Wtf Russia

Wtf Russia

have we started the fire

He must like food

I'm not surprised by anything anymore after we "elected" a Conservative Republican that is neither conservative nor a republican

even their commies are better than ours

Putin had nothing to do with it.

>Communist actually millionaire who doesn't live by any of the concepts espoused by communism
All stations normal

Russia isn't communist anymore. try and keep up.

They always were better that those degenerates.

Homo sovieticus

Everyone knows communism is a ponzy scheme to get rich and powerful quick desu


ckecked and kekd

>being proud of stolen technic from germany

He is God emperor desu

>Millionaire buys Communist Party and Logo so he can run as president

Based capitalism. It's like Lenovo buying Motorola to make shitty phones by Motorola's name.

>millionaire communist
Looks like Team Hillary has arrived in your country.

lol, this

>Some rocket blueprints are responsible for the whole Soviet space project.

German intellectuals.

you germans sure are great at precision.
next time we aint splitting your scientists.
finders keepers

Pavel Grudinin is a meme, commies are desperate to draw in new voters since they had 20 years of Zhyuganov as a candidate. They will be luck if he gets 10% of votes.

Well , there is a big difference between US or EU communists and Russians. Most of these people also retarded , however still have a bigger understanding of what is communism, socialism and marxism compared to those kids and book worms in the west.
The most important factor is experience , I bet that there are only 50% of those commusits who had ever worked in there life. On practice it seems like a heaven , but in reality it is always even worse that could have been predicted.

>Even the communist party is conservative as fuck.

Is Russia still Communist? I thought it was Capitalist.

communism is evil, not to mention retarded on the level of fundamentalist Islam

The communist party still calims to be communist tho.

so he's basically a blairite labour party member?

You have to do something about gaining new votes when 99% of your supporters are over 50.

Commies say that he earned his money by fair means so nothing wrong here

so what he just like the authoritarian ass fucking that comes with communism without actually the retard tier economic system?

>Communist leader is rich
this isn't news

Communist run by millionaire....makes perfect sense when you think about it.

Just like communist leaders in the Soviet Union. All stations normal

>anti illegal shitskins
>constantly bringing up God
>tax cuts

At least it won’t be real communism this time

Commies got kekd


You're confusing Socialism with Communism.

Could have just called it The Food Party desu senpai

Russian communists have rejected the basic tenets of communism since the 1940s. Because they found that these basic tenets don't work and are retarded.