Hunter x Hunter

Best boys when?

More like best girls when

Best girl

Fuck off.

>new chapter
>no Ging or Leorio or Bisky or Tserriednich
At least we got to see Hanzo

Cof cof shizuku

I want Kurapika to sexually crush my ribs

I kind of don't want to read until the MC's come back.

Hopefully never!

There are no MCs


best girl when

Yes there are. Their names are Gon and Killua

They were only MCs in some arcs, and have not been MCs since the midway point in CA. There are no permanent MCs and never have been

my favourite cat girl (male)

Leorio and Ging are the only reasons I still read this trash

Leorio, Ging, Kurapika, and Hisoka are going to be the new MC group.


Why are Leoriofags so delusional? He'll be just as irrelevant as he was in Yorkshin. Just face it, Leorio is a fuck up

my favorite cat girl (female)

Leorio = kuwabara

If you think HxH is trash then get lost already faggot.

acts like one

knuckle = kuwabara

>she will never use en on you while fucking and pleasure herself with your body while you're terrified and barely conscious

Honestly, why even live?

>Hisoka praised him
>strongest of the group physically
>Ging praised him
>member of the group that controls all hunters

That's not a fuck up.

>More Kurapika shit
Wake me up in 12 years when this mary sue extravaganza is done.

I want Pitou to turn me into her puppet to use as her personal sex slave

I doubt most of this is right, but Nanika wanting to return is an interesting thought.

Kuwabara got more screentime than Leorio has.

>Hisoka praised him

Because he had potential, but he squandered it, which is why he's a fuck up

>strongest of the group physically

In the second arc, he would get stomped by nenless Gon at this point

>Ging praised him

Also said he has potential, he just doesn't know he's a fuck up. Also it makes perfect sense that the least responsible person on the planet would praise a fuckup

>member of the group that controls all hunters

Only for PR purposes, not because he's actually contributing. And the only reason he brings good PR is because he's enough of a fuckup to talking about masturbating to a crowd of people

The MC was in the new chapter

Leorio wasn't irrelevant in Yorkshin. He literally helped with Chrollo getting captured.

I want to choke her (him) and pull her (his) hair and see the fear in her (his) eyes desu

Leorio is Kuwabara from the three kings saga x10

Threadly reminder that one piece, by sheer volume of chapters, will always be better than HxH because of this.

Why would she want to return? she seems pretty content with killua

Oh yeah he drove a car and yelled at chrollo, so useful

They are one big happy family!


so does this mean kurapika will actually have to work with beyond or pariston?

how will the zodiacs allow that?

Pitou is for tender love making only

Comparing Hunter X Hunter to one piece is like comparing a filet mignon steak to a sloppy joe...

Wait, how is he a fuck up? He's on the path to being a successful doctor, like he wants. Leorio was never meant to be a fighter.

Are you triggered because Leorio is in this arc instead of the target of your degenerate lust Killua?

We don't do tender around here.

>successful doctor

It's not gonna happen, we already know his personality type is not actually suitable to be a doctor, it's an ironic tragedy in the making. And he's a fuckup because he could be a world class hunter but is instead just trying to be a lame-o doctor. He could be a medicine hunter or something

By what standards has Leorio even "been" in this arc? He's had like two conversations. He was a just a plot device to get Togashi's fuckboy Kurapika involved

delete this

He alerted Gon and Killua to the plan and he kept Kurapika level headed so he didn't fuck up the whole thing. Yes, that's pretty useful.

I didn't know Gon/Killua vs Leorio/Kurapika was a thing. Guess I'm the only one who likes all of them.

They're the MCs you doofus.

I can't wait for hisocucks to be BLOWN the fuck out when togashi edges you again and has the clown die to Chrollo

>implying hisoka won't end up pissing off ging or something and getting one shotted

I know this is reverse-bait but so defensive and delusional.

I want to kiss Gon

It's not a thing, it's just a handful of shitposters and characterfags. Don't even acknowledge them.

>It's not gonna happen, we already know his personality type is not actually suitable to be a doctor, it's an ironic tragedy in the making.
Nice headcanon. It was stated by Melody that Leorio's kindess and care for his friends is what makes him most suitable to be a doctor.
>And he's a fuckup because he could be a world class hunter but is instead just trying to be a lame-o doctor.
This isn't even an argument. A lot of Hunters use the position to make it easier to reach their goal. And yeah, being a doctor is lame. Tell that to the next doctor that tries to save your useless life.

Is there anybody worse than Chrollo apologists?


It isn't, there's just a bunch of (probably secondaries) shitters who think the manga is shit if Kurapika and Leorio aren't there because they're the "main characters"

Why are speedreaders so prevalent?

At least have some decent arguments.

They Read fast and shitpost faster.

Can't beat them.

>Nice headcanon

Stopped reading, maybe use big boy words next time

Oh yes, because calling me a degenerate was a great argument.

Sup Forums is mostly filled with underage faggots who lack brain capacity or attention span, and they have invaded this board

I'm unironically serious friend. When the dust settles, shonens are judged by their totality. Wan Piss, for better or worse, has sustained the good-great range for close to 20 consecutive years. HxH hardly publishes and you and I can safely say HxH will never have even close to the amount of chapters OP has

>not even bothering to hide the fact that you're a dumb shitposter anymore

>strongest of the group physically
That'd be Killua. Or do you only count people around in the current arc

Merely as a plot device to make Killua (and Gon) go to the dark continent.
Realistically right now there's no reason for it to want to.

>shitposting about shitposters

Is there any greater irony?

>implying Chrollo will stand a chance against the 100-type rubber bodhisattva


>quality is the same as quantity
I know this is a low effort shitpost but 800 chapters of the same boring ass formula doesn't make it good, take your (You) and stop polluting these threads.

Chapters don't equal quality. Also I don't think you can judge how good a series is just be how long it's been running. Oda barely takes any hiatuses, while Togashi has been on many. HxH probably would've ended years ago was it not for the hiatus

The general impression of HxH will certainly improve if it was more consistent in art quality, writing and release but it doesn't have to be as long as OP to stand next to it.

Yep, that's Sup Forums for you. Same in the Boku no Hero Academia threads, can't possibly like several characters, you have to be autistic as fuck and choose.
It's like Sup Forums thinks it's a fighting game where you have to main someone
HxH game when?

Cancer Power rankings

1. Killuafags
2. Pitouposters
3. Chrollo Apologists
5. Kuripikafags

9001. Hisocucks (cheater and rubber posting)
900001. Leoriofriends

>HxH game when?

when we get more than 30 chapters in a year

Because you're a retard that can't back up anything you so.

>hisoturd can't count


>leorio's gonna be the next mc!
Let's move that last place a couple of spaces up. I say 4.


Clownfags are also at the very least number 2.

Stop trolling, nobody care...
Kill me.

I get that it's a shitpost, but why would being an emitter (ie being emotional) be a thing that makes you a bad doctor?
Granted this is fiction, but think Dr Cox from Scrubs, emotional yet good doc

>same boring ass formula
PLEASE take your regurgitated hivemind opinions elsewhere. "main characters overcome hardship" is pretty much the formula for everything if you boil it down to that level. Most arcs are substantially different, but I guess you wouldn't know that from your high horse

Hiso-chan described emitters as being not detail-oriented.

I assume most people don't bother to reread chapters after a long hiatus.

>main characters overcome hardship

If you generalize that much then everything will follow your formula, that being said even with a statement as general as that, it doesn't describe many arcs in HxH. Wan Piss follows a much more predictable and specific formula, if you read the first volume you've read the whole manga


There is literally nothing wrong with being a pitoufag.

>doesn't describe many arcs in HxH
He's baiting but you're retarded

Hisokas personality traits aren't perfect

0. hiatusfags

Pitou is my wife

Why was this animated?

Oh good, I didn't know I was retarded but now I do.

>only two arcs are decent (first half of Chimera arc was trash), the rest is pure shit
>only few characters are interesting, the rest are irrelevant background or inconsistent or Gary-stus characters
>recent chapters are snorefests and the focus in them is on the number one Gary-stu Kurapika
>art is very extremely bad
That's it, I've had enough. I'm dropping this shit for good.

Because Hisoka wants to give Chrollo a beej.

Illumi looks manly