Itt you provide an anecdotal evidence from your life that confirm you're white
I didn't know what a 'walmart' was until I was ~18 years old. I thought it was some place like home depot
Itt you provide an anecdotal evidence from your life that confirm you're white
I didn't know what a 'walmart' was until I was ~18 years old. I thought it was some place like home depot
Other urls found in this thread:
I dropped out of school and still ended up a software engineer.
my neighbor has a shotgun sitting loaded on his front porch
it's been there undisturbed for years and he's not the only one
>be me
>walk downstairs
> "hi dad."
>"hi son."
I just started my own business.
I have never allowed myself to blame others for my shortcomings.
I've lent money before without threatening violence if it isn't repaid
My parents are massive leftists who grew up in 85% white america and put me in diverse schools where I got beat up by niglet gangs
i never saw a black person except on TV until i was 18
>I didn't know what a 'walmart' was until I was ~18 years old.
I thought this was a thread about being white, not being a retarded shut-in piece of shit who thinks the outside world is a terrifying spectacle he needs to hide from
My penis is 4.5 inches.
lmao spotted the spic. sorry we're not all poorfags from ghettos who go on to that place where all the vermin of this world gather
I coukd drink in public underage and not get arrested
>Makes a joke about the Holocaust
>nobody in the class laugh
>Silence as they stare at me
t. living near Montreal
For me it was Mexicans because I'm in Commiefornia.
I was one of two blond kids in my junior high.
We both knew each other and hung out.
I was passed over for an internship because of skin color
there are 11,000's the largest retailer in north america. there are literally five in every city.
how could you possibly have not known what it is? you just sound fucking retarded dude, or you're making this up in some vain attempt to get attention on the internet. incredibly sad either way.
Go fuck yourself down a toilet pipe
I know and regularly see my dad
My parents never went there because its a filthy place so I never went there myself until I moved in my first appartement. And even then I go there as little as I can that place smell like shit and you feel gross just being in that establishment... And it's not even that much cheaper.
I dunno what else to say dude
I started working for my family business at the age of 7.
I grew up in the Midwest and we didnt have any of the super stores. I was 19 before I saw one myself.
I know my father.
Maybe that just proves you’re a cancuck, but going to Walmart and shitting your pants is one of the whitest things you can do in the Midwest
I debate politely with my local sheriffs about policing vs. Being a revenue agent for goverment and I don't get shot.
> have a good job
> I just had a son with my wife and didn't leave them
> I love Monster Hunter and reading
im glad for you bro
I banged OP's mom, a known philanderer of white men.
I take at least 25 showers a month
Why the fuck would you have a shotgun OUTSIDE your house? Seems like a good way to arm someone coming for you.
I'm not racist.
I enjoy spending time with my father
I used to shave my head a few years ago, but stopped because people thought I was a white power skinhead.
We didn't have a walmart until just a few years ago, it's quite plausible.
so you're asian?
The first time i saw a black person when i was 7 in philidelphia i said "look dad he looks like mr t"
White as fuck my dude
not knowing what Wal-Mart is aint a white thing
maybe its cuz leaf and you got Canadian Tire and Timmy Hortons
Graduated highschool but never went to college, still became software engineer.
Income steadily rising for 20 years.
My school had 3 blacks out of 800. All three ended up in jail.
nah when i told my gf years ago she found it weird too. i first had an hint it wasnt normal when Paris Hilton got laughed at for not knowing what a walmart is
I'm a member of a local history club
(blacks don't have a history and are not interested in real history)
its literally what i was saying as a kid
I have to drive about an hour to get to the closest burger king or mcdonalds. I also would never set foot in such a vile den of filth and debauchery.
>doxxing yourself
y tho?
I didn't understand the nigger word of the days when I first went to public highschool. "Cree" "Jerkin" "skrai lie thad" "geekin" literally all start saying words together overnight.
nonwhite detected
ive no idea what those words are and im happy that way
I went to sydney and melbourne recently and was disgusted by everyone and everything
>I didn't know what a 'walmart' was until I was ~18 years old. I thought it was some place like home depot
You must have just turned 18.
>not knowing if there's a shotgun on the porch, there's an arsenal inside the house
nogunz detected
Dont post pictures of yourself here or anywhere ffs.
My parents bought me a car for my 16th birthday. Also I've gotten a skiing season pass every single year for Christmas from my parents that are still together.
>wearing a Sup Forums hoody
>posting face on Sup Forums
get off my board you cringy normalfaggot
I can get to 5 3/4 if I push the ruler in and shave off some hairs. If I hold my cock out taught at the base it looks longer
I played age of empires 1
> (OP)
>I know my father.
Amazing reply.
I enjoy snowboarding, ice fishing, and pond hockey.
My neighbor is a KKK member.
i had a computer in 1995
i'm not a disgusting wh*toid
>Itt you provide an anecdotal evidence from your life that confirm you're white
the first time i saw a non-white was when i travelled abroad; except for the garbage american programming we got pushed
That hoodie is legit. Where can I get one?
I haven't been to jail.
I enjoy both Classical and Metal music.
Don't like hip hop.
I have money
My parents were married, to each other. My dad loved my mom until the day he died. He was not shot to death.
Is this considered white?
just spoke with a pajeet for the first time in my life yesterday
very strange but friendly fellow, also a manlet
I know my dad
I grew up with two parents.
Best of luck to you
I think she got it off of red bubble or some shit like that
I say nigger IRL
Going to jail for moonshine is as white as it gets. Coincidently, my great grandfather couldn't fight in WW2 because of this.
I asked for and actually got a pony as a boy.
>wanting a Sup Forums hoody
holy fuck you best be shitposting
I was 18 years old when i first saw a muslim in real life.
P.S - I'm not British
That's not proof , what if you stole that money ?
i enjoy consentual sex in the missionary position. geniunely.
First time I saw a non white person I thought he had burned himself black like food
I know and respect my father
>short buzzcut
At least try to look white.