Jesus was a jew, you cant be alt right whilst worshipping him

>Jesus was a jew, you cant be alt right whilst worshipping him

People doesnt hate jews. They hate zionists. Just the same way we dont hate white people because of some liberal progressives

>Get it through your larping brain already

Other urls found in this thread:

But I do hate jews.

Im friends with 3 jews, and all of them hate mudslimes even more than the average alt-right winger. They're not even a remote threat to our civilization compared to libs and shitskins. In fact, the altright benefits from the average jew, at least in Europe

How difficult is this to understand?:

Pre-Jesus = Jews chosen people, waiting for the coming of their promised Messiah

Peri/Post-Jesus = New Covenant

Jewish followers of God and his Messiah ->
Became Christians, followed Jesus and the
New Covenant

Jewish deniers of God -> Remained Jews

It's not rocket science.


The vast majority of jews are zionists, and zionists are Ashkenazi, not Judean like Jesus was

Fuck off, cryptokike

>Im friends with 3 jews, and all of them hate mudslimes even more than the average alt-right winger. They're not even a remote threat to our civilization compared to libs and shitskins.



>look guys I can speak for heaps of people

I literally hate Jews as a whole, individually or collectively.

Non-zionist jews are way worse.

really shows how humans are getting dumber

But we do hate jews. Almost as much as God hated them, and then you can double it down for having the audacity of stealing the word Jew to hide behind while they continue to worship Satan himself.

>Zionists are Ashkenazi
There are over a million Sephardim in Israel.

Jesus was a Jew though. Case closed.


If he was Jewish he wouldve been a retarded ghoul like the rest of them due to hundreds of years of inbreeding. God made him with divine dna and sheeeeeet

If you're worshiping the flesh, you have missed the point, user.


Jesus is of Judah, yes. Jesus is Judean, yes. This board needs to understand that people we call “Jews” today are in no way, shape, or form the children of Judah. Edomite imposters are the sons of Esau, Judah’s uncle. Ashkenazi and Khazar “Jews” are Talmudic converts descended from Japheth, NOT SHEM, through their ancestors Ashkenaz and Torgamah respectively. They are Turkic peoples who are not the chosen of the Most High.

>Beware in the last days those who say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan

This is true in a spiritual sense but the blessings of Abraham still apply to his physical progeny.

And neither Ashkenazi, Sephardic, or Khazaric Turks nor Ishmaelite or Edomite imposters are under that blessing.

Galatians 3:28, back to bible studies shlomo

yeah. He was so jewish the jews killed him.
Even if he was truly jewish blood and not half roman, he was generally anti-Semitic making it abundantly clear he was destroying their laws.

How about Sephardi? Are they legit?
>t. found out the other day my grandmother was born to a sephardi family and later became a catholic

What kind of catholic? Jesuit aka Jewsuit...

>I'm your enemy -- I define your movement

No Jew would sacrifice their life for the betterment of all mankind, but esp white people.

King of the Jews =/= Jew

>and all of them hate mudslimes even more than the average alt-right winger.
And they all hate whites as much as the average mudslime, the only difference is they have low time preference.

Jesus was king of the jews