Trumptards suck this guy's cock by choice.
Trumptards suck this guy's cock by choice
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these american traitors should move there
All Democrats think about is sucking dicks.
Fake and gay
this. Barbarian logic.
Its like every liberal meme involves genitalia..
So original and tolerant and progressive
literally who?
It's still a better cock to suck than Hillary's. That one's been up Bill's ass.
Putin isn't a gay he doesn't want someone to suck his penis except may be beautiful girls. Putin wants friendly relations with the west.
Weird, it's almost like the collapse of a superpower has a dramatic effect on the people living there.
I'm shocked.
Liberals are all nigger communists.
Who wouldnt?
No homo
After the USSR collapsed the state property, whole industries were privatised and plundered by criminals, the country gone into the total corruption and kleptocracy, drugs, killings, redistribution of wealth etc.
The law and people weren't ready for capitalism at that point, it was something like a little wild west.
Russia doesn't want to conquer the world. Russia doesn't want to be an American vassal state either. Russia defends it's own area of influence from NATO expansion.
Putin is buying influencers all over the world. And those create useful idiots for him for money.
No honest conservative would knowingly support the KGB manlet tyrant.
damn right i do
smart fucking man right there
Freedom Caucus & Tea Party when Mueller finally says he done:
Please release the memo.
Then Mueller can add to the obsruction/sedition indictments:
He isn't, it's a mere politeness. He doesn't want to dominate the world. He defends Russia from NATO expansion.
why are liberals obsessed with sucking cock?
Do you understand how the mineral market works? Selling mining rights to uranium bearing minerals is not a game changing political change. We already have the warheads, they already have the warheads.
That doesn't rule out money and finance related fuckery.
People need to stop pretending we forfeited a war to them by selling them some raw minerals. It's just a smokescreen so we don't talk about more important things.
>muh joe kennedy cum lips
cry more bitch nigga
I seem to remember something untoward happening in Crimea a few years ago...
>people joke about trump being gay for putin
>haha, that means libtards are gay for thinking about gay stuff
Projecting on projectors. Stay woke Sup Forums
There's Russian fleet in Crimea. Ukraine turned to the west and obviously it meant that eventually they would go to NATO. Putin didn't want to lose the fleet and the navy base.
Putin and most Russian hate American and Trump. They actually look down upon all the racial/religious tension in America too. Russians know how to assimilate different ethnicities and religions in Russia.
That's Crimea's choice whether or not to join NATO. Move your navy base.
More shills, more cucks, op is faggot
all these flavors
and you choose pic related
And why would Ukraine turn toward the west?
Maybe because the west respects their sovereign borders and Russia is a sleeping imperialist kleptocracy. Oh
>Russians know how to assimilate different ethnicities and religions in Russia
>Had a litteral Chechen war
We have the state propaganda directed against the USA.
Crimea voted to leave Ukraine in the referendum, Crimea is happy with Russia. There's the Russian navy base and Russia always supported Crimea while they were in Ukraine.
commie thinks soviet steamrolling is """""integration""""""
Not very good at this are you?
Did you know that Russia is the most powerful nation in the world and probably the happiest place on earth?
Russia translates to "land of peace" in english. The more you know!
Russia should focus on improving all the internal problems they have. The rest of the world has no desire to "invade". We just don't want them attacking other countries.
Look at these fine lads getting hydrated!
They are on their way to the research university to cure cancer. Russians are always so busy and smart!
Here are some of Russia's vibrant minorities!
They are well integrated. Integrated over six feet deep into the earth!
Do you feel daily severe ass pain because you're unable to easily invade Estonia anymore?
Oh the daily Russian ass pain from that NATO "expansion" that doesn't let it kill more people in neighboring countries! Russia is so peaceful.
Russia does it. People of Crimea are happy to be with Russia and Russia is happy to keep its fleet in Crimea.
Remove the sanctions, accept the referendum results, recognise Crimea as Russian and forget about us. Isn't that simple?
Russia doesn't want suck cocks and doesn't want anyone else to suck cocks.
Putin sniggers after ass raping the entire democrat party electorate
Russian power is a myth. As a world power, russia will never be able to compete, so they nip at america's ankles like a little dog with propaganda.
Sadly, their paranoia has prompted them to lash out, instead of resolving their own problems.
There's the disconnect. Ukraine says they wanted to join NATO. Russia doesn't let them. Russia claims Ukraine wants to stay with Russia.
It's that simple. Let an independent Ukraine make their own decision.
Russia is a better ally to America than Democrats & other lefties
Ukraine turned to the west and NATO, Crimea has the Russian fleet and Russian population.
The people of Crimea decided to be Russian rather Ukrainian and voted in the referendum. That's it. Russia doesn't want to invade anyone, Russia defended its own navy base and its people in Crimea. End of story. I don't know what you think about Russian boogie man.
Sloppy Joe is a democrat. All he thinks about is sucking dicks.
Just like you, faggot.
Not internationally recognized. Not just by the US. You have to pull out. Let Ukraine (without influence) decide if they want to join Russian Federation or NATO.
these jew warmongers need to quit posting from american flaga.
the jewish deep state wants war with russia because they are a white christian nation.
the jews always start wars between white countries since the times of the Napoleon-Rothschild wars in the 18th century.
Stupid white americans want war with their own people because of jewish propaganda.
The jew fears losing control of ameirca and russia, 2 majority white superpowers with nukes that can destroy the jewish vision of ruling the wolrd.
>Remove the sanctions
> forget about us. Isn't that simple?
That was Obama's Reset after you invaded and annexed Georgia in 2008. Then what happened?
The West knows that you're gonna invade the next country when you recover from financial crisis. Can you honestly say that you know that Putin won't take a piece of Estonia next? You can't. As he's getting old he's only getting crazier.
Until Russia does this, Russia will not be trusted by the rest of the world. It is a hostile act.
this is why nigger and jew democrats bame everything on russia, and why they are trying to remove Trump for not killing white christians like clinton and obama did.
What's wrong?
Did your life partner damage your rectum instead of massage the prostate gland?
The people of Crimea decided to be Russian rather Ukrainian and voted in the referendum. Accept the referendum and recognise Crimea Russian. That's it.
I don't know anything about Ukraine, it's their internal conflicts. If you think that there're Russian troops and not the Ukrainian opposition, you can burn them to the ground with nukes if you want, it's the Ukrainian problem.
You should watch this short video to understand why Sup Forums and trump supporters like Putin
I know your state TV is not trustworthy (just like US TV), but you do have good internet access in order to double check many reliable sources.
The referendum is not internationally recognized despite what the state media has been telling you.
Anyone notice there's a lot of talk about adoption going on?
Putin halted all adoptions of Russians to US families in response to US sanctions, citing rampant sick pedo shit.
Dems cried Don Jr.'s meeting with the Russian lawyer was to get dirt on Hillary. The WH response said the meeting was about adoption. dirt on Hillary = involves adoptions and pedo shit.
When Trump met with Putin last year, the media asked what they talked about. Trump responded that they talked about adoption, oddly enough.
TFW everything leads ultimately to Pizzagate being true.
It doesn't do any good to call each other names. It's not productive. They need to be able to consider the lies they have been told might not be accurate. It's not necessarily his fault. Their government is not open to criticism.
Oh fuck off, everybody knows how Russia does those fake referendums where the vote total adds up to 146%. And that was in peaceful times, inside Russia.
>The referendum is not internationally recognized
I know. It's because you don't support the democratic values if it goes against your interests.
internationally recognized = not the US alone.
No, it's because it was a fake rushed referendum that followed an illegal invasion. And you know this.
Then why are there no protests or revolutions in Crimea? People are really happy there.
Please consider the possibility that you've been lied to. I'm willing to consider the referendum is genuine if you can provide proof.
No revolutions? Maybe the same reason there aren't revolutions in North Korea. They're just so fucking happy.
FSB being really good at state terror obviously has nothing to do with it.
why all russian sound so calm and polite are you guys pay for being russian propagandist or are you simply patriotic?
The people in Crimea have got the Russian passports, use the Russian currency, etc, etc.
If the people in Crimea are so unhappy to be "annexed" by the kleptocratic imperialistic and evil Russia why don't they start protests and a civil war inside Crimea against the "aggressor"? They're happy.
Lefty hipsters even in Moscow protest Putin every now and then when they don't like something.
No, it's because Ukraine is way more criminalised and corrupted than Russia and they don't want to go back into the even worse shit hole that Russia.
>le snek flag
>neolib/con globalist talking points
You've got several overlapping problems since the 2014 invasion/occupation. Corruption of the current police/state police and a problematic government that may or may not be cooperating with Russian influence. After years of subversion and hostility, it's quite possible Ukrainians do not enjoy looking down the barrel of Putin's AK if they voice dissent. Their reluctance to fight in the streets doesn't mean they are allowed to follow their wishes (like joining NATO).
I don't know about the others. People are different. I'm not being paid, I'm watching MIT's video lectures on Classical Mechanics and leave some statements here as a rest from cramming with the tech shite.
I'm learning the russian alphabet and python programming. Are you an Engineering student?
or maybe, retard, the ethnic russians living in crimea don't want to be a part of a country that has banned the russian language, russian literature, russian television, russian radio and half of the population of russia
Those that protest get 30 years in prison.
Russia is terrorizing Crimeans.
I've explained earlier, they don't go back not because Russia is a paradise but because Ukraine is a worse shit hole and criminalised af.
No, I work as a programmer, I learn Mechanics because I want to do understand the maths of physical simulations.
Where is this proof this is happening? Sounds like more Putin propaganda to spread hate...
I want to learn python to make my job filtering data analytics easier.
Good luck!
That's also true, initially Crimea was Russian and was gifted to Ukraine during the USSR period, lots of people there consider themselves Russian. And moreover due to the Russian fleet, Russia always supported the region.
Trumptards aren't manly enough to suck Putin's cock.
Yes, numpy, scipy, pandas etc. Python or R may be very helpful to automate your things.
>Putin is evil and cooperating with Russia on anything whatsoever means you're a traitor
neck yourself boomer
"initially Crimea was Russian"
That's all era dependent and a matter of perspective. One could also say that Nazi Germany rightfully owns all of Europe, depending on who you ask.
Time changes circumstances, people want change. Bolsheviks, Soviets, Russians. What you want for the future might not be what they want. You don't want NATO occupying Russia. Ukraine is saying they don't want Russia occupying Ukraine. Sounds hypocritical to me.
I hear R is difficult to learn though...I'm enjoying python. Pretty quick to learn useful tasks.
It's always bodily functions and sex with the liberals. Every single thing they say and think of. It's because they're incapable of higher thoughts.
Yes, why would people with a lot of knowledge and experience decide how to deal with Russia?
We should let little morons like you run experiments and hope it won't lead to nuclear war. Because memes.
>He defends Russia from NATO expansion.
Putin was invited to join NATO. Why did he refuse?
It may be a matter of taste. I find R more elegant and it's designed for statistics, it has out the box good tools for hypothesis tests, MLE, etc. Python is more universal it's more like a Swiss knife.
>Putin didn't want to lose the fleet and the navy base.
There was no risk of losing any fleet. Putin can park his fleet at Novorosisk, the other Black sea base.
I thought he wanted to join and NATO refused to accept.
I'm not Putin, I don't know what's in his mind. My point of view that Crimea is the only thing because it's very connected to Russia. Russia doesn't have imperialistic ambitions in my view.
A/B testing for sure.
I will give it a try...thanks.
>Crimea voted to leave Ukraine in the referendum,
--The referendum was a illegal election
--The Crimean legislators were locked out of their building during the ballot drafting
--Russian soldiers voted
--Journalists from Moscow were allowed to vote, too
--The province was under siege by foreign military troops.
--The ballot choices did NOT allow Crimea to remain part of Ukraine. Pic related
Lies, treachery, deceit and Russian kakistocracy.
There's some confusion on what Putin's motivations are at this time and it worries a lot of people and state leaders.
If all nations were to focus on their own internal problems and respect other countries wishes for independence and sovereignty, the world could cooperate better.
"NATO strives to secure a lasting peace, based on common values of individual liberty, democracy, human rights and the rule of law. Since the outbreak of crises and conflicts beyond the borders of NATO member countries can jeopardize this objective, the Alliance also contributes to peace and stability through crisis management operations and partnerships. Essentially, NATO not only helps to defend the territory of its members, but engages where possible and when necessary to project its values further afield, prevent crises, manage crises, stabilize post-conflict situations and support reconstruction."
I feel the US does not have imperialist ambitions either. They just want everyone to mind their own business and be prosperous.
Only when something bad happens they feel the need to "interfere" in order to get things back to calm.
The previous government was pro Russia and was going to allow them to build a gas pipeline and Hillary and Obama couldn't have that. USAID funded protesters and did a lot of the same stuff that Russia did to us.
They even sent Americans over to work in their government. They became citizens on the plane ride over. Like this lady
>russians battle the mindless jewish golems (left)
>many foreskins are missing (not pictured)
numpy and scipy can do pretty much anything you need. there are tons of libraries and tools that replicate features of r in python. r is cool but if you already are using python i wouldn't bother learning it unless you need it for a job or school. python also has better documentation and a larger community which may or may not matter to you, but i like that about it.