As the Memo draws closer and closer...

As the Memo draws closer and closer, let us not forget to give energy to the Chirstian God and to the androgynous Egyptian deity of choas and darkness know simply as Kek!

Is KEK cult dead ?

Silence is not death.

Not if these doubles can say otherwise



Kek Lives

No, but just like any religion it’s followers will become complacent. In need speak “Filthy Causuals”. However it is in these moments that we must ramp up and remind kek that we are all in for him, less he rightfully forsake us for friend zoning him.

>Give energy to the one true Lord and Savior
>But also a demon that was worshipped in ancient Egypt
Tell me how that works out for you.

Biding time
Building power
Praise him



>Not seeing Kek as one of God’s angels that the Egyptian’s mistook for a god?

Kek hath displayed a most wondrous deal of power in the past election. doth not beest surprised, now that the deed is done, that His absence wilt beest hath felt. Until a new emergency arises

Bumping for Kek.

>trying to force his will



the DELegates, they're yours Danhalg. my work, here, is done.

> commits suicide

Kek doesn't care about truth or justice. Kek brings chaos and at all times seeks this goal. Chaos however gives us a chance to build something new from the ashes of western civilization.



Praise KeK

It's been a long time guys!

Hold the line Christian patriots! We are witnessing God's hand of providence on America!

The crusades are over, until kek wills them to return. That is all