Stop masturbating to girls older than 18
Stop masturbating to girls older than 18
Is it fine if she's thousands of years old, but still looks and acts like a 14 year old?
> like a 14 year old?
I know you're unconsciously convinced yourself of that, but those girls you posted look around 10, user. This is coming from a 7th grade school teacher by the way: 13 - 14 year olds usually look a lot more developed.
Fredrika looked better when she was older anyways.
What the fuck are you doing here on a lolicon thread? You could probably go to prison or at least lose your job if somebody finds out about this shit.
I'm not american or european, and I'm not really worried. I'm also not really attracted to actual children.
>not liking her in cat form
Where the fuck do you live? South America? Japan? Philippines?
First one. And let's say I'm from a part of said continent that's multicultural enough where I see white/asian kids very often. I'd say maybe 10% of your average 14 year old looks like your pic.
But girls over 25 are what i'm looking for since i'm 30
>I'm 30
>looking for girls over 25
Don't be a conformist, user. Depending on where you live you could easily marry a 16 year old
Sorry, OP.
Can't keep away from them thicc oba-sans.
But I don't.
Go away you imp.
I hope senpai never notices you and you turn into a catlady that no one wants.
user don't give me hope i know i'll never achive that goal
Not trying to give you hope, just stating facts. And if you're actually looking for girls in the first place, you are a relatively hopeful person in these parts so why not just aim just a bit higher? It's not really that crazy, if you make any money just look for poorfags in some bumfuck hick town or move to some 3rd world country.
so, Brazil?
Make me, you pedo.
>youthful body
>irresponsible, undeveloped mind
Not confirming or denying, but you're close. Either way I come from a place where the government is a joke I'm using google chrome right now too, that's how little I care.
Yeah, teens are retarded but that's no why you marry them. You marry them because by the time you'r a middle-age man in your 40's she's in her 20's.
I'll make you if its the last thing I do.
Brazilian girls are ugly as fuck. Why the hell are you even trying to compare beautiful 2D girls to ugly-as-fuck 3DPD South American girls?
Reminder that if you find anyone other 3D Japanese and Korean girls attractive, you should hang yourself.
I won't
>Finding 3D girls of any kind attractive
You should follow your own advice.
>Brazilian girls are ugly as fuck
Again, I'm from a place where most girls are fairly caucasian. I've been to america and europe a few times, and I'd say the average girl in my town is more attractive than what you see in most places in middle america. I also don't find actual koreans or japanese girls that attractive, in fact they are on average very ugly.
>normalfag trying to be superior
Get the fuck out of here with your 3DPD.
She's not a loli.
I like immortal lolies not because I care about being "legal" but because they'll stay lolis forever, unlike true lolis who only exist for a short amount of time before turning into hags.
Yes, she's a grown woman. Why can't you filthy lolicons like adult woman like her?
user, please.
Was just about to post in the favorite loli artist thread and braindead moderation deleted it.
>government is a joke
So Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay?
Any in south america to be honest. The most stable government's right now are in Chile and Peru, and even that's a mess.
She's 20.
I used to like lolis.
But now I like older girls.
One day, Sup Forums will learn too.
Why though? 12 is the legal age in a lot of places.
Rori actually looks it ohohoho
Venezuela. I'm from an international school there and there were plenty of diverse kids.
I guess that's fine too
You're just ill traveled, fellow sudaca. Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Uruiguay and even Paraguay have some very diverse towns. Bolivia and Equador have more homogenous population.
Also, Venezuela is a bit of a funny example, as their white middle class is currently fleeing their own country.
Reminder that when the chips are down, she wants to be an old hag too.
She's a traitor.
I'd rather shoot myself than be a disgusting pedophile
No thanks. I'm a grannycon, the way god intended.