What is the saddest moment in One Piece?

what is the saddest moment in One Piece?

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Me, as the viewer, remember all these years later that I actually somehow sat through a few episodes of that trash.

The death of the dr Hiruluk was the momment most saddest

watching it the first time nothing ever struck me as sad and i'm not sure people were fucking crying.

rewatching rn and noland/calgara and dr hiruluk are fucking sad as shit.

Reading "One Piece will be on break next issue" at least once a month.
Can't imagine how much it must suck to follow HiatusxHiatus or Berserk.

This two times, once in the manga and then again in the anime.

Not in the manga, but in the anime Robin backstory with her mother made me cry really bad.
Merry's funeral was extremely sad, but I didn't cry.

Luffy help me
doctor hiruluk
luffy vs usopp
goodbye going marry
Bink's sake
Goodbye, my sons.

Nice quads rubber faggot

>mfw I follow Vagabond, Real and ASOIAF as well

Life is full of misery.

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