'Get Out' was a good movie

'Get Out' was a good movie.

Hfs it's just a remake of the stepford wives, but with blackies.

It was meh.
However, it WAS pretty funny how many nigs who celebrated it just for having nigs got mad when they found out it was a comedy.

this isn't the movie board

saged and reported for sliding


a good story for a thriller/mystery/a little bit of horror, but it would've been infinitely better if there were no racial themes involved

>muh wypipo

What I find funny is how you male Krauts failed to defend your german bitches against the based Red Army during their Rape-fest after the war in 1945. Kek kek kek

It is Dems R the Real Racists the movie

wouldnt know, stop supporting hollywood

Politics are downstream from culture.

I'm not supporting it, I'm downloading torrents m8

rich old people want to be cooler so they pay money to buy some random black bodies and act autistic

so like is it weird that the white chick screwed all the bodies before the get sold to any of the new bodys buyers like whats the deal with that can they just fuck the mud shark at random or does the whore have limits? did she fuck the lady who ended up being the body for her grandmother?

so many questions unanswered

>tragedy is an insult.
wew lad. Pretty edgy. You've come to the right place. Here you can find more edgy people and be corny together.

You wouldn't download a car

Not worth the download,

It was overhyped. Like every nigger movie.


>1 post by this id
Dammit Sup Forums

If the victims would have been all over the place and only targeted because of their talents. Yes it would have been a good movie. It was not so it was muh black superiority mixed with whites are evil monsters.

>the guy was dude weed lmao im fuckin this white bitch aintt it a crazy world for a yung blk man dez dayz

It was well written but it's entirely from the perspective of a morale blind man that makes it hard for others who do not share his perspective to follow