Stop being a Victim

Sup Forums this is my last post on this retarded forum.

I have found this video by Peterson which explains why the Far Right and Far Left blame other people for their problems.

Fix Yourself before you dare claim to have the right to fix anyone else (which you dont).

Stop being pathetic by hiding behind internet anonymity and blaming other people for your faults. We live in the fairest society ever in Human History, so make yourself productive.

Leave Sup Forums for good like I did 1 year ago. You will become a better person.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Sup Forums this is my last post on this retarded forum.
We'll see you tomorrow.

I'm doing no fap February.
This is my first legitimate attempt at it.

you are here forever....member when that memecame out? pepperidge farms does.

No you won't. This is the first time I came back after a whole year. I used to come here every day.

After I watched the Video I was reminded of this place.

Stop telling these lies and stop making excuses.

pol is the real world

if you want to be bluepilled and go back to the matrix, sayonara.

what do i change to?
i'm a successful, handsome, very /fit/ man that's got it going pretty well
of course i'm gonna attribute blame to other people about the negro problem in america
how would i need to change for the negros to stop being coddled by leftists
this is retarded

either you will fail to better yourself or you will come back to preach where the sinners are. either way, welcome home.

by god he looks sad and lost

i truly believe there is no fixing yourself

ah im gonna fap right now

>Crabs in a bucket
Nobody escapes

Your moral depravity is a problem.
(((shame on you)))

stop posting E celebshit you fucking degenerate

Explain to us what personal achievements you have attained in the time you spent away from this place.
Describe what you mean by 'better person'.

>Sup Forums this is my last post on this retarded forum.

Provably false

>it took a leaf to tell you to fix yourself

Blaming others is only a waste of time if you a) don't take full responsibility for your problems (not the same as taking blame), and b) they really have nothing to do with your problems. As long as you take responsibility (take appropiate measures to fix your problem) it is perfectly reasonable to blame whoever actually caused your problem and to call them out on it.

>the Far Right and Far Left blame other people for their problems.
Joke's on you, I always blame the weather.

Many users here encourage self improvement in many constructive and accesible ways. From reading great literature to lifting weights to stopping compulsive masterbation and substance use and picking good relationship paths. Obviously opinions vary but the dominant voices support broad self impovement, so what exactly is the problem ‘lil tater?

If i clean my room hard enough will this stop the racial displacement of Europeans in every western nation?


Nope. You have to post on a Chinese forum to solve that.

op can you explain your superior ideology about having no ideology?

>tips fedora

I love Peterson, and would never leave pol as long as I live. Stop acting like they're mutually exclusive, schlomo schiffenberg

Black Americans also suffer from a victim mentality. They along with fat ugly feminists blame ALMOST non-existent Systematic Racism for their problems.

The same advice applies to them as to anyone else.

I already have improved myself by leaving this site. I aim to improve myself even further. I couldn't give a shit whether you think I will come back here or not. Is there something you do not understand with "last post"?

Shitty excuse for remaining here.

I am replying within my post. This is my last post here.

> stopped drinking and smoking
>gradually getting /fit/
>found gf
>doing well in college
>still hate the modern world and the people in it
What else do i need to fix?
Or do i need to pretend that the world is fine and i only need to work on myself?

>We live in the fairest society
And in my view that's a bad thing. We have finite resources and they are being wasted on the undeserving.

This is a far right echo chamber the blames minorites for their own personal problems and failures. The people here are exactly like the SJW's they claim to despise, they only blame different people for their problems.

>differences between race are perhaps the most easily-quantified and scientifically-proven thing Sup Forums believes in
>le room dad doesnt believe in it

Friend I left for 3 years and still found my way back here. There is no escape from this place because this is the only place you can find people like you.

How is wasting resources on the underserving fair? We live in the most fair society in human history because if you work hard and smart you will be rewarded.

>We live in the fairest society ever in Human History
Thats exactly the problem.


Pornography certainly isn't enriching, but using it is fine. Sometimes you gotta get a nut and hooking up with a girl is too much trouble. So? People who focus on it as good or bad are freaks

No. Peterson is just trying to make you waste your time

NINE fucking Jordan Peterson threads right now. All posted by the same leaf and aussie.

Getting really sick of this shit.

HAHAHA you take advice from a man who condescendingly calls you "boy" and "bucko" while he makes $750k yearly telling you to wipe your own ass!!

Good riddance faggot!
I can't do it

As long as you don't overgeneralize and say that all your problems are caused by x and x only or you don't take responsibility and claim that you can not do anything about your problems because of x, there is nothing wrong with (partially) blaming them. The thing with the left and the right is also that more often than not the left is blaming the wrong people whereas the right is blaming the right people.

yep. Its literal fucking shilling. Peterson is trying to sell books and shit, thats all it is

The people who are in the far right or left feel that society is unjust towards them or towards a particular group.

This is sometimes justified, for example the incarsiration time lenghts between black and white criminals.

Or Diveristy Quotas descriminating against white men based on skin colour and sex.

However wanting to tear the whole thing down and creating a fascist dictatorship that will only benefit people who are EXACTLY like you is not a soluion. And blaiming society and people who are different than you for you personal failings shows weakness on your part.

Porn is completely fucking irrelevant. Nobody has ever become or stopped being pathetic on account of their porn habits.

If you are addicted to porn you are likely a pathetic person, and stopping this one habit is not going to change that.

Personality is mostly genetic you fucking imbeciles.

> We live in the fairest society ever in Human History

You're the most ignorant filth ever.

Avoiding porn is much more challenging when you browse Sup Forums regularly you coward. Man the fuck up.

You have to +18 to post here. No adults fall for the no fap meme. In fact take that retardation back to the 15 year old infested /fit/ where it and you belong, faggot.

>However wanting to tear the whole thing down and creating a fascist dictatorship that will only benefit people who are EXACTLY like you is not a soluion. And blaiming society and people who are different than you for you personal failings shows weakness on your part.
Why are you implying this is what (all of) the far-right wants?

sorry champ this is probably the most autistic strawman I've read (today)

>this is my last post on this forum

>posts another post 5 minutes later

You will be back tomorrow you potatoe eating drunk

Only a society in which single mothers are commonplace could generate people who would sign up for that.

found the nigger
cant wait to send you back to the plantation

This is what people don't understand. Accepting and taking responsibility for your problems doesn't mean only seeing yourself as the problem. If you're being punched the correct response is to retaliate, not to sit there and ruminate as to what you did wrong to cause the first to pummel your face.

There's nothing inherently wrong with blaming others for your problems, if they are to blame, rather it's wrong to use it an excuse for inaction. There's something incredibly harmful about the sort of exclusive self-blame that he encourages, it's like flagellation or something.

>not wanting a fascist dictatorship

Personality is Genetic and Enviormental.

How? If I work hard at school I will go to the best college and get the best Job.

>Blame everyone else who takes advantage of our Meritocracy
You are the problem

I don't watch porn regulary and I don't come here often.

It was an example. Anyone who wants to dismantle our highly functioning Meritcraitic systems have personal problems which is why they can't compete in them.

Well put, that's exactly what I meant.

>Stop being a victim
Does this mean we need to make others victims?

So what you're saying is we should harvest bone marrow from non-whites?


>If I work hard
The point is you either work hard or you dont. If you havent for 25 years you arent going to suddenly start, barring outlier cases

It also is easier when your an old man with shriveled nuts and a steady stream of antidepressants killing your libido.

Liar. You were here yesterday.

There's a difference between being ideologically possessed and recognizing the failings of the opposition tho often they go hand in hand

If you watched more Peterson and Read more from the authors he often mentions (Pierre, Jung, Freud) you'd also know your post doesnt imply you took that into consideration which makes your suggestion worthless even tho its fukkn solid advice

>Lurk moar

>I already have improved myself by leaving this site.
That it?
>I aim to...
Nobody cares what you aim to do. You've done nothing to feel superior about.

I think the guy who regularly cries on camera over ideology should maybe start cleaning his own room first before suggesting it to others. Just an idea.

>if you work hard and smart you will be rewarded
So, if you're a good goy you'll be rewarded? No shit.

Be a good father and prepare for that user.

Yes. Bea victimizer

There are plenty of people who work hard and see very little benefit from it.

Finally, one less pussy-ass bitch on this board. Good riddance. Go live the life you want and try to remember to not waste others' time with your whining.

>fap exclusively to 2d
>start drawing porn myself
>improve bit by bit over the years
>some of my favourite artists start following and interacting with me
>tfw porn has become utterly fulfilling and you wouldn't trade it for anything

The real problem is 3dpd

Jordan B. Peterson is an anti-White Zionist who has explicitly stated he intends to prevent Whites from "being tribal" again, to "prevent the horrors of racial pride" and "what happened in 1930s Germany" from happening again.

Please digest the Peterstein redpill. This man is a subversive shill, extremely dangerous, high tech jewish propaganda that is designed to make you weak and to ensure we never earn our freedom.

0ld man Peterson needs to jizz about once or twice a year. @ 19 he was glued to the duvet the same as everyone else.
In just the same way you'll be able to 'no fap' with ease when you're 55.
It proves he's an ass if he doesn't factor hormones into his theories. What a fucking crackpot, riding the high horse all snooty with his shrivelled little gray scrotum like a badly washed baby sock.
Only a potatoe head could fall for that.

The far right and far left? Lol what. Anyone who blames others is doomed.

The ones who are far left and far right are destined to die is a sad, sad world.(albeit its their own world)

Yes it's totally my fault that we are being flooded by violent shitskin niggers and that feminist psychosis has reach an all time high renderibg women unmarriageable, or that jobs are disappearing and we get dragged into wars in the Middle East

Guess I didnt clean my room hard enough

>to prevent Hitler
Because all that's happened in history is WW2. FFS.

>'blaming others for your problems is a complete waste of time'
>blames criticism of israel on antisemitism
>earns a living blaming dead philosophers for the problems in the west

There's also the not insignificant matter of what you're working hard for or towards. He's only really correct if your telos is personal comfort and the relative material wealth which accommodates it.

>stop noticing things and complaining about them
>just worry about yourself
thanks gen x, that attitude has basically fucked the entire world

no i say it's time to bitch and complain and worry. valid complaints can be made and should be made by everyone

see you tomorrow bucko

> be white male
> be bullied by society
> have quotas against you in academia
> have quotas against you in industry
Yes, absolutely my fault, I had to kill myself earlier. I hate Peterson so much.

And wait a minute. The NAZIs didn't even win WW2.
>Abolish the nations that stopped NAZIs because we must stop Hitler.
Yeah it all makes lots of sense.
The greatest thinker since Plato.
Canadian Plato.
His genius is rivalled only by his president (in Canada).

You'll be back... you are feeling high off all these (you)s right now.

>If I work hard at school I will go to the best college and get the best Job.
That's wrong though.

Hard work is meaningless if you lack the talent. It's a liberal lie that both the political left and the political right buys into. Egalitarian nonsense that Peterson in particular should know is simply not true.

Did someone ask him this?

Blaming a minority for your own personal problems. Good Job.

A White Ethno state is Totalitarian and Anti-Meritocacy. Again baliming other people for your own short comings.

Valid Arguments being Mass Immigration has allowed people into the country who don't deserve to be here?
The problem is your fucking solution for fuck sake. What don't you understand with the statement "last post" bucko?

Hello fellow potato nigger. I am there now too. That god for this man. Sup Forums is soon to be gone for me. But the negativity here is like a cancer that seems into you. I will miss the keks and the fun we have though. Time to put childish things away.


top kek

Totalitarian isn't necessary anti meritocracy.


>>to prevent Hitler
His words, not mine.

>A White Ethno state
A monolithic white ethnostate is a straw man.

All that needs to be done is to stop the influx of immigration and peacefully repatriate the non-Whites who were brought here under false pretenses (with compensation).

A white ethnostate is not totalitarian. In fact, the whiter the country the more social freedoms you have.

Good luck lad, it's easier than these losers paint it out to be.

> This is sometimes justified, for example the incarsiration time lenghts between black and white criminals.
> Or Diveristy Quotas descriminating against white men based on skin colour and sex.
Peterfag thinks it is the same

> However wanting to tear the whole thing down and creating a fascist dictatorship that will only benefit people who are EXACTLY like you is not a soluion.
I dont care about me and people exactly like me that much, I want society which moves forward. Taking millions of Somalians in Europe isn't moving forward, as well as promoting feminism.

> And blaiming society and people who are different than you for you personal failings shows weakness on your part.
I hope nigger will stab you, and you will blame yourself while dying.

Peaceful ethnic cleansing is impossible, and preferring a white serial killer to a black doctor is Anti-Meritocratic.

What if a social movement developed that wanted to end segregation? What if people wanted to judge others on the content of their character rather than the colour of their skin?
Are you going to censor them or kill them?

Why solution should necessary be peaceful?
It may be somewhat anti-meritocracy, but it will help society in a long run. It is better to get rid of 50 criminals and 1 doctor that leave both.

Yes Discrimination is the same. Mass Immigration into Europe is unfair because these people are unvetted and don't benefit our society. They are taking advantage of our welfare state and are involved in crime and terroism.

Your solution to this problem is irrational. We could easily deport and have proper immigration restrictions but this isn't good enough for a fascist because he hates people based on the colour of their skin.

Exactly we need to stop being victims, the only way to do that is to fight ideologically and practice good values in our life. Enjoy your shitskin grandchildren while we secure an existence for ours.

American is not a race or ethnicity.

>Sup Forums this is my last post on this retarded forum.
>keeps posting

Anyone who grandly announces themselves leaving a community either has a narcissistic personality disorder and tries to squeeze every last drop of attention out of it, or is trying to convince themselves to leave.

Who the fuck this guy think he is?

Because believe it or not Black people are people too. You criticize what Black South Africans are doing to whites yet you advocate (anonymously) for the exact same thing in your own country towards minorities.

Fuck (You)