From John Roberts at Fox News, memo to be released Friday morning.
BREAKING! President to declassify FISA memo
Other urls found in this thread:
Tomorrow tomorrow, every day it happens tomorrow. I’m over it, bye Sup Forums.
Not believing until I see it. LARP begone
49% of Likely U.S. Voters believe a special prosecutor should be named to investigate whether senior FBI officials handled the investigation of Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump in a legal and unbiased fashion. Thirty-one percent (31%) disagree, but a sizable 19% are not sure.
Can confirm, Friday of next week due to Schiff accusation.
You can believe me or not faggot. Just reporting what I'm hearing.
Please release the memo.
Then Mueller can add to the obsruction/sedition indictments:
I was expecting this. They always release big news at the end of the week because it's the end of a news cycle.
That's if you want people to forget about it.
See you tomorrow.
> Memo will release Friday morning
checks Faux and twitter...see's nothing
He is also going on a south America trip starting this weekend. Lol.
>drops memo BTFOing deep state
>leaves deep state and moronic media behind to dangle and squirm like faggots
Feb 2 Scoops Friday!
My Dad works at Nintendo, Friday realise 100% confirmed .
This is terrible optics. Ytf would you do it on a Friday, which is already the worst day to break news? Not only that, but the Friday before the fucking Super Bowl? When literally ZERO normies will be paying attention? This whole thing has turned into a fucking disaster!
Trump fan here. I have reviewed the memo in it's entirely. It is just a routine. Aw man! dang! That face when I am disappointed
Oh no! How demotivating!
Half the problem the right has with big reveals is completely fumbling and botching them. Same shit happened whenever any info came out surrounding the Seth Rich assassination, every single time, whoever had new info would try and build hype "hurr hurr tick tock I'm telling all in exactly a week" and end up tipping off the deep state, giving them time to launch counter attacks.
The only anti-establishment org that seems to understand the importance of timing and the element of surprise when it comes to releasing important documents is WikiLeaks.
>memo to be released Friday morning.
I'm tired of waiting and not getting anything in return. Release the memo NOW, you dickhead!
Did anyone honestly doubt he’d release it???
Ah yes, Friday of Feb. 4th 2020, can't wait 100%
From all the happening fags, Memo fags are almost the fucking worst, right behind the Sept 23rdfags
You again, with the same post? Jesus you shills are idiots
Following sauce suggests that SID BLUMENTHAL, Hillary Clinton's long-time dirty trickster, together with his side kick, Cody Shearer (he, the author of the so-called "Second Dossier" that was first reported yesterday), not only worked with Christopher Steele on the ORIGINAL Dossier, but may HAVE BEEN BEHIND THE ORIGINAL RUSSIA DOSSIER SOURCES.
Oh boy.
>I have to wait another rotation.
Oy vey use proxy. Don't let the goyim know
tick tock, guys
anyone completely sick of this shit?
President Trump's Remarks at Republican Retreat
live now nobody at podium yet
there is something to this
I have never seen so many shills
and whats up with removing all of the good threads?
thats not how it works retard