Colorful (2010)

Is this Koe no Katachi done right?
What a nice movie.

Yes, it is.

It also actually had an actual positive message unlike KnK's ambiguous message about victim blaming.

Fuck off, retard. Can't you possibly make a thread about something without inciting retarded fanbase wars?

I liked both. Fuck me, right?

Soft-skinned brainlets

If you've seen Colorful it's almost impossible to watch KnK without thinking about it because Colorful does everything KnK does but better.

Looks like Mob Pyscho like come on make the design of the uniform different

Pretty much. The two are extremely similar, but Colorful is much less confused in its message, more honest and less needlessly emotionally manipulative. Not to mention way better paced.

looks nothing alike

I'm soft-skinned for saying I liked both? I don't get it.

That's the standard middle school uniform.

Colorful has a fanbase?
Sadly Hara is severely underrated. I hope he makes it big someday, he deserves it.

No, the book was already bad but the adaptation was horrendous.

>It also actually had an actual positive message unlike KnK's ambiguous message about victim blaming.
I thought I was the one who had noticed this.

to be fair, only the anime had victim blaming as a moral. The manga kinda calls it out

He hasn't really had a huge success with an original but practically everything he touches is critically acclaimed and the shin chan movies of his were successful too. Far more skilled director than anyone at KyoAni to be honest on the topic of comparison.

Why do you think that? They follow the same story, and moreover in the anime Ueno still kind of tries to be more kind, unlike the manga where she ends up as the one who was right.

You're a moron.

What? What fanbase war?

>Colorful has a fanbase?
"Flame wars" is probably the better phrase to use now that I think about it, albeit a little antiquated. I just don't understand why anyone would intentionally try to incite anger about something they (apparently) like.

I don't really think it should be much of an issue to bring up a thematically similar film comparatively. The fact that it might trigger some babies who can't accept that people have different preferences than themselves is irrelevant. There is no need to self censor discussion for their sake.

Dive! that is airing next season is written by the same guy as Colorful, right? Or so I heard.
Anyone knows more about it?

It's also being made by the same studio that did Battery which was a mediocre sports show where nothing happened. Don't know how good the manga is though. I might watch it just because of how much I liked Colorful and because the cast is actually pretty great.

Colorful hit me harder, Colorful has a lot more self reflection compared to KnK which focuses on the interactions between the characters.
Watching KnK felt like many interactions between the characters were simply implied and not explained. Which is difficult to do with so many in a single movie, but it would have made everything better. Or maybe it's just because I read the manga first.

Director doesn't seem particularly impressive. Seems like a guy who worked in production before switching over to direction. His only other production he has led before was Pupipo and that was a short anime. So he is essentially a first time director. That probably makes things more interesting if anything though.

ZeroG seem to mostly do outsourced work for other studios on clean up of KA and inbetweening and stuff. So I somewhat doubt it will be particularly visually impressive unless they are really trying to create a name for themselves. It is inevitably going to be compared unfavourably to Free! though.

If it wasn't for him I would have probably written it off as a Free clone without even giving it a chance (yes I know the novel is older).

I've heard it's shit.

The white hair shota was the best part of the movie. Prove me wrong.

That's a pity. I'll check it out either way.


Koe no Katachi is a masterclass subtle Fellini-esque depiction of a generation unable to cope with sin and guilt with some of the most brilliant sound design in film.

Colorful is clumsily written awkwardly directed schlock with retarded inner monologues and hamfisted, disjointed execution. The writing is literally worse than Sword Art Online and as an adaptation it makes even less sense than Koe with what it cut out. It's literally "us teenagers are true individualists" the movie
>do you have hope for me

>Koe no Katachi is a masterclass subtle Fellini-esque depiction of a generation unable to cope with sin and guilt with some of the most brilliant sound design in film.

He's right about the sound design, shit was tight.

The Koe no Katachi manga was already extremely poorly written and ineffective regarding the point it was trying to make.
The movie made it worse since they couldn't help making it "artistic" by further pointlessly obscuring things with smoke and mirrors (or in Yamada's case, with chromatic aberration and blur). I laugh when I think that this masturbatory schlock is being shown in schools.
>awkwardly directed
The irony. Maybe one day Yamada will learn restrain and stop trying to show off like an amateur.
I won't touch your comments regarding Colorful being disjointed, hamfisted and poorly edited compared to KnK, it would be too easy.

>The Koe no Katachi manga was already extremely poorly written and ineffective regarding the point it was trying to make.

Unironically this

So are you gonna explain why or is it just shitposting?

I don't think the acknowledgement of KnK being a terrible manga requires any discussion, as it's already been debated dozens of times and is self explanatory to everyone with the bare minimum of critical discernment.
It's a given, kind of like the treatment you reserved SAO in your post.

Wow, this is so true. Except I thought Colorful was quite bland. But KnK definitely was much worse.

so, you just shitposting

Did you literally just google "best art house directors" and paste his name here? Stop being so fucking stupid user. Nothing about KnK is close to Fellini's films at all, and it's honestly such a disgrace to even compare that to him.

>Koe no Katachi is a masterclass subtle Fellini-esque depiction of a generation unable to cope with sin and guilt with some of the most brilliant sound design in film.

Because the manga tries to blame a little deaf girl for japanese "people" being fucking assholes.

can you give me some examples? (I'm serious)

>Koe no Katachi is a masterclass subtle Fellini-esque depiction of a generation unable to cope with sin and guilt with some of the most brilliant sound design in film.
nigga i got 8 and a half on my shelf and even i dont know what the hell you mean by that