belong on the appropriate boards, or Friendly reminder ironic shitposting is just shitposting and you should sage before replying to garbage threads.

didnt read lmao

>he does it for free

perro caca

t/a/mblr BTFO

>he shitposts for free on a website he recently discovered far past its prime

>not even a janny/mod
>still doing it for free
You're basically a beta bitch boy of beta bitch boys, an omega.

Dog Days



Fuck off.


is this some Sup Forums raid?


t. butthurt hotpocket

>he doesn't know about Sup Forums and Sup Forums rivalry

Get a job. Reporting shitposting is fine, but playing internet police is gay behaviour.

Do you really think the mods give a shit about this board? If I was a mod this thread would have been deleted before the first poster could even reply.

Summer cup isn't for another month.
Use sage.

Sup Forums pls explain


No, fuck you. I'll tell you to fuck off if I don't like what you post.

What anime is this from?

Then don't cry around when I rightfully call you a homosexual.

mods are asleep. why are you even making this thread so early?

Best thread on Sup Forums right now


The only amazing thing about this meme is that it came from modern day Sup Forums.

The last noteworthy thing that took off from there is doge, and that was stolen from dumblr to begin with.

Whoever I get is best waifu.

Edit it with the four legged pants thing

>go to Sup Forums
>nobody talks about anime
>go to Sup Forums
>quality anime discussions
Explain this shit.

>thread talking about manga: five posts before it 404s

>literal shiposting: more than 40 in a minute

I hope you all get cancer