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Stop making it worse.
Post Sup Forums related topics on Sup Forums to stop the anime spam.

Well, looks like someone is doing a hostile anime takeover of Sup Forums. Sorry Sup Forums, but I'm going to roll with this. Might do some good cleaning up the normalfags.

Kill yourself normie cancer, this is an anime website

>let#s spam people who have nothing to do with a single autist

great idea

Fuck off you fucking normie

Normies watch anime you dipshit and those niggers also lurk Sup Forums. Hell, dare I say that Sup Forums is full of those fags in general.


Fuck off to reddit


Kill yourself, get the fuck off my website

>my website


Rozen Maiden didn't even air back then m8

Normie wasn't a problem till you showed up, kys

Fuck off nigger.

No you fuck off, don't forget to kill yourself on the way out you queer

Did you just assume my gender

Yeah I did you triggered nigger

Are you guys still using vlc to watch your favorite animus? :^)

Normie is a word normalfags use because they didn't like using "fag" in the word.

Is this sexual harassment?

Well, it wasn't a very nice thing. Please refrain from doing so in the future.

It's part of site culture you raging newfag

Recommend me a good anime you fucking wee/a/boos


>Sup Forums is waging war on Sup Forums
For what purpose?


Kill yourself redditor

Boku no Pico

cory in the house
big bang theory

top 3 for me

Why? it's good and not cancer like Sup Forums

I already watched those, also I said good

Double You Ace Air


No it isn't, it's reddit culture that was brought over by normalfags.

Why the fuck is this facebook meme still allowed on here?
