One Piece

Is it generally agreed that One Piece has taken a huge dip in quality since the timeskip?

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Nothing will ever top Water 7

I personally believe it was always bad.

WCI is great.

Big Mom is a crazy bitch that eats people and kills her own children, it's everything I could have hoped for.

All the other villains seem kinda weak/shitty in comparison.

Water 7, and I mean Water 7 not Enies Lobby, was the peak of the manga. It kept slowly going down from there, but I'd say that Punk Hazard and Zou were a little better than the arcs that surrounded them.

It's straight up a fact
There's not a single person on this planet that thinks post Time-Skip One Piece is better than pre Time-Skip

Why do people pretend that Luffy is intentionally never killing anyone?
Early on he used to hit people and when they got back up he would be surprised and say something like "Oh, you are still alive after getting hit by me? You must be tough." This directly shows that he does not really care about the life of his opponents. It's just Oda's refusal to kill characters that stops Luffy from killing.

Nah, it is just that Fishman Island is disliked for just being a set-up to show how strong the strawhats have become, and that kinda left a sour taste for some people.

Dressrosa was an overlong mess with a bunch of problems, but it had a lot of good stuff, and everything after Doflamingo's defeat has been pretty good.

Wan Piss was always bad. Oda also has shit art

Both these guys get it. Water 7 is as good as One Piece has ever gotten and ever will get.

No not really, now fuck off with your shit opinions this is a hive mind board and you obviously dont belong

There is just too much going on and Oda even has to break up the main crew and only use part of them to try and focus on all these other characters he is introducing. I feel like the arcs would be better if the whole crew was together. Getting Sanji back feels like it should have been something the whole crew did together. That is what they did with Robin and Nami.

I do

How can you compare them? Post time skip isn't done, so we don't know how it's going to progress.

I agree about Water 7 being the absolute peak of the manga, by the way.

Next 10 years of OP will be be at least 10X better than anything that has come before it. So no, Post TS is superior by far.

God enel arc was best arc you fools

Imagine being this deluded

East Blue - Good
Arlong - Great
All the alabasta shit - Good
Drum island - Great
Skypeia - Great
Water 7/Eneis lobby - Amazing
Thriller Bark - Great
Sabaody - Amazing
Amazon lily - Meh
Impel down - Good
Marineford - Good
Fishman Island - Trash
Punk hazard - Trash
Dressrosa - Too fucking long
Zou - Good
Big mom - Good
Post TS is not comparable

I just think Zoro is the weakest character and I don't see how Oda could possibly redeem him. We'll get his backstory eventually. Hopefully next arc.

What the fuck was the point of Chessmarimo? Why was he considered a strong opponent? How come his 'jaw' was his weak point?

>East Blue - Good
I don't think you could sum up East Blue like that, it is very diverse. The bit with captain Morgan is not as good as Logue Town, Usopp's arc is not as good as Sanji's, etc.

Clarification for fightfags:
>Zoro has the weakest character


The shorter arcs pretty much always tend to be better than the surrounding ones

more like One Piece of shit

I thought the pacing took a hit but the action and story actually got better. I'm hooked harder than I used to be, but I've always been hooked. I just get less of the story in a single chapter than I used to. like my manga dealer is trying to get me to buy more weight.

enel arc was better

So, do you think Zoro's eye scar is related to his Kitetsu?

If you just mean story wise, sure, he is pretty lackluster. But a character is not defined by his backstory.

Case in point: Chopper. He probably has my favourite backstory of the strawhats (mostly because Chirurg is just such a likable guy), but goddamn is he a useless fucking character and an annoying bitch most of the time.

Zoro shows a bunch of character traits that make him a likable character, like a strong sense of cameradery, honour and dutifullness. His whole speech in Water 7 after Usopp left was great, and him trying to sacrifice himself on Thriller Bark was the tightest shit. He also has smaller moments, like washing Chopper's back in Alabasta and stuff like that. Him clashing with Sanji is a joke that has yet to become stale.

But yeah, he is generally pretty tame, personality-wise. I can see why people would find him boring next to the likes of Franky and Brook. But I don't really see why he needs to be redeemed. He's a simple strong guy with a dream, and that's okay.

I meant that East Blue has too many distinct arcs to be summed up as just "East Blue". That would be like saying "The first half of the Grand Line is my favourite One Piece arc."

Best example is Jaya.

He doesn't need a backstory really, and his character is fine to be honest. Maybe we need some more bro scenes of him training with Law and Brook or something, but he's not badly written really

It's still not true though. Zoro has the best development out o all SHs throughout the manga, a few good gags and great scenes. He's good.

>muh evil government fags

all his moves are the same with a 9 added to them. His fights are the least interesting. And if you think we don't need a backstory on Zoro I don't know what to tell you

Yeah, that is a pretty good summary. The plot lines get more complex and interesting compared to earlier One Piece, it has just gotten to the point where that sometimes clashes with the medium of the "one chapter a week" manga. If you reread One Piece you will notice just how overly simple the plot very often was.

I think the opinion most people seem to have about Dressrosa - that it was better read as a marathon than in small bites - will be the consensus of One Piece as a whole once it is finished.

I'd like to point out that the movies are non-canon, and his left eye glowing was also animeonly to look cool.

>all his moves are the same with a 9 added to them
You mean he got the worst power-up in EL? Yeah, that's true. Still, him struggling to learn new stuff in Alabasta and Skypiea mid-battle is way better than Luffy's, Sanji's, and Chopper's "By th way, I can do this" in this arc.

>And if you think we don't need a backstory on Zoro I don't know what to tell you
He really doesn't. Not everyone needs to have their whole country destroyed or some shit, there's nothing hinting at him having more troubled past than we know.

Zou was shit. It was half flashback and half parties.

I hope his eye is literally nothing. That sort of powerup is cringey as fuck.

This is true. However it should be noted that Oda works on the movies, often designing characters for them, and (as far as I know) he has the last word on colourisation.

But it is true, it might be pure coincidence and that image amounts to absolutely nothing.

I wouldn't put that past Oda. No one has really mentioned Zorro's eye after the timeskip, so it might just be a design choice.

The flashbacks were good though. Zou also had great world building, and the Raizou reveal which was a great moment.

>have their whole country destroyed or some shit
this is a projection

What sort? We don't really know anything about it so it could be anything at all or nothing. It seems sort of intentional though so I feel like it's probably at least something. It'd be pretty damn funny if it was like Naruto though. Doesn't his daughter love Naruto? If your daughter asked you to put a sharingan in your manga, would you do it?

there was no point of the huge Caesar arc, shoulda been a 5-ep filler. After big mom there better be only two arcs, shit needs to end

Current arc might be my second favorite so far. Honestly at this point it's probably just fatigue for most people and not really quality issues. They just want to see it end.

> If your daughter asked you to put a sharingan in your manga, would you do it?
Of course not, bitching is living happy cause of me

And him opening his left eye, which somehow makes him instantly stronger and going "nuttin personal kid" is cringey as fuck.

>there was no point of the huge Caesar arc
Fun. There was no point in Gaimon either, but we got some world building out of it and it was fun aswell.

generally agreed by plebs yes

>And him opening his left eye, which somehow makes him instantly stronger and going "nuttin personal kid" is cringey as fuck.
Peripheral sight is not some arbitrary ow the edge powerup, it is very much a measurable thing that exists in the real world.

>yfw this happens and for whatever reason that chapter they are dressed up and he's wearing a fedora that's tipped so you can only see that eye glowing

also when all the retards were hype about it being "steampunk" the fucking island was called steampunk but had nothing to do with a steampunk setting

Thriller Bark is the peak of One Piece.
>Even if I had allowed you to continue peacefully on your voyage, at your level, death is all you would have found. You're nowhere near ready for the "New World"! Though it would appear you have gathered yourself quite a fine crew....You would only lose it all!!!
>My words come from experience. My subordinates. They were famed, far and wide. Why did I have to lose them all? My friends were lost to me precisely because they were still alive!
>If they had all been zombies, dead from the start, I would have lost nothing! For zombies are invulnerable! Eternal warriors; even if they are purified, a replacement can be found!

>Peripheral sight
Slight gain in peripheral sight is not gonna make you that much stronger.

That arc taught them about the grand line though

He's literally doubling his eyes so double the power.

A second eye also allows for depth perception, which is a pretty big deal in sword fighting.

It was one chapter. But yeah, that's what I said with world building. Just like Punk Hazard got us some world building. Every seemingly unrelated arc gets us some of that. People need to stop worrying about the "grand narrative" so much.

You have depth perception with one eye dumbass, two eyes just helps a little in that process. Its not gonna instantly make you uber strong.

>you can see 3d with one eye dumbass

I feel very sorry for Moriah, I hope he's trained over the 2 years to get ripped again. Moriah - Kaidou rematch when?

Not him. I drive with 1 eye open half the time and it's fine, I only open it when slowing to a junction or things like that

They should jail you

Have you ever played sports with one eye closed? My football team does that for training sometimes. You factually do not have depth perception with only one eye, and basically just hit the ball by chance. Your brain does a lot of work filling in missing information with experience, but you do not, in fact, have depth perception with a closed eye.

So if you dislike some weird "eye opening" power up because it is a cheap cliche in manga, you should also dislike that Zorro can fight so well with only one eye to begin with.

If he's doing all of the powerful things he's doing with his left eye just closed, and then he opens it and it still works just fine, it stands to reason he'd see about a third more area around him and have depth perception again. It could be a thing but personally I think it's related to haki and that he only sees with his haki sense in that eye and that this is useful somehow.

I'm not sure that I agree.
I like that Moriah is a salty failure. That's what makes him such an interesting character. He chased his dreams and ran into a brick wall. All of his friends were slaughtered before his eyes and he is left broken because of it. He fears loss so much that he takes the safe route of only having zombies in his crew, and that holds him back from ever actually becoming Pirate King.
To justify him breaking out of the rut would take some time to develop his character further, which would be nice, but I don't think Oda would commit that time to him.

>I drive with 1 eye open half the time
the things you guys make up just to support your 'point' are hilarious

Well, he has plenty of setup for... something.

I've got a problem with one of them, something about a taut tendon I dont really get it,
Also yeah, you are right. I just wanted to put it out there that it's not 100% debilitating

Yeah but the fact that he's already good without his magical eye is BS enough. Having it open and somehow all hell breaks loose is beyond cringey imo. I seriously hope Oda just trolls Zorofags and make his eye a damn gag.

Just out of curiosity, did you also dislike Asura, or Kitetsu cutting on its own in Whiskey Peak?

Nah thats cool imo, just eye opening is too Sasukeish. Asura fits in cause of Haki and it makes sense that swords can have souls in the world of One Piece.

Eye opening is too cliche and a shitty and lazy powerup. It would be better served as a giant gag.

People adapt to having only one eye pretty easily. I have a friend who lost one of her eyes early in life and she drives just fine, played softball even. She can't truly perceive depth with one eye, but she has experience with the size of things and how far they are based on that generally, along with timing or loudness for things with sound. She has a blind side though. It's noticeable, you can't just approach her from the left side and think she sees you. That's a glass eye. She only sees her nose over that way. And the depth perception thing affect her in unfamiliar areas or situations sometimes. It doesn't make her unable to hit a softball. She's done that like a million times. It's muscle memory. She could do it sometimes with both eyes closed probably. She an throw a ball approximately THIS hard because she's thrown a ball THAT hard before and gained the experience to do those things.

It would be a pretty big deal to get it back again though. She wouldn't be blind on that side anymore, and instead of only being able to judge distances based on experience her brain could do it automatically like ii does for most of us. It wouldn't be unlike a superpower honestly, to suddenly have depth perception and also be able to see on the other side of your face.

Once piece stopped being good after water7/ennies lobby

Why Asura fits with haki? None of the explanations for haki seem to explain what Asura was.

Also, if sword souls are okay with you, and the eye is related to that, like that image seems to suggest, then wouldn't that be fine with you?

Point taken, it would be pretty bad if Zoro just learnt some secret eye technique or whatever, but I think it can be pulled off without coming across as overly edgy. Just because Naruto overused it doesn't mean it is bad per se.

That's a shame.

Haki could just have different flavors, or Asura could be an embodiment of the souls of his swords. I'm pretty sure Oda will give an explanation but the eye thing is too retarded and edgy for my tastes.

Post-timeskip One Piece has too many characters and too much going on and Oda seems to want to rush through it as fast as possible. It's really noticeable if you compare old chapters to new chapters.

POST Timeskip has SANA that alone makes it better...

It kind of lost its sense of exploration and wonder. And I think they added too many characters, there hasn't been much character development for the crew members lately.

Stupid Goofy Shit with Underwhelming Goofy Villain: The arc.

It also set a precedent for more stupid goofy shit designs since then: timeskip crew designs like franky and chopper, gyojin island overall and now big mom arc.

I stopped following One Piece weekly because after the whitebeard war it became so slow, boring and uninspired I lost all hype for the weekly chapter.

>Nah, it is just that Fishman Island is disliked for just being a set-up to show how strong the strawhats have become, and that kinda left a sour taste for some people.
>Dressrosa was an overlong mess

The embodiment of his spirit, Enbina Yonezu Oni Giri was another example of this.

>It's really noticeable if you compare old chapters to new chapters.
I've recently read through One Piece' earlier chapters, and a lot of shit happens very fast. It is just that less is going on, so a bigger chunk of it fits in one chapter. If anything Oda rushed stuff back then.

The speed has stayed relatively the same, just the scope has grown, and so the pace has suffered.

Not really.

Did that scene really have an attack name in the manga? I only remembered that "spirit" being a rather small panel that wasn't that important.

Also, how is this less edgy than the edge eye?

Arlong Park
Syrup village
Orange Town
Logue Town
Romance Dawn

Yeah, check this link
http:// kissmanga. com/Manga/One-Piece-Digital-Colored-Comics/Chapter-387?id=328627
Whatever qualms you might have with kissmanga, its all there and there arent any popups, what more could you want?

I like kissmanga and their function to show the entire chapter on one page. It is convenient when reading One Piece on the Wii U pad.

>reading One Piece on the Wii U pad
I genuinely can't imagine this

So what was the announcement?

Do we get a chapter today?

No, Oda is having a break this week

Fucking lazy piece of shit. They said that his health is normal, why the fuck then he keeps taking these annoying breaks?

Let the man get some rest, okay? Let's be all glad that things are getting interesting at least


I thought we get it because of the yesterdays thread some 20 years anniversary or some bullshit

The twist behind Raizou is enough to redeem any flaw Zou has.

It's always been that way. It's simply because the spark, the initial fascination and wonder you had, has faded.

>Asura was never foresh-

this is fact OP, and anyone denies this is just being too much of a fanboy to see the obvious dip in quality. Water 7 was the peak of One Piece and I'm sad as shit my favorite anime will never be nearly as good again

even in the best Post TS arcs all the characters have become one dimensional and luffy doesn't have that badass pirate side to him anymore

Think of HxH and rejoice

Also 5 days and 16 hours until spoilers

The arc structure has become all too predictable.

That, and the story is now so full of characters and plot points that we rarely get moments with impact and emotion like some of the Water 7 stuff. It's too busy trying to get a bunch of characters from A to B like the most recent arc.

Why do you guys overrate Water 7 so much?

Is it because of Usopp vs Luffy?

What exactly is going to happen i wonder. Will Luffy kick BM's ass with gia faivu monkey god awakening? Or what? I need some god damn answers