Was he autistic?
Was he autistic?
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Pretty much everyone in this series is.
Why did Joshua feel the need to comb his hair completely down?
Ries is the cutest Sky
Estelle is funny and entertaining but not the cutest.
>Play 3rd
>By this point Joshua and Estelle are fucking
>After fighting le masked man, Joshua and Estelle are sitting by the fountain, Joshua content
>Estelle says something like "Come on you can't get over it that quickly, you need to lean on me some! That's one of the perks of having a big sister!"
They are into some kinky shit those kids.
I bet Estelle makes Joshua scream "onee-san" when they're cumming.
Tita is the cutest
Was he autistic?
This. I want to drink her cum while I'm sleeping.
Crossbell bros, I'm coming to join you.
After I finish SC and TC.
>that doujin
>wanting to play a shit translation
Is it time for the best time of the month?
Don't worry, I'll be playing them in Japanese.
Is that Randy?
Randy is normie as hell.
Compared to Olivier, maybe.
Didn't we JUST have a kiseki thread? Well, whatever.
Just reached this scene. Jesus fucking christ, Falcom.
Estelle is retarded
Joshua is retarded
BEST is objectively Mayor Dalmore
You are fucking retarded if you disagree
>tfw Joshua going full edge mode
Olivier is great, I don't care how normal he is.
Good thing Kevin was picked eh?
I loved that shit.
That's a very sexy Estelle you got there, friend.
Go away Gilbert
>You're finished.
Jusis is handsome as fuck, slightly homo.
>still haven't finished FC
I think realizing that I could never go back and pick up newspaper or chapters from past areas killed my motivation. I'm at the fighting tournament arc. Should I finish?
No but Blue Jusis in the new Cold Steel might be.
Needs more Millium.
>not Mayor Gaybelle and her wife
I want to have a threesome with them both.
There's no shame in admitting the Albarea brothers are handsome men
Definitely, you're pretty close to the end.
yes but the final dungeon is such a fucking slog. worst part of the game by far. the final boss is fun though
I love Analace's "I'm very happy for you both!" at their super yuriness.
always gets me
Anelace has objectively the best opinions in the series.
Why is Rixia so sexy?
Is there anyone who can even remotely contain our boy Mayor Dalmore?
- embezzles money for fucking years and gets away with it scot free because of 'muh mind control'
- loyal servants, butlers and chamberlains
- kind and compassionate towards the innocent orphans, offering them his own private resort
- a financial genius who travels the globe making business deals
- pureblooded noble and scion of the auld order
- always eager to help bracers with their problems with the punks in town
- always eager to feed bracers to his loving pets
>all that and it's still not even a fraction of what
D∴G did
Is she banging agate by this point?
After all Joshua and Estelle have shown that the series is fine with non traditional romance by making the main pairing incest.
Is he /our guy/?
Elise looks pretty good now.
Sadly she is still a shit little sister and Cedric is evil. So Alfin is the only good character out of the three.
>Is still
I did't know that you already played the game. Did they finally confirm that the S is for Sandlot?
Come on, we both know that they will need a miracle to make Elise's character more than just being another little sister.
Get out of here fast crafts guy.
Why is there a lack of midriffs
>Cedric is evil
I don't think so.
Why is Rean so good looking in glasses?
They fucked in SC
Because he's a dork
call the police!
>2 fucking years and SC still hasn't gotten a discount better than 35%
Eat shit XSEED, im not paying that much for a game that is actually 10 years old.
Why did you post that image? I remember that from an awful video about a helicopter.
You have watched the Go Fight! shorts right?
Falcom Gakuen Alisa and Rean > Regular Alisa and Rean
CS1 had just come out when Falcom Gakuen came out right?
Its funny how they made fun about the whole Osborne isn't dead thing in the last episode.
Ao spoils a lot about CS in general
Will Yui win the 8bowl in this universe?
Will Ao be translated soon?
I'm playing Zero in Japanese for consistency's sake when I finally got into Ao but it isn't as easy as I thought.
I hope so.
Unless anyone voiced by Ayaneru shows up
Blue Jusis is the next chevalier and Emma will have to guide him
>this entire scene
I love the Sky cast.
>Inb4 they give it to Ash
I feel bad for Josette
Not really sure why as she has no redeeming qualities
>put her in party with Muller, Julia and Schera
>plan on keeping everyone close together and not having to move while I spam combos so she can repeatedly cast Earth Wall
>Muller and Julia's combos combined with Schera's AT advance are so broken that I didn't even need the Earth Wall
Fucking useless.
>olivier + agate
top banter
Literally just finished this game.
I want a Renne spinoff now.
I could see Olivier dressing up like Tita and flirting with him.
Wh-Who do I pick?
>been two years trying to end FC
I just want more Tita, but the story is too boring.
The big guy
you ALWAYS want to bring Olivier for sick bantz
the last slot is just preference
You can do it user
I believe in you
As I remember, in FC most of the bosses are easily defeated by simply charging everyone's CP up to 200 and using all their S-Crafts right at the start, so whoever has the best S-Crafts for the upcoming boss fight. This stops working in SC.
This is SC, a little after finishing chapter 2.
Oh, right. There's no mandatory Joshua. Oops.
I want Schera to hit me hard!
Please no.
I don't want another ore hunting escapade.
Schera should be higher because of Heavenly Kiss (AT advance) and her Fox Tail being pretty much as fast as Richard's single target attack, along with the ability to steal.
Shit, my pants
Wasn't Arianrhod in the EVO version of this fight?
FC is easily the slowest as far as story goes, only really picks up near the end, I've loved SC and onward.