It's best girls /sci/ and /lit/ chapter

It's best girls /sci/ and /lit/ chapter.



She'll fall for him soon.

I just realised I forgot the subject. Fuck.

What's her problem

Her glasses are broken and she can't see shit.








She should start wearing contacts, she looks so much cuter without glasses




Nice one, /lit/

last page

Thanks for the dump

Tomboy is cute and she will win...or i cut my wrists.

Then do it.

Do it

I like that Yuiga isn't the only one punished

Thanks OP. I was wondering when we'd get the new chapter.
I like comfy chapters like this but I can't help but feel nervous for this series eventual cancellation.

ZZZZzzzz boring chapter

Put the title in the subject next time

I love Fumino's hairstyles

Yeah I know, my bad.

Best Girl Chapter

if Sup Forums doesnt win i'll cut my dick off and feed it to my dog

She broke her glasses, so she's back to using old ones. Prescription isn't quite right so she's squinting to try to see, and everyone is thinking she's pissed off.

I mean, i guess that's what happening, i cant read runes, but it seems quite clear.

Remember to take photos user.

thats heretical

the glasses add to her charm

Screencapped for future use

>Yuiga and Fumino reading books behind the school is now a regular thing.

I like this.


this series is such shit


Damn her hairstyle is so cute like that. I hope she keeps it like that.

friendly reminder that Sup Forums is best girl

Fumino, you klutz!

>eventual cancellation.
pls no
I'm really hoping CrossAccount tanks just so this gets a spot higher in the rankings. It's been eleventh for months now.

>she sees your dick____

So let's see where we're at

/sci/ got an accidental kiss with MC, his heart skips when she looks cute, has his siblings' approval
Sup Forums is vying for MC's attention, his heart skips when she looks cute, has proven to be quality waifu material
/lit/ is aware that /sci/ and Sup Forums are competing for MC, is not in the game yet, has his siblings' approval

It feels like we're getting more Sup Forums screentime than /sci/ lately, maybe the reader response to her was good. While /lit/ has diminished both in screentime and relevance.

>maybe the reader response to her was good
No it wasn't. Manga is at the bottom all the time now. I don't remember but I think the /sci/ chapter was also at the bottom.

The best girl is brocon, the rest are unneeded.

>best girls /sci/ and /lit/
??? ???

>Manga is at the bottom all the time now. I don't remember but I think the /sci/ chapter was also at the bottom
Really? That's kinda surprising, the art is good and Nisekoi didn't fall that low.

They're best girls.

>Another week without /ck/
Tell me, how suffering you're now?

didn't know 2nd and 3rd place counted as best

Issue 30
>11 Bokuben c.013
>11 Bokuben c.012
>10 Bokuben c.011
27 CP
>09 Bokuben c.009
>11 Bokuben c.008
And so on

Who's best girl then? Sup Forums is worst, so maybe sensei or /chem/?

only thing worst here is your taste, user

Maybe her butt hurts.

You just posted worst girl, user.

Not him but what's wrong with Sup Forums?
inb4 tan skin

She's annoying.

Say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens.

You gotta be more specific man. Does she try too hard?

It's over.

>/lit/ trying to help
I just can''t dislike any of the girls, they are so best on their own. Finally a shonen romcom where there's not a clear winner.

>there's not a clear winner

There's not.

You have shit taste

>I can't identify patterns

>there's not a clear winner

What are you implying? There's not a clear winner.

>without glasses
does not compute

I'm not implying anything, you literally cannot identify obvious patterns.

Ok then, /lit/ is gonna win because she's the last one that fell/will fall for him. Author could still change something though, that's why I'm saying there's not a clear winner yet.

>Author could still change something though


Explain yourself

There's a clear winner.


/sci/ will win and there is nothing you can do about it

>Uruka chapter in english
aaaaaa go away uruka


>Not-so-cliche direction
>Consistent towards the premise
Reminds me of the early Nisekoi. I hope Bokuben will always be like this.

Just shitposting? Carry on!

Sup Forums is fucking shit. It should've stayed about the original two

/lit/ is quickly rising to the top in my books here.


How does he keep getting away with it?

Well, she as flat as one.

Yandere Rizu when

I like that he's being really creative with her hair. He does need to remember that she's one of the leads though.


I just noticed she is a southpaw.


Super cute, trips confirm.

>/lit/ will be a conflicted wingman
>She will eventually like him too
>/sci/ has a decent shot
Is it ogre for Sup Forums?


she didn't had a chance to begin with

She looks like she smells the nicest


The guy, obviously