I'll say this as a guy who's a fresh 18 year old and part of Gen Z: pretty much every guy in my school is sick of feminism and sjw's as a whole.
they aren't right wing, really. lots hate trump. i mean, im in canada, the fuck would you expect.
the girls too, but not a lot of them. there's this rather pretty but fat bisexual mexican girl in my school who adamantly hates sjw's and uses what makes her a "minority" as argument fuel. pretty funny to watch the faces of everyone she argues with. pure utter despair it is.
but a lot of the white people in my school are oblivious. Actually I noticed it's mostly the white people who are eternally cucced. the white guys, some of them seem to only act that way ironically but idk. the white girls are really bad though. almost all are sjw's/feminists. most think the wage gap is still real.
I'll be honest, I feel bad for them. The blatant media manipulation and indoctrination our schools and media outlets "offer" are sickening, but what's more sickening is the way it works: you can't counter-argue what they say. they've taught 'em to ignore it or reject it.
Some things seem to work, though. Suicide demographics always hit a spot. Talking about fathers works too, their suicide rates, how many of them pay alimony, child support, child loss after divorce, etc. all of those work.
don't get me started on the transgender people in our school
focus on race problems are pretty much non-existent in canada, but it's mostly because it doesn't really happen outside of quebec and ontario. it's mostly gender problems. and by that i mean 99% of women making up problems while the 1% face real ones, while the guys are just completely fucking ignored.
facing prejudice in canada just makes you prejudiced, honestly. non-conforming has become "not being an sjw/feminist" and all my non-conforming friends have faced prejucide, including myself.
p.s give me stuff that i can use to argue why the male suicide rate is so high