He got a disputable first place

He got a disputable first place

Did he spin himself to some tornado shit to blow away the fire?

todoroki never used fire

Nigga, he was literally using flames and then said "nah" last minute, why did you think bakugo was pissed off because he turned his fire off?

because he didn't use fire against him

yeah last moment, he attacked thinking he was gonna use it when he saw the flames

what do you guys think about amazarashi doing the OP?

i thought he spin to give more power to his attack

i liked their tokyo ghoul ending

I didnt know them, so I researched and frankly all their songs combine more with EDs than with OPs.

I think they are trying to give a more melancholic vibe to the new cour, this may even combine with the stain arc, but not with the end of term test arc, so I fear the next 12 or 13 episodes will only cover the first.

The serie would've been more enjoyable without this shit character.

Yeah but shit generated huge wind and looked like he was preparing to have his flames literally get BTFO

Unironically the most hilariously misunderstood character in anime history

Well, it's only hilarious in that you have to laugh cause otherwise you'd cry.


>looked like he was preparing to have his flames literally get BTFO
He literally stopped his flame on his own Bakufujo

I just caught up with the anime, planning on reading the manga straight after. Also, this is 1 cour, right?

Anyway, I heard people were in an uproar about the Deku/Todoraki fight, but to me it kinda made sense. I never expected Deku to win the tournament in the first place, that'd be too obvious and wouldn't make sense since he's still getting used to his powers.
Also, I liked how he got Todoraki to sort of accept his fire abilities. It shows Deku's great hero material, even though he lost the fight. He wanted his opponent to fight using his full power. He also convinced Todoraki that he can use that power and not be constrained by his father's wishes. And I imagine Todoraki and Deku will get on much better after this whole ordeal, which would be nice. I might be wrong though. But Deku basically gave Todoraki character development and opened his eyes. So even though Deku lost, he really showed his potential as a good person and a good hero. Anyone think the same? Or was everybody thinking/hoping Deku would come out on top?
Nevertheless it was a great fight, like so many others in this series. The fights are well thought-out which I love about this series.

Like Ochaco vs Bakugou. I never thought for a second that she'd win, but the trick she pulled off with the fragments that had gathered in the sky because of Baku's continued explosions was a great moment, and the series is full of moments like that.

Yeah that's the point you stupid fuck, the guy was pissed off because he thought off a attack like that and did it just for todoroki to turn off his flames last second

>Also, this is 1 cour, right?
no, 2 cour

are you deku?

Oh shit really? That's pretty cool. I might just wait with reading the manga and just watch the anime week by week until it ends and then go to the manga.
Do you think we'll get another 2 cour next year? I heard they've only adapted about 1/3rd of the manga so I guess they could do it since by the time the next season starts they'll have a year's worth of chapters on top of what's already out.
I just hope they don't go the filler road just because it's so popular.

i dont think so it may catch up to the manga really fast

Sadly not. Anyway, it's just standard shounen practise I think. Deku will stand above everyone at some point, but this is way too early in the story for him to win a tournament filled with so many people who've trained and honed their Quirks and skills for over a decade. At the moment Deku can't even win a fight without breaking an arm and five fingers

So you think we'll get 1 cour next year? Seems an odd choice, but if they're really catching up I guess that's the way to go. I'd thought they'd do 1 cour a year and stay safely behind the manga. I honestly had no idea this was gonna be 2 cour.

bakugou has a chronic genetic disease that makes his quirk run out and he'll be mukosei (I don't know the english word, it means he'll have no quirk) by the age of 18 which is why he's so desperate to make it to the top

that would be hilarious

I wanna have slime, gooey sex with Ashido!

This would save his character for me.

They could easily make it 2 cour. There's enough material.

In what part of the manga will the anime stop?

Watching the anime has made me like Bakugo more and Deku less. It's a bit strange.

End of stain most likely.

Someone in an earlier thread proposed the idea that after the final battle, Deku loses his legs and becomes a Charles Xavier type character who tutors new fledgling heroes.

Now I'm not sure about that, but I love the idea of the series going on for a long time and at the end, after Deku becomes the best superhero of all time, he retires and becomes a teacher/headmaster at UA. There'd be a timeskip and we'd see him at a desk as the headmaster and he'd look at the camera and say "Finally, this is My Hero Academia".

That's cheesy and dumb as fuck.
My guess is in a few arcs we see the beginning of some world level conflict starting
There will be some repercussion for AfO's legacy.

>"Finally, this is My Hero Academia".

Wow what the fuck were they even thinking


Would you think that aliens will become a major treat?

>Deku loses his legs and becomes a Charles Xavier type character who tutors new fledgling heroes.

Why can't Allmight do that right now. He's severely crippled and can barely manage to do anything except shamble around.

Yeah, but I'd much rather see quirked bad guys and organizations first.

>twitter Sup Forumsshit
Lurk for 2 years before posting.

It was just meant as a stupid joke. Still, I'd love it if the final chapter just title-dropped it and it ended right there.

We read the manga here you fucking pleb

Quirkless. Come the fuck on, user.