Bikefairy out, baldfat next

bikefairy out, baldfat next

Excuse you it's three two.

BaldFat onsen art never.
They stayed in St. Petersburg to fornicate like rabbits.

>so the official name for the YURI Fest event is “Skate #12.1! gotta supersupersupersuper charge it! its fundoshi! Hasetsu Kunchi Special!”

I need Victor to fondle Yuuri's ass.
>Kunchi is an annual festival they hold in Karatsu every year (they even live stream it for people to watch, it’s really cool)
>so the YURI Fest live drama reading might be a wild Hasetsu festival with our favorite skaters possibly…in fundoshi lmao

Daily reminder.

Let's hope the higher-ups have learned, despite the recent ring and hug fuckery.

is this for the july 16 event?
so many events, christ

>Another live reading
Fuck yes. The last one was fucking crazyb so I expect more delivering here too. When is this event?

Actual ice show event when?

Yes, the event is july 16, but it was also announced an after-show viewing the day after, for those who can't attend.

With these many fagskaters being fans of the show, soon maybe?