ITT: Perfect characters only

ITT: Perfect characters only







You first

>Even her dub voice is good
What went so right?

Absolutely disgusting

you both have great taste actually

ya'll mind








>not fucking hana

Did you select the wrong image?


>perfect organism
>get wrek'd

Seems legit.



>cellfags still mad


I think you selected the wrong image kiddo




I'm pretty sure OP selected the right pic.


Completely incomplete



>Annoying Nipland Daffy Duck Expy
I hate to break it to you, user, but the perfect waifu doesn't exist.

God I want to punch his face.

Great taste but,

Only the best

Go be gay somewhere else.




Why is she so perfect

That's not very nice senpai



everything about her is perfect thanks to being raised by an elitist psycho woman


pure kino character right here prove me wrong

So fucking good.


I just want to hug Grimmer and tell him everything will be alright.

good taste




Nui's concept as a character is actually incredibly depressing when you think about it.

She's basically an abused, mentally ill, brainwashed child soldier.

sounds cool


She really likes torturing people so it's not that bad for her.

>She's basically an abused, mentally ill, brainwashed child soldier.

no that would be these two terrifying little fuckers

Sounds like a crackwhore
The Grinch
Soulless asshole
Sup Forums incarnate
Kleptomaniac lesbian that murders in cold blood

Forgot one.
Went black, never went back

There is literally nothing wrong with the grinch

these two

>fake human
also wrong
>that was literally thrown in the garbage
Couldn't have been the garbage, youre waifu wasn't there

Not as terrifying as the one who killed them


whats this from

Where does this shitty meme come from?

Too many waifufags in this thread

What niggerous scumbag put best girl in that chart?

>Chihiro's reason is just PENIS

>liking a sociopath

Nui is really just a mass of life fibers with a human level of sentience. She’s just trying to procreate a basic objective for any life form.Ragyo is the one trying to screw over her own species.

But only because Ragyo's sexual and emotional abuse made her that way.

I always interpreted it as Ragyo merging life fibers with her own DNA in an artificial uterus.

In other words, while Ryuko was a human baby who was infused with life fibers, Nui was a true hybrid.

Yes and as Nui in not human what is Neurotypical for a human doesn’t really apply to her.


Good point, but there's still the question of if Nui could have turned out relatively normal if she wasn't raised by Ragyo.

At least part of her brain has to resemble a human's.

Kamui that were infused with human DNA, like Senketsu and later Junketsu, become docile and have human like personalities (although in Junketsu's case, he simply calmed down; it's unknown whether or not he was actually sapient and just had no way of expressing it, since Satsuki didn't have the connection to him that Ryuko had to Senketsu).

My point is that while a single life fiber/kamui is violent and only vaguely sentient, a mixture of the two isn't and has a human personality.

In other words, a life fiber/human hybrid should be a neurotypical for a human.

My theory remains that if Nui was raised by a better parent, she could have become a good person.

he may not be the most liked JoJo but Jonathan is still a lovely boy

>mfw my waifu aint on there



Is that abuse if she liked it?
I mean, objectively yes but from Nui's perspective it was just probably FUN like everything else she does. She's a crazy bitch.

She was probably suffering from traumatic bonding; it's a form of Stockholm syndrome.

Jotaro was a good man too.

Space Patrol Luluco

Baku please go

So, perfect?


Gappy is nice too
(so is Yasuho)

Further proof that my wife Shinobu is perfect.


Both of them as well

>not a good person

at first yes but on the long run it's Haruhi

Pretty sure that's Sana from Alice to Zouroku.