Arabs are subhum-
Arabs are subhum-
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Both the byzantines and arabs are subhuman
Everyone is subhuman
Then they mixed with niggers and have been dumb animals ever since
so muslims kill a lot of people
what else is new
Imagine being called subhuman by a slav
>We won a war once when europe fucked over the byzantines completely
>clearly we're human
oh no no no no ahahahahaha
Memeflagger kys greeks aren't white anymore
Kys kike reparayshun money buys good weaponies
>calling anyone subhuman
Your country has contributed less than niggers. How about you shut the fuck up and make another Iron Curtain around your shit country so we don't have to listen to you or your shit opinions ever again?
Even worse, imagine being called a subhuman by a cucked slav that is currently a German bootlicker
Iraq was outnumbered
But you were able to beat Jews when outnumbered. Maybe the white man was too much for you.
>saved europe from persians and christian dark ages
>revived pagan philosophy and science
>Taught europeans how to be civilized
>superior architecture
>superior language
>superior culture
>scientific advancements
>Strong bedouin warriors
This is what the master race looks like peasants
I dont know about all these, but you are better than western europeans thats 100% true
But Hezbollah won every battle against Israel
The white man lost his country in 7 years. Took him more than 700 years to "reconquer" it.
Make no mistake. We indeed are.
kek, the grekoid show its true face again
i grew up in the middle east. I find Arabs superior in every way unironically. super fucking smart, family oriented m disciplined, non degenerate , fiscally responsible , physically stronger, classier, interesting culture. there is no doubt arabs and chinks will inherit the earth. but alas i dont give a shit, as ill be dead.
Yet for the last 500 years you werent any better than some backwatter nigger
Arabs aren't subhuman, they're inbred
they can be saved with eugenics
Its too late to think of eugenics
Great pic, made me laugh.
Yeah thanks for ruining the part of the Roman Empire that was actually functional. At least have enough shame to not take credit for your fuck ups
Respect your superiors nordcuck
We wuz!
Do you have a template for this Jeb? Like in .svg?
I need to do some on this. Will post.
what are you talking about byzantines win the most deciseve battles you take the province after a years of fighting with sassanid empire ,both empires were exhasted military and economically and even at his point you were unable to conquer the capital,and were exterminated in the siege of 717 in costantinople,and when all of you conquest were finished by the mongols and fragmentation byzantines still exist for hundred of years.
In your peak you were unable to defeat a terribly weakened imperium
If only they knew
and the unificated arab empire didnt last more than 250 years ,ridiculous
War has nothing to do with greatness.
Arabs USED to be the shit. Now they trash.
They lost more than half of their territory to us and were going to take over Anatolia as well. But Omar ibn Al Khattab told Khalid ibin Al Waleed to come back from Anatolia. As he didn't want Khalid to fight anymore. We've crushed them so bad they never recovered.
hahahahahhahahaa they were exterminated in 717 with lose of all the maritime force,of couse they would go back to home like they did in france by charles martel,top kek the delusional arab rape baby
>byzantines win the most deciseve battles
lel no. You got BTFO and squandered what your Pagan ancestors built over a millennia.
Turks are white. What happened to all the turk flags btw?
Never mind. I did it anyways.
>arab are superior race
>get butt fucked by turk
>get colonize by white
>muh so great race
lmao I was talking about 638 AD. When the muslim army were winning in eastern Anatolia and crushing the Byzantine under genral Khalid. Khalid was told to turn back because he misused the state treasury and because people were praising him and attributing the victories to him rather than god. If this didn't happen the Byzantine have lost control of all of Anatolia. Just like they lost control of all of north Africa, Egypt and the Levant. And the empire might as well have fell before the end of the 7th century. The byzantine were simply spared.
>Doesn't know
Even pastaniggers can beat their asses.
I agree with you that the arab civilization was great under the middle ages, but after this, your civilization becames so bad. You loose prety much all the true war against turk, european, and even jew. You only know how to use gorrila warfare today.
yeaaa of course you could win like you could win in china or you could win costantinople in 717 or you could won in france,so much if that reality doent aprove it
We need one for the Swiss for being cunty
Alpineggers there
Also yes Arabs only win when the Jews help them or when they outnumber you 10:1
the sad part of this is that the fate of the persian once a proud nation of milenial history overrun by subhumans
Mutt can you tell me where you were when we were fighting these wars?
Ew, that's embarrassing for the 20th century
Sure it is not like the Byzantine lost more than half of their empire to us, China got crushed at the battle of Talas and France got fucked over at the Algerian war despite them outnumbering the Algerians 5 to 1.
This is the saddest part of it all, truly.
>france alegerian conflict
It's fucking gorilla warfare, the subhuman style of strategy.
Most and in fact the greatest Persian scientist and philosophers came from the Islamic era. If you studied your history you would have known that Islamic Persia was rather prestigious and prosperous.
Absolutely disgusting. Such an unsightly abomination to behold... How could anyone in his right mind see this Islamic monstrosity and consider it beautiful?
thanks usa is the only way all you are (((independet))) now europe could have done so much for your worth less ass ,well enjoy your independence not truly won nor by force nor by know
Why don't you show your flag faggot? butthurt french surrender fag?
Indeed they are shit skin, indeed they are.
Algerian trash, ever renowned for their subhuman savagery. Their victory is not something to be proud of given Algeria's current state as a first grade shithole.
Sorry degenerate subhuman to use a flag with my ideologies, but why don't you use your true flag, the "sub human" flag?
They may claim to be so for Pisslamic reasons, but they are in fact far more Berber than Arab.
>Algerian trash, ever renowned for their subhuman savagery. Their victory is not something to be proud of given Algeria's current state as a first grade shithole.
>Implying Gayreece isn't a shithole
Quite ironic that this is coming from a gayreek. Just kys.
I've seen this picture posted a million times over. It ceased being effective an awfully long time ago.
>China got crushed at the battle of Talas
Taking credit for Persian deeds already. Someone's a bit desperate.
There ya go OP, you forgot to finish your sentence.
>good at war
>somehow makes you not subhuman
Are Mongols civilized to you?
Arab architecture is indeed superior
you didnt won anything usa and russia symply dissamble european colonies after the war and follow a more economical colonialism instead ,much worse for the natives than previous one,when all the countries were developing much faster,by now all colonies in european hands would be at least like south africa
>Kicking an empire while it's down somehow makes you great
Islamic Spain was barely Arab in racial terms, unless you consider them Arab on grounds of language and culture.
you can be ace at home in your desert op just dont coem to europe with your "people of peace" plz
Whites lost a war after fighting for 7 years and outnumbering their enemies 5 to 1
>you didnt won anything usa and russia symply dissamble european colonies after the war
lmao this is one shitty cope lol
How is winning wars a measure of superiority? Do you view Mongols as superior to you?
is true slave, after the war the urss and usa were the two potencies and wont tolerate more competence europe were nearly destroyed and french and uk were minor potencies compared to them so they disambly (voluntarily) the colonies
not this again
Your country was a white colony up until the 50s. You sucked that white cock real good like muhammad suck abu bakars cock
I was refuting the retarded lie that is Algerians never fought for independence. You can google it but Sup Forumstards are rather too stupid for that.
>more Berber architecture
Islamic Spain was only Arab as far as their language and faith was concerned.
your independence should have a couple usa urss star to thank them for that ,like blacs that were liberated for slavity by europeans brown were liberated once again by european
Postrate and thank them now
>Uganda: 20.000 casualties
>British: 1 blistered finger and a camel
>desperate camelfucker
Couldn't have had anything to do with compassionate, civilized Byzantines uncharacteristically dealing with insane Petra rock-worshippers who drink water sitting in shit (pic related).
Moors =/= Arabs
Moors in Al-Andalus were mostly "muwalladuns" that is, Iberians converted to islam, by the IXth century it was as much as 9 out of 10 according to their own chronicles.
That image is from Al-Andalus, not Arabia. Al-Andalus was for most of its history an independent, exclusively Iberian, muslim kingdom (and taifas)
Ibn Said Al-Andalusi was basically an iberian who practiced the muslim faith.
That must be why they got BTFO of Europe in the 15th century? Lol admit it,
you got your asses kicked by the church.
I'm sorry but Turks are the true master race of the middle east.
>enjoyed being a slave in Saudi and sucking his master's cock
>Strong bedouin warriors
Not arabs. The rest of your post is obvious bait.
It's all kufar propaganda, Khalid won every single battle!! Constantinople fell in 600!11
>Arab architecture is indeed superior
looks like a woman decorated it
It's not even Arab architecture to begin with, despite being Islamic.
this subhuman think that the people taht conquer the world couldnt fight against a couple of desert goatfuckers ,you epic independence is only that a tail for childrens
Who would win?
>The grand Ottoman army, greatest fear of the West
>A couple of Slavs LARPing as birds on horseback
Unironically, it was the Visigoths who lost against them, the visigothic king died in the first battle against the muslims and then the entire country, headless without a monarch and divided by ethnic rivalries, was steamrolled until the Kelto-Hispanorromans stopped them in Asturias. Pelagius, who is wrongly accused of being a visigoth but who had a hispanorroman name (Visigothic nobility still exclusively used germanic names) stopped them in Covadonga and lead the Reconquista.
Anatolia, Syria, Palestine, and Egypt will be rechristened in the new Byzantine Empire. God is with us, you filthy unbelieving sandniggers.