The Promised Neverland 44


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Yeah, that is not a smile you can't trust.




>implying is not just like a normal horse you can tame.


Am I the only one who is getting tired of the cliffhangers?

OP is annoyingly slow so gonna post the page that matters
>We fire emblem now.

>combo breaking the dump instead of taking over
Hello r.eddit

We ride Sleipnir now!

>everything i don't like is reddit.

So bets on how long niggerstream realises that their ocasional scanlation team competitors have stopped doing Neverland and put it back on sunday night releases?


Well, you truly are.

My computer was frozen, but I'll continue from now on, so can you please delete this page?



Two weeks, tops


yeah, I read already expecting something unusual to happen in the end


How many chapters per episode? I'm thinking 3.




I just hope that those people on pics related
Are not a fucking cannibals.

They are the different specie of demons, with their own giant pet dogs

I had to admit that this demon is quite hot.

I hope they are a fucking cannibals

I read today new chapter of HxH and this and this is definitely better.

I would love an arc with Emma alone trying to find the others. All based on effort, without thinking too much about keikakus, without being saved all the time by keikakus.

>yfw both demons and mysterious guys actually compete with each other who will deliver more top-quality dishes

But The Promised Keikaku isn't a good keikaku without a lot of keikaku. Besides, it's really interesting when 3 little keikakus are fighting against big and scary keikakus . And don't forget about keikaku-cliffhanger at the end of the every chapter,

Poster from Jump GIGA.

I know anime is too early at 44 chapters but if it ever gets one in the next two years, who's the ideal studio?

Pretty disappointed Ray had to saved here. Was hoping for at least some slight victory rather than being totally saved.

>those frames with the demon
I still can't understand - does this demon wear a mask? Are those 2 little dots inside circles his eyes?Is it convenient to have such a long arms?
>yfw dog-demons can speak

What's even worse is its not just this series either, and its really starting to get to me. Do they think this is fucking funny?

author's gotta set the stage the the outside world is a fucked up place that not much keikaku an orphan can solve

This is much better than repeating shit like "I know that you know that I know..." e.t.c.

yeah i recently marathoned the chapters we have and the whole inner monologue where two parties are acknowledging the other party knowing what they stuck out as being repetitive

KyoAni. Not a fan of the artstyle for TPN, but I think they'd be able to emulate it well.

Well, he was going to have to be saved no matter what. The best option he had was to maybe lure them into the snake tree but im sure they would know about that. His main goal was to buy the rest of the party as much time as possible which he did accomplish, we just don't know if they would of actually been ok because the mysterious woman showing up and (probably) saving them.

How many chapters until we reach generic shonen power fight territory?

>30+ chapter mangastream didn't released chapter for days because "muh, scans"
>suddenly other translators appear
>Mangastream releases chapters almost immediately for 2 weeks now.

Next chapter

The new people will be introduced as post-farm children who escaped and tell them that they unlocked a secret Nen-like power source that the demons unknowingly developed during their time in the farms and they're now using it to their advantage

They caren't capible of making spooky things

I just think there's a lack of moderation: whenever some big shit happens to the character, something saves him in the end / whenever the characters seem to be stable, some shit happens at the end. It's starting to get very obvious

I don't think KyoAni ever did an anime of Jump manga. Of course, it could be the first time, but I don't think it's likely.

Inner monologues - the series. KyoAni wouldn't waste their time on this.

Haruhi is literally Kyon Monologues. They have a knack for that.

Also if anything I think Shueisha will give this series to a studio like Madhouse. There's already people making "keikaku" jokes on Western and Japanese fanbase and calling the keikakus analogous to how Death Note keikakus are that I can't help but think Shueisha ask Madhouse for over the top outsmarting action with Promised Neverland adaptation.

Can you already imagine how over the top shit will be when we get those "just as planned" scenes? I expect no expense spared.

I unironically believe that. I mean we have hooded guy who tamed demon horses and has a spear weapon that looks well-crafted .
I guess all people in the resistance have some kind of ability, that's why they were special children.

doesn't seem humans, maybe they used to be though

This is Araki, not necessarily Madhouse. But I agree that exaggerations are necessary, however, in Death Note the characters talk/think a lot, but they act too. In Neverland the characters talk/think hard, but act very little.

>Thicc shadow all over the left side of her neck
Number perhaps?

Emma is CUTE.

>they can transform into demons
>teach all the kids how

Good to see Gilda taking charge and thinking things through in Emma and Ray's absence.

Will they regrow Emma and Ray's ears?

I hope not. It would have made that badass mutilation worthless.

prediction: those cloaked fellows will restore their ears as some form of "proof" they're telling the truth about some voodoo

we have not even seen the mutilation being done. and let's remember that the "badass" suicide has already been undone.

Fucking never i hope, I think a lot of the appeal of this manga is that it doesn't have generic shounen superpowers. I think jump understands that having something with keikaku-battles attracts a bit of a different demographic and probably helps selling some copies.

No, they'll grow their hair out and look like hobos to cover it up.

Mmh, care to elaborate?
Is it the torax or something? Legit curious here.

It's not much different, really. The intelligence of those children is almost superpower level.

I think he means he doesn't want physical fights in the manga.

The folds in her cloak look like leaves or sink flaps

I get it, I just think it's silly this disgust that many people have for superpowers. As if keikaku were a superior system.


where ist chapter 45?


Next week, mein führer.

>Who's this?
Mr. Ex Machina

>hasn't been getting replies lately
>shitposts in caps now

>"he" is actually a girl

This chapter was shit. HxH was way better

Eh, I'm personally not opposed to it if it's pulled off well.


>I will live, I have to live, it's not over yet, I'm not giving up, I'm not dying here! I will survive! oh, as long as I know how to love I know I'll stay alive!
dear author, after you prevented ray to die ten chapters ago in the most miraculous way possible, no one will believe that he will die or suffer some terrible damage anymore, so please STOP!

But user, prince charming-kun saving him had to look heroic somehow.

No, they're autistic


it would be more heroic if it were gilda instead of ray.

No matter how many times you parrot this it will never happen. I refuse it.

>giving him a (You)
Ya blew it, user

This demon has a cool Devimon-esque physique

I agree but what can you do. I guess this was to show that Ray doesn't give up easily anymore but that was his one character flaw and now he's just the smart guy.

>The best option he had was to maybe lure them into the snake tree

I was actually hoping he could pull a master keikaku and realize that if the game was stacked against him he could just change the rules, and jump into the snake pit himself. There he could hole up and threaten suicide if they came too close. If he was miraculously saved there, I could have accepted it.

A Neverland adaption would do well with looser character designs. KyoAni's polished style doesn't fit. Not to mention I don't think their background department is trained in fantasy/original settings.

>I mean we have hooded guy who tamed demon horses and has a spear weapon that looks well-crafted .
>I guess all people in the resistance have some kind of ability, that's why they were special children.

Or it could be that the humans who don't agree with sending children off to be food for demons get ostracized completely from general human society, and basically become neolithics.

>The Promised Asspull

Fuck you too.

What studio has shown to be good with making a gritty asmosphere and environment?
The art in this series reminds me of storybooks from the late 1800s-early 1900s